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Posted by Wilds - 06-28-2022, 05:56 PM
ok we definitely want to check out the cosmetics and clothes areas right, you could look soooo cooooool (even cooler than you already do)

but for now, you might as well quickly check the shelves to the right - in case there's something useful there that you'd regret not having later.
Posted by Ignispark - 06-12-2022, 03:30 PM
Given the circumstances, the mask seems like a good thing to don right now, to be able to discern things better.
Posted by victorianflorist - 06-12-2022, 03:25 AM
Since you've compelled me to apologize. I must communicate my regret for yelling in your head, and humbly beg your forgiveness for my ample enthusiasm. I shall endeavor to remain reserved and restrain my excitement goin forward as to not offend your proverbial ears further.

I simply suggest checking the shelves nearby, we ought to see what we may salvage as possible equipment. These fortifications appear slapdash, as if whomever was holed up here was in quite the rush. Perhaps we wish not to encounter that which elicited said barricades.
Posted by King-Clod - 06-11-2022, 11:07 PM
Might want to check the shelves to the right to see if we can find anything useful while we're still in a lit part of the store.
I'd suggest putting on the mask if you go into the dark section though, I suspect you'll need the extra sight out there.
Posted by Lilium Mortem - 06-11-2022, 09:21 PM
Is this a zombie apocalypse? Bit you gotta tell us if this is a zombie apocalypse, that's the law. Regardless, someone was trying to fortify this place against something or someone hostile. They may still be here. and they may have already been turned

Also if you're already in another form from using Carbon, could you use it again?
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 06-11-2022, 07:29 PM
agreeing with above, but we should also be ready in case anything/something did/does find us

if it's nothing we should check the shelves to the right, then maybe head for Sporting Goods, that should probably have some good stuff for us
Posted by knux400 - 06-11-2022, 07:07 PM
That pot shattering made a pretty big noise. Let's pause a bit before we do anything else to see if that shadow decides to move in.
Posted by SHIVERS - 06-11-2022, 06:48 PM
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Politely request a few...
[Image: 04OJ7vx.png] INTUITION: bits
[Image: 04OJ7vx.png] INTUITION: ...of information.
[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: HAH.
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: Terrible. That isn't even funny.
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: . . .
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: ...alright, maybe that helped. A smidge.
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: Fine. Let's do that first.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Did you have ideas?

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Let's talk first. I have questions."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Alright."
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "What can ou-"
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "What can my class do? These abilities-"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Skills."
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: "...skills. What do these skills do?"
[Image: ymN8o4k.png] BIT: "Sure, I'll give you the descriptions as I have them."

[Image: lYWSx09.png] BIT: "Let's see..."

A tiny, floating book fizzles into existence in front of Bit.

:: BECKON ::
Call forth a random extranatural entity
If you form a bond with this entity, you may call it specifically in the future
Calling a random entity will be more demanding on the body. 
When beckoning a specific entity, roll appropriate extranatural stat.
Cannot call entities related to

[Image: jLXpGro.png] BIT: "...I don't believe this is worth using. Ever."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "An extranatural entity could more than likely solve any problem you'd throw it at."
[Image: esQtCFu.png] BIT: "And the positive stats means they shouldn't harm You."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "But everything beyond that is a risk. Anything could happen."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Even summoning a fairy."
[Image: OBNdbLy.png] BIT: "..."
[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: "..."
[Image: xF4BWET.png] BIT: "[SIGH]"
[Image: OBNdbLy.png] BIT: "...Yes. If somehow fairies turn out to be real, you might summon one."

:: BLUE ::
Perform a random extranatural skill by rolling the appropriate stat. 
MUST specify which stat is being rolled -
Blue Angel for SERAPHIC, Blue Fairy for REALMIC, and Blue Deep for DEPTH. 
Cannot roll MEMENTO skills.

[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "Ugh. Does it all have to be random chance?"
[Image: esQtCFu.png] BIT: "Often, yes. Get used to that."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "And this one is technically three skills."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "Blue Angel, Blue Fairy, and Blue Deep."
[Image: esQtCFu.png] BIT: "So, you'll need to specify which you want to use."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "Still risky, but you have a better chance of using something helpful that may not cause other issues."

:: CARBON ::
Take on the appearance of a random sort of extranatural entity for an indefinite amount of time. 
Stats and available skills may change.
Cannot appear as entities related to

[Image: jLXpGro.png] BIT: "Well."
[Image: Nnn8UHJ.png] BIT: "If you're in dire straits, I suppose... turning into something else could... help."
[Image: esQtCFu.png] BIT: "My guess is that you'd have greatly-improved stats and access to powerful skills. But that's only a guess."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "And... 'indefinite'. Could be an hour, could be a day - it doesn't specify."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "And I've never seen this skill used before."
[Image: esQtCFu.png] BIT: "You should be careful."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "I know what I'm doing. I'll be fine."

[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "Overall, my advice is to try and stick it out until you find other skills."
[Image: Nnn8UHJ.png] BIT: "If you have to use a skill sooner..."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "...Stick with Blue. Use Carbon in a pinch, and Beckon as a last resort."

[Image: esQtCFu.png] BIT: "And keep in mind:  using most skills will take a physical toll on you."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "It's typically as simple as feeling more fatigued depending on the strength and utility of said skill."
[Image: JEitsVD.png] BIT: "But... these are all extranatural skills. There's no telling what might happen to you."

[Image: esQtCFu.png] BIT: "Those are my thoughts, but it's ultimately your call."
[Image: 6y5H7NY.png] BIT: "Just don't get yourself killed."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "Sure, yes. Moving on."

Bit's book fizzles away.

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Is there a chance of you landing on your side, rather than your front or back?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Incredibly slim, but technically, yes, I suppose it could happen."
[Image: ZH5Jy4o.png] YAWN: "Oooh, what's it do? What happens?"
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: ". . ."
[Image: nJkqyzo.png] BIT: "...I don't know."
[Image: XN8svLW.png] BIT: "It never came up in training, and hasn't happened to me so far."
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "I'm sure it won't be an issue, either way."

[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Ask bit about that spooky eye.
[Image: 90deAS9.png] YAWN: ...No.
[Image: KFEbxuN.png] INTUITION: If it makes you feel any better, Yawn, that eye thing was freaky for us too.
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: But if you'd rather not discuss it, that's fine.
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: Yes, let's not.
[Image: 6gTEPlm.png] INTUITION: I won't talk much about what just happened for your sake Yawn but...
[Image: QZ2RvdX.png] INTUITION: ...I'm glad you're alright. You really worried me for a second there.
[Image: bKwEvGr.png] YAWN: . . .
[Image: j9Jy9Mb.png]
YAWN: ...thank you...

[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: ...Think that's plenty of questions. 
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: Let's go.

[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: "So!"

Yawn claps xer vines together.

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Slots!"

Xe step over to the slot machines, giving each a glance.

[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: At least your choice earlier got a little bit of the fairies in there.
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: Not the time-
[Image: Ps9UnuM.png] INTUITION: Now you have fairies entwined with you within and without. How delightful!
[Image: tLXEnv1.png] YAWN: ...You. I recognize that tone now.
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: You're the one who was screaming before.
[Image: hMK1KoB.png] INTUITION: Yawn, please set those slots a-spinning!
[Image: hMK1KoB.png] INTUITION: I'm personally feeling very lucky, don't touch those yel--
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: I'm not listening to a thing you say until you apologize.

Yawn takes a breath, not realizing xe'd been scowling.

Bit gives xem a confused glance.

[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "It's nothing! I... am..."
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "...having some trouble focusing."

[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Anyway, as for the slots-
[Image: 6gTEPlm.png] INTUITION: I think it might be worth pressing the yellow button for the green slot. 
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Just to avoid the chance of getting something associated with your COM stat.
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: I also think going with chance on all but the green is a good idea.
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: I don't trust leaving that one up to chance.

[Image: JsWcb22.png] INTUITION: ...But throwing caution to the wind has been the trend, so--
[Image: 90deAS9.png] YAWN: No.
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: Not this time.
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: ...Yellow button for the green one is fine. Easy.

Yawn pulls the lever on the orange machine first.

The four options cycle through each other,
soon landing on...


[Image: 8AKWoqa.gif] BIT: "Rolling . . . "

A sharp 'CLINK' noise rings out from Bit as if they'd been flicked into the air.

[Image: W8zLMO6.gif]

Momentarily, they 'land' with a dull 'THUNK',

then flip up onto their side so the result is visible . . .

[Image: pmFhsGK.png]

1 + 0 (no modifier) = 

[Image: 58mq7Ln.png] BIT: "Ah."

Bit flips back around.

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Unfortunate."
[Image: pg85fug.png] YAWN: "THAT'S what you look like on your other side?!"
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "Yes."

The machine sputters,
something clanking down into the slot at the bottom.

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Well, let's see what it is at the very least."

Yawn grumbles, reaching a vine into the slot and pulling out what's inside.

[Image: in33xXl.png]
A noisy toy hammer with hard metal discs attached to both ends.
Rolls with ABSENCE to attack.
Lower rolls are louder, but inflict more damage,
while higher rolls are quieter, but weaker.

Yawn squints at it,
experimentally pushing it against the slot machine.

It squeaks.

[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "...I want a redo."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "It could be worse."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "With the way your rolls work, that isn't a terrible weapon."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "It still looks painful to be struck by it."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "And if you fail a roll... at least it won't notify anything nearby."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "If you fail a roll, you mean."
[Image: ymN8o4k.png] BIT: "..."
[Image: JYUUDDt.png] BIT: "I don't have any more control over that than you do."
[Image: Xb7dTkT.png] BIT: "Asserting that I would do this intentionally is uncalled for, to say the least."
[Image: b94kIgi.png] BIT: " . . . "
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "...I don't want this to be a point of contention between us."
[Image: Kz8pE8x.png] YAWN: "..."
[Image: j9Jy9Mb.png] YAWN: "...sorry."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Alright. Let's move on from that, then."

Xe look over the hammer.

[Image: vFTRPyS.png] YAWN: "Do I have to carry this around?"
[Image: mBZ3J2f.png] YAWN: "I don't exactly want to advertise This as the thing I'm using to defend myself."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Try to put it in your pocket."
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "It clearly wouldn't fit."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Humor me."

The plant begrudgingly attempts to slide the Squeaky Hammer into one of xer pockets,
only for it to flash with red and disappear. 

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "There, it's in your inventory now."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "You can do this with lots of useful things you find, just be mindful of your slots."
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "Why does that work?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "I don't know the finer details of Melocania's mechanical systems."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Best to assume it's some kind of magic."

Yawn experimentally reaches for xer pocket.
A vague red shape materializes in xer hand, forming into the full Squeaky Hammer within milliseconds.

Xe brandish a grin.

[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: "Oh this'll be VERY useful."
[Image: d8uL4WA.png] BIT: ". . ."

Yawn taps the yellow button on the green machine, watching it indent.
With that, xe pull the lever.

Again, the options flip through,
settling on...


[Image: 8AKWoqa.gif] BIT: "Rolling . . . "

[Image: W8zLMO6.gif]

[Image: xY0dgjy.png]

20 + 1 (- 5) = 

Something clatters down into the slot.

[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: "Now THAT'S more like it!"
[Image: l5aljVW.png] BIT: "Congratulations."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Let's see what you ended up with."

Yawn reaches into the slot and retrieves the item.


[Image: Z3iBZ7z.png]
When worn, will reveal fingerprints, footprints, and other information to the wearer,
along with an enhanced sense of sight, sound and smell for a brief period of time.
Overuse could result in side effects.

Yawn dangles the mask by its string.

[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "...I can't imagine wanting to cover up my face."
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "More useful than the hammer, at least."

The plant eyes the purple machine up and down,
noting once more the giant stone circle connected to it.

[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "...What's this one rolling for, Bit?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Starting location. So, your roll determines where you end up first."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Considering it's using the Extranaturality stat group, I'd advise caution when going in, regardless of what you get."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "No need for that!"
[Image: iqXOm3X.png] YAWN: "I'm... sure I can handle it!"


Xe pull the handle.

The stats cycle as the mechanism spins,
ending with...


[Image: 8AKWoqa.gif] BIT: "Rolling . . . "

[Image: W8zLMO6.gif]

[Image: xY0dgjy.png]

20 - 2 = 

[Image: ZH5Jy4o.png] YAWN: "YES. Perfect!"
[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: "Another good roll!"
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "...That IS good for this, right?"
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "I assume so."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "We'll find out soon enough."


The machine turns over, whirring like a motor.

The stone circle hums to life.

Its parts rearrange themselves,
elongating while shrinking in height as the stones' grey color burns off into black.

Once reshaped into a black rectangle,
some fluid-like substance drips from its edges,
pooling into the center and gradually forming into a visible liquid 'screen.'

An image is visible on the screen, 
though it's blurry and glitchy.

[Image: id0ioXt.gif]

[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "It's a... TV? "
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "The shape of one, yes."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Melocania warps tend to resemble the destination they lead you to."

Yawn turns xer head, watching the screen.

[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "...What is that? A forest?"
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Hard to say. I'd guess a field at night."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png]] BIT: "I don't think it matters; this is the only exit."
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "I go THROUGH that?!"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Yes."
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "..."
[Image: UwlAZrn.png] YAWN: "Fine. Easy."

Yawn extends a vine.

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "...I'll-"

Upon making contact with the screen,
deep black and white static crackles across xer body,
xer form soon disappearing into the portal.


[Image: GgO5YJb.gif]

[Image: zLgw49d.png]


It's dark in here.


Very cramped.

Yawn groans, shaking off what feels like sleep.

[Image: vFTRPyS.png] YAWN: "...where...?"

Xe can't see much, difficult to even turn xer head.
There's pale white metal above xem.

The plant is stuck inside of something.

Yawn curses under xer breath, wriggling against xer confines.

[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "God's... sake, get me... OUT of this-"

Xe gasp as xe go tumbling off the metal shelf.

The clay planter pot shatters against the concrete floor, 
loosing the luko from its clutches.

Yawn shakes off the fall and collects xemself,
dazed but unharmed.

Though, xe soon realize what xe'd been contained in.

[Image: BfrpLLS.png] BIT: "!"

[Image: lYWSx09.png] BIT: " . . .  "

[Image: Eh0ykcW.png] BIT: "  .  .  .  "
[Image: Ebq3Q8t.png] YAWN: "Not a WORD."
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "...I said nothing."

Yawn gets xer bearings.

The area you're in looks to be the garden section of a department store.

There's a wall not far behind you,
that's technically a big window, you think.
You can't tell, because thick metal shutters are blocking you from viewing anything outside.
You can't see sunlight through the tiny holes, so you assume it must be night.

To your right,
there's a few long shelves, but most look empty from what you can see.
Still, could be worth checking for anything useful.

To your left,
you find an exit past a handful of registers,
but it looks entirely blocked off.
Two refrigerators are on their sides, stacked atop one another against the exit.
They likely stored sodas beforehand, as you see red, translucent liquid seeping out from underneath them.
You don't think you'd have any chance of moving them
and it doesn't look like there's room to squeeze around them, either.

Finally, in front of you,
you can see a pair of automatic sliding doors that lead through to the rest of the store.
It's more than a little dark, though.
Over half of the lights are off, as best you can tell.
You'd be able to see your way around, but someone - or something - could easily hide and ambush you.

You see a few signs through the glass:
'SPORTING GOODS' (not far through the doors, pointing to the right)
'HEALTH & COSMETICS' (a bit further, pointing to the left)
'2ND FLOOR' (further still, pointing to the right)
'CLOTHING' (as far as you can see, pointing even farther ahead)

You squint as you stare out into the shadows of the store.

You definitely saw something moving out there.

Posted by King-Clod - 02-27-2022, 06:25 PM
I agree, asking Bit what our class can do would probably be a good bet, at least before we exit this room.
Definitely press the yellow button on the green slot machine, I don't trust leaving that one up to chance. I'm also curious what a drama based item would look like, to be fair.
Oh and, I won't talk much about what just happened for your sake Yawn but. I'm glad you're alright. You really worried me for a second there.
Posted by Ignispark - 02-27-2022, 06:20 PM
Politely request a few...bits...of information. What was that spooky eye? What do the abilities do? Is there a slim chance of getting the edge of the coin instead of a face?

I also think going with chance on all but the green is good, and picking the yellow button for green is a good idea, but throwing caution to the wind has been the trend, so all slots spinning could be fun too.
Posted by knux400 - 02-27-2022, 09:21 AM
If it makes you feel any better, Yawn, that eye thing was freaky for us too. But if you'd rather not discuss it, that's fine.

Anyway, as for the slots- I think it might be worth pressing the yellow button for the green slot, just to avoid the chance of getting something associated with your COM stat. You should be alright playing the other two normally.
Posted by victorianflorist - 02-27-2022, 06:25 AM
At least your choice got a little bit of the fairies in there, now you have fairies entwined with you within and without. How delightful!

Yawn, please set those slots a-spinning! I'm personally feeling very lucky, don't touch those yellow buttons, yellow is the caution color for a very good reason.
Posted by SHIVERS - 02-27-2022, 06:15 AM
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: By the way, Yawn, apparently we're multiple voices instead of one cohesive one.
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: So we may have conflicting opinions on what to do. Sorry in advance, I guess.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Multiple? I only hear one. And what is this 'we' stuff? You're just a part of me.

[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: Also concurring on there being multiple voices coming from Intuition, there are a lot of us in here.
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: If it'd help, we could separate ourselves by name within this collective. Might make things a little easier.
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: Collect-- No? No!
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: ONE is enough, please.

[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Also, Hey Bit, what pronouns should we address you with?
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Not just Bit, any specific pronouns you'd want, Yawn?
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: Shouldn't you know? You... All? ...are in here... with me. Aren't you just--?
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: ...or... you're--

They drop the topic entirely.

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: ...Bit can't hear you, you're in my head.

[Image: WR1MQh7.png] INTUITION: ...can you say hi to Bit for us? they're cute.
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: . . .
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: Cute--
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: Intuition, they're a floating coin.
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: What's wrong with you?
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Or, what's wrong with m-

Yawn debates for a few seconds whether they find Bit 'cute' in any way.

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: Nope. That's all you.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: ...Fine, then you're... separate. Somehow.

[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: I'm not wasting any more time thinking about how that works.

[Image: WR1MQh7.png] INTUITION: Seconding saying hi to Bit from us, the tired bunny seems cool.
[Image: vFTRPyS.png] YAWN: . . . . . . . [SIGH]

[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: ...You owe me for this. Every one of you.

Yawn takes a breath.

[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "Intuitionsaysyourecute."
[Image: vVBNSo0.png] BIT: ". . ."
[Image: d8uL4WA.png] BIT: "...Pardon?"
[Image: pg85fug.png] YAWN: ". . ."
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "...Pronouns?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Let's stick with they/them for now. We just met."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Yours?"
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: "Xe/xem."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Noted. Did you decide on a class yet?"
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "I'm... thinking! Don't rush me."

[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Hmm...
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: Generally the preferred strategy with these kinds of stats is to buff up the ones you already have a high score in. 
Plus I feel like that would fit nicely with our choice of Pippit. 
That said, Yawn seems to have positive scores in Pace, Sense, and Drama, so a class that enhances those would be our best option. 
HORNET looks good to me.

[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: . . .
[Image: wr3hmIs.png]
INTUITION: You should probably go with something that shores up your negative stats while also improving where you're already good, 
because even if Bit's rolls (being either outright success or failures) are what happens when we do stuff, you should also consider for if you're contesting someone's rolls against you
looking at them I'd recommend the following:
PYTHON: a juicy looking +5 to being able to read and feint emotions is very tempting, 
and getting our
noodly force out of the gutter would potentially be nice as well, 
though the hit to precision isn't great and I'm not thrilled about the potential vulnerability to whatever the hell Depths holds.

[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: . . . Intuition.
[Image: hMK1KoB.png]
INTUITION: GULL is a similar situation to Python, but with a Pace boost rather than Drama, but to a slightly lesser extent. 
also trading the Depth negative for a Seraphic negative and I don't know which is more concerning.

SYLPH and CHRONICLE could also be fairly interesting with what you've got, especially if you feel like ditching some physicality for some wacky hijinks.

[Image: AINlPid.png] YAWN:    .   .   .   
[Image: XFXyYsw.gif]
INTUITION: There's also the mystery of what the skills do outside of our own intuition, so that's a fairly pick and prey subject at this time.
I think the best of these choices would have to be
WEASEL. It works off of one of the stats you already have, giving you a +5 to Drama,
and brings back up your Composure stat to a 0. 
The Magic influences are smaller in this build
than most others (which if we're following Bit's advice to keeping those influences small, is a good thing.) 
Your Precision would take a hit, but this class seems to give you the ability to slink around undetected more, which may suit you for the dangers up ahead.
Since we're already tempting fate...
MOCKINGBIRD would be quite fitting. We are already a chaotic mix of.... Intuition and you and have a coin buddy, 
might as well go all out
and pick MOCKINGBIRD, what could go wrong? And at the very least standing positive with most of the forces cant be all that bad
(if that's not an option I suppose
CHRONICLE followed by HORNET if that has more of a consensus between.... You and the rest of us)

[Image: j3VCX22.png] YAWN:

[Image: rJL2nlZ.png] INTUITION: SLYPH!!!
[Image: pg85fug.png] YAWN: !!!
[Image: hMK1KoB.png] INTUITION: SLYPH SLYPH SLYPH  Pick Sylph Yawn.
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: It'll quench--
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: NO, ON PRINCIPLE. You're in MY head, you don't get to yell at me!
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: No Screaming, or I CAN and WILL find a way to burn you out of here.

[Image: KFEbxuN.png] INTUITION: . . .
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: But as always, it is your decision in the end.
[Image: 6gTEPlm.png] INTUITION: What sort of approach would you like to take towards problems?

[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: ...

[Image: AINlPid.png] YAWN: ...

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Mockingbird."

[Image: XN8svLW.png] BIT: ". . ."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Please repeat that. Take your time to think."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "You wouldn't want to rush into anything."
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "I said it already. Mockingbird."

[Image: b94kIgi.png] BIT: ". . ."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Alright. I'll update your stat sheet."

[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "Give me a moment."

Bit disappears.

Something is wrong.

It feels as if something has clamped onto xem,
as if a towering mosquito is holding the plant still 

while it finds a blood vessel.

Yawn reflexively twitches and freezes, mouth agape.
A sharp sensation hits xem,
the tactile sense of brain, body, and something else being pierced from the inside.

The needlelike feeling gradually wears away.

But the
dread doesn't leave.

A dizzy spell overtakes Yawn.
Numbness spreads out through xer limbs like dull sparks.

Xer body trembles as xe fall to xer knees, unable to stand back up.

A burning fear crawls its way into into xer head,
attaching itself there,
hastily bubbling its way out to the surface.

Xe struggle to keep xer breath.

Pressure surrounds Yawn.
Tight, all-encompassing;

the inundating stricture of sunken abyss.

A fathomless, 

surrounded by tightening mass.

In the long below,

where the clawing roots of the most impressive flora don't dare reach.

In distant elsewhere,
something calls to xem.

A dwelling

names itself home, 
as one would title themself keeper of a pet.



offered by a cage.

Xer mind overflows with dim, fuzzy liquid,
static bleeding its way across the brain in shallow waves.

It's worryingly painless as memories blur,

swishing about, 


The past severs tendons long-bound,
filling them instead with strings of loose snow;

garbled and indecipherable. 

Bells toll far overhead.
Light breaches unseeable clouds.

A delayed vision hits xem.
For brief, dire seconds. 

Eyes meet.

[Image: GeGloAt.jpg]

The vision fades.

Yawn collapses.

Bit reappears near Yawn's shoulder, hovering over xem.

[Image: QxdPkwP.png]

[Image: vVBNSo0.png] BIT: "...Oh."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "I apologize. I didn't know how bad that would be."
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "...I really don't care for this new system. Playing with fire is putting it mildly."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Though, the effects would've been minimized if you'd gone for a less... drastic class."

[Image: b94kIgi.png] BIT: "...[SIGH]."

[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "But nevermind that. Are you alright?"

[Image: wXREz1H.png] YAWN: "I'M FINE."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: ". . ."
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "Your negative composure stat is going to become an issue very quickly."
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "I would recommend minimizing stress, as best you can."
[Image: PLthPTP.png] YAWN: "I... am fine! Honestly, you worry too much."

[Image: SQzLVpY.png] BIT: "...Alright."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Well, regardless, you can start correcting your stats next time you level up."
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "How does that work?"
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "Don't worry about that now. I'll explain in more detail later."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Do you feel able to continue into the next room?"

Yawn glances around the room, 
finding another door with a symbol, just like the previous one.

[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: "Of course I can."

Xe hurry over and tap the symbol, stepping through into the next room.

Inside, the room is quite small.

There are three machines lined up against the wall,
which vaguely resemble slot machines.

Each has a lever at its side, along with two displays on its front:  
the top one has a blank text readout;
and the bottom one with a simple number, currently at zero.
Additionally, they all have a yellow button next to their lever.

One machine is orange, one is green, one is purple.
The first two have huge slots at the bottom, presumably where a prize would drop to.

While the third slot machine is instead connected to a giant stone circle against the right wall.

[Image: 4y3GGqA.png] BIT: "I remember these."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Slots to provide some starting equipment and a first location, while letting you test out rolling."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Not a very helpful tutorial at all, in my opinion."

Yawn says nothing, still looking shaken.

Bit glances at xem, but doesn't bring it up.

[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "There isn't much to choose with these."
[Image: ymN8o4k.png] BIT: "Each machine revolves around one stat group."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Pulling the lever will randomly decide between the four stats in that group, then I'll roll to determine what you get."
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "You can also push the yellow button on one of them instead, which will automatically pick a positive stat to roll."
[Image: b94kIgi.png] BIT: "However, doing so will dock five points from your final roll, capping your reward."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Really, I wouldn't stress over the decision. If you get something you don't want, you can always sell it."
[Image: wXREz1H.png] YAWN: "I am not... stressed."

[Image: b94kIgi.png] BIT: ". . ."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "...Playing slots is a little exciting, isn't it?"
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "You should try and have fun with it."
Posted by King-Clod - 02-11-2022, 03:59 PM
As the other said, there are a lot of us in here. Meaning that the advice we give you will sometimes be...conflicting. If it'd help, we could separate ourselves by name within this collective. Might make things a little easier.

I think the best of these choices would have to be Weasel. It works off of one of the stats you already have, giving you a +5 to Drama, and brings back up your Composure stat to a 0. The Magic influences are smaller in this build than most others (which if we're following Bit's advice to keeping those influences small, is a good thing.) Your Precision would take a hit, but this class seems to give you the ability to slink around undetected more, which may suit you for the dangers up ahead.

But as always, it is your decision in the end. What sort of a approach would you like to take towards problems?
Posted by Ignispark - 02-11-2022, 02:10 PM
Since we're already tempting fate...Mockingbird would be quite fitting.
Posted by victorianflorist - 02-11-2022, 12:23 PM
SLYPH!!! SLYPH SLYPH SLYPH, Pick Sylph Yawn. It'll quench your thirst for advemture! Slyiiph!!!! Smile))))))

Nothikg quenches Luke SLYPH
Posted by Pichi2214 - 02-11-2022, 10:52 AM
Seconding saying hi to Bit from us, the tired bnuuy seems cool

Also not just Bit, any specific Pronouns you'd want, Yawn?

Aaand lastly, I mean. We are already a chaotic mix of.... Intuition and you and have a coin buddy, might as well go all out and pick mockingbird, what could go wrong? And at the very least standing positive with most of the forces cant be all that bad
(if that's not an option I suppose chronicle followed by hornet if that has more of a consensus between.... You and the rest of us)
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 02-11-2022, 10:33 AM
Also, Hey Bit
what pronouns should we address you with?
Posted by MarxzVulpez - 02-11-2022, 09:52 AM
You should probably go with something that shores up your negative stats while also improving where you're already good, because even if Bit's rolls (being either outright success or failures) are what happens when we do stuff, you should also consider for if you're contesting someone's rolls against you
looking at them I'd recommend the following:

[Python] a juicy looking +5 to being able to read and feint emotions is very tempting, and getting our noodly force out of the gutter would potentially be nice as well, though the hit to precision isn't great and I'm not thrilled about the potential vulnerability to whatever the hell Depths holds.

[Gull] Similar situation to Python, but with a Pace boost rather than Drama, but to a slightly lesser extent. also trading the Depths negative for a Seraphic negative and I don't know which is more concerning

[Sylph] and [Chronicle] could also be fairly interesting with what you've got, esp if you feel like ditching some physicality for some wacky hijinks

There's also the mystery of what the skills do outside of our own intuition, so that's a fairly pick and prey subject at this time.
also concurring on there being multiple voices coming from Intuition, there's a few of us in here
Posted by knux400 - 02-11-2022, 09:45 AM
Hmm... Generally the preferred strategy with these kinds of stats is to buff up the ones you already have a high score in. Plus I feel like that would fit nicely with our choice of Pippit. That said, Yawn seems to have positive scores in Pace, Sense, and Drama, so a class that enhances those would be our best option. HORNET looks good to me.

By the way, Yawn, apparently we're multiple voices instead of one cohesive one, so we may have conflicting opinions on what to do. Sorry in advance, I guess.

...can you say hi to Bit for us? they're cute.
Posted by SHIVERS - 02-11-2022, 08:50 AM
[Image: maCduPU.png] ???: Oh, we're not you. Our bad, existence is weird sometimes.
[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: Don't worry, I'm an expert.

[Image: maCduPU.png] ???: So like... Sorry about that whole being very pushy thing at first. Took a moment to realize.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Hmm...
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: I forgive you.

[Image: d9Es435.png] YAWN: ...This time.
[Image: q6ED15K.png]
???: !

[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: ...What?
[Image: jnXwcVe.png] ???: ...
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: I'm only playing with you!
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: Lighten up a little.

[Image: jnXwcVe.png] ???: ...Well.
[Image: maCduPU.png] ???: ...I do hope we can figure out what we are, and help you along the way!
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: You're in my head, so I'll figure out what you are!
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: And clearly, you're just my intuition. ...Or something.
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: So I'll call you that.

[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Oh.

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: Now, back to what I was doing.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Picking one of these things...

[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Obviously your input is valid too Yawn, but Twenty seems like the best choice here.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Possibly...
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: I personally think the coin seems most appropriate.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Could be, I do like th--
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: . . .
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: ...wait, what?
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: All creatures are creatures of extremes. And mayhaps when you accept risk...
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: You should always take the risk with the most likely outcome of success, and that is the coin--
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: There's something funky about Six...
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: ...Intuition, please--
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: Take that one - curiosity killed the, uh, plant.
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: But satisf--
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: You just said--!
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: How about the 20-sided die?
[Image: pg85fug.png] YAWN: . . .
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: ...what is... happening...? 

[Image: KFEbxuN.png] INTUITION: . . .
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: ...The coin would be an interesting pick.
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: It would be especially so if the coin has a slim chance of landing on its side.
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: ...Though, there seems to be something quite unique ab--
[Image: l93YmYf.png] YAWN: NO MORE, THANK YOU.

[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "Coin! Two! Whatever it's called."
[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "...Please and thank you."


The other two pillars fade out, breaking away into nothing as the dice disappear.

Yawn reaches out to grasp the coin,
but it fizzles away and disappears...

...Only to reappear just in front of Yawn's right shoulder,
fizzling back into existence with a soft, sifting noise.

[Image: lVc28Cm.png]

[Image: zQPvtSi.png]

[Image: RubQM1b.png]

[Image: 7Ka6C1V.gif]

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] ???: "Hello."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Hi."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] ???: "...I'll skip the pleasantries, if it's all the same to you.
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: "Oh. Sure."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] ???: "Customarily, denizens of Melocania give their pippet a name when they receive them."

[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: Perhaps the pippet can be called Denios?
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: You can name it whatever you like, Yawn.
[Image: wpXyasM.png] INTUITION: How about Bit? Six is a good name, too.
[Image: rHDs7Ju.png] INTUITION: Actually, just mash together whatever syllables come to mind.
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: Let's keep this simple.

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Bit's a good name for you."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] ???: "As in binary?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] ???: "Clever."
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: "...What?"
[Image: ymN8o4k.png] ???: "...Nevermind."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Thank you for the name."
[Image: SD6Wk06.png] YAWN: "Of course! I picked it out myself."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "There's some information we need to go over now."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "And I'd like to finish it in a comfortable amount of time."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Agreed. Try and make it quick. I'm sure I'll pick it up fine, anyway."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "...Let's get started."

"First off: Rolls.
Rolls are a naturally-occurring phenomenon of Melocania.
rolls are valued on a scale of 1-20, with higher numbers being a better outcome."

"As your Pippet, I will do these rolls automatically.
In my case, this consists of... flipping to see which side I land on.
This will determine the outcome of many actions you take, as well as passive events."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Given you chose me, your rolls will consist of 20s and 1s:  Critical successes, and critical failures." 
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "...I hope you consider yourself lucky."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Of course I do."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Let's hope you're right, then."

"In addition to rolls, outcomes are also determined by your personal stats.
stats will affect almost everything you do while in Melocania."

[Image: jnIJdec.png] YAWN: "I have those...?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Yes."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Here are your stats thus far."

[Image: xP0tuso.png]

[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "...'Com'... 'Pac'..."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "...Bit, I don't have a clue what any of these mean."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "That's alright. I'd planned to go over them with you."
[Image: b94kIgi.png] Bit clears their throat, or at least simulates the act.

"PHYSICALITY stats are shown in orange, and are relatively simple.
They deal with your physical body; how well you can use it, and what for.
Your effectiveness in combat is mostly determined by PHYSICALITY stats, as well.
At base level, these stats are affected by your species and morph, as well as any outlying physical attributes."

"Force is physical strength. 
How hard you can hit, how much weight you can lift, that sort of thing.
If you want to move, break or carry something sturdy, you'd need to roll
Additionally, your rating with this affects your ability to use large, heavy weapons."

[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "And I'm starting with a negative in this becaauuse...?"
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "I'm plenty strong."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Snap Lukos are typically less physically strong than other Luko morphs, owing to their small size and more delicate limbs."
[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: "...I'm an exception, then."
[Image: R9zsoKr.gif] BIT: "..."

"Precision is exactly as it sounds.
Anything that requires precise timing, positioning, or balance would require a Precision roll.
Weapons that require
Precision can be anything from rapiers to firearms."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "...Hey."

"Pace is your physical speed.
Not just how quickly you can run; it involves your reflexes, as well.
If you need to sprint, dodge something, or catch something, you'd roll
Pace weapons would include dual-wielded weapons, certain small blades, and rapid-fire projectiles."

"Absence is more of an outlier, but it comes down to stealth.
It involves keeping your presence to a minimum - thus the name.
If you need to hide, move silently, or blend in with a crowd, you'd roll
This stat mainly affects concealed weapons."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Does all that make sense?"
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Yes, yes, smash stuff. Got it."
[Image: SQzLVpY.png] BIT: "..."

"MENTALITY stats are shown in green, and affect how you think about the world, and yourself.
They often involve picking up on information you otherwise might not.
Though, they can also deal with emotions, and even certain physical activities.
At base level, these stats are affected by your personality; namely, questions you answered before spawning."

[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "What questions?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "...The questions you answered - most likely - a few minutes ago."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "You can't spawn without answering them."
[Image: vVBNSo0.png] BIT: "Have you forgotten already?"
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "I'm telling you, I never answered any questions!"
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "...It's alright. I wouldn't worry about it."
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "..."

"Composure is your ability to keep calm despite your circumstances.
It deals not only with stressful situations, but pain tolerance as well.
An important note is that it will not make you less stressed, nor heal your wounds.
It will only allow you to keep going despite these things, and hide your distress and pain from others."

[Image: UVUVNPm.png] YAWN: "There's another mistake on my stat sheet."
[Image: SQzLVpY.png] BIT: "There isn't."
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "I have a negative two in Composure."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "Correct."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "No, not correct."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "It is."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "Why? "
[Image: zQPvtSi.png] BIT: "...Let's move on, Yawn. I'd like to get through all this quickly."

"Sense is self-explanatory.
Attempting to gain information using your senses - your sight and hearing, mainly - will come down to a Sense roll.
Sense rolls often happen automatically, without warning, allowing you to potentially notice something in the moment.
It's worth noting that a high
Sense stat can lead to sensory overload if too much is happening at once."

"Inference deals with following logical threads to a conclusion.
Put pieces together and intuit solutions or answers based your available information.
And, when you can't solve a problem outright,
Inference will help you theorize better.
Though, endless over-analysis can be taxing on one's mental health."

[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "..."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "...I shouldn't have--"

"Finally, Drama deals with emotions, and 'acting.'
Detect the emotional cues of others better, as well as picking up on when they're acting in some way; typically lying.
On the flipside:
Drama helps you fake emotions more convincingly, and lie better in general, should you need to.
The stat may help you play other parts better, but it won't help you deal with repercussions if you're found out."

[Image: mBZ3J2f.png] YAWN: "...Don't look at me like that."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "I wasn't."

"The EXTRANATURALITY group of stats are in purple,
and are... new, to the expansion, replacing the old, simpler magic system.
They deal with extranatural entities, and can grant powerful... abilities,
at the expense of exposing yourself to extranatural forces - which I would say is inadvisable in all circumstances -
but especially in the case of having a negative in these stats, as you are essentially placing a target on your back."

"Seraphic deals with... angels.
Considering their reputation, I doubt I need to explain much.
Suffice to say, there are fates worse than death.
...However, begrudgingly, I can't brush off the immense power they hold.
There is no question that having an angel on your side could trivialize most potential problems.
The more sensible question, then, is:  Do you want an angel on your side?"

"Depth concerns the 'Neleval', which I know little about.
Research on them is practically nonexistent, due to their elusive nature and lack of concrete evidence on their existence.
There are really only rumors.
Supposedly, they existed even before the angels.
Supposedly, they speak an ancient, long-forgotten language.
It's all hearsay, really. But I would tread lightly."

Bit sighs.
"...Fairies. And fairy realms."
[Image: 33mM1Bb.png] YAWN: "You have a problem with fairies?"
[Image: zQPvtSi.png] BIT: "...Let's just say if any of these extranatural entities are purely fictional... I'd bet on fairies."
[Image: MW55xeC.png] BIT: "Put another way: They call them 'fairy tales' for a reason."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "Clearly, that's what they want you to think."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "..."

"Memento supposedly deals with 'Memoirs'.
All I know is that it's apparently a location,
and that memories are involved somehow, hence the name.
Beyond that, it's a mystery.
No rumors, no fairy tales, nothing. Clearly not something to involve yourself in."

"It's my opinion that this new magic system is volatile and dangerous,
and should not be tampered with. 
Luckily, if you have a flat zero in these stats, you will rarely if ever have to roll for them.
'Ignorance is bliss,' is the mindset I'd suggest sticking with."

"You are of course, free to make your own decisions."

[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "With that out of the way, let's see what the available class options are at the moment."

Proficiencies: FORCE / DRAMA / MEMENTO
Stat Changes: FORCE +3, DRAMA +3, MEMENTO +3, PRECISION -3, DEPTH -3
Class Skills: Prehensile, Lure, Shutdown

Proficiencies: PRECISION / PACE / SENSE
Class Skills: Nest, Venom, Mechanosensory

Class Skills: Squeeze, Slink, Feign

Stat Changes: SENSE +3, INFERENCE +3, MEMENTO +3, PACE -3, REALMIC -3
Class Skills: Track, Discernment, Record

[ GULL ]
Proficiencies: FORCE / PRECISION / PACE
Class Skills: Dent, Trip, Counter

Stat Changes: PRECISION +3, SENSE +3, SERAPHIC +3, FORCE -3, DRAMA -3 
Class Skills: Judgment, Divination, Halo

Stat Changes: INFERENCE +3, DRAMA +3, REALMIC +3, FORCE -3, PACE -3 
Class Skills: Charm, Glimpse, Flit

Proficiencies: FORCE / ABSENCE / DEPTH
Stat Changes: FORCE +3, ABSENCE +3, DEPTH +3, SENSE -3, INFERENCE -3 
Class Skills: Prong, Ink, Mitosis

Stat Changes: PACE +3, COMPOSURE +3, MEMENTO +3, SENSE -3, SERAPHIC -3 
Class Skills: Ghost, Ring, Overwrite

Class Skills: Beckon, Blue, Carbon

[Image: R9zsoKr.gif] BIT: "..."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "I wish you luck."

[Image: pg85fug.png] YAWN: "ER..."
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "What... do the different skills do?"
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "I am not allowed to tell you until you've chosen a class."
[Image: F9CmB6e.png] YAWN: "It's fine, just tell me."
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "I cannot. I am not allowed."
[Image: 45F5uuJ.png] YAWN: "...Bit. Tell me."
[Image: xhvZFlP.png] BIT: "..."
[Image: qIKW0N7.png] YAWN: "Bit! "
[Image: LgR9Bzr.png] BIT: "No."
Posted by skinstealer - 01-11-2022, 09:35 PM
Get That Coin
Posted by Ignispark - 01-11-2022, 05:09 PM
The coin would be an interesting pick. It would be especially so if the coin has a slim chance of landing on its side. Though, there seems to be something quite unique about the six-sided pippet. Either of those choices seem ideal.
As far as names, perhaps just mash together whatever syllables come to mind. Random chance for random chance. Perhaps that would be fitting.
Posted by King-Clod - 01-11-2022, 04:28 PM
How about the 20-sided die? The coin seems to bring far too much critical successes and failures, and the six-sided die is...concerning. You can name it whatever you like, Yawn.
Posted by Pichi2214 - 01-11-2022, 09:10 AM
Oh shit, sorry Yawn, did not realize we are not the same entity since we spawned in with your body. So like.... Sorry about that whole being very pushy thing at first, took a moment to realize.

I've seen plenty of people live their lives with a twenty die ....however they tend to have positive modifiers to increase luck, so maybe not.
Personally I'd pick 6 because critically failing does Not sound good.
As for a name.... I like Bit. Or Snore!! To match your name
Posted by Wilds - 01-11-2022, 06:37 AM
There's something funky about Six... Take that one - curiosity killed the, uh, plant, but satisfaction brought it back, and all that. Six is a good name in itself, too.
Posted by knux400 - 01-11-2022, 06:06 AM
Oh we're not you. Our bad, existence is weird sometimes. Obviously your input is valid too Yawn, but Twenty seems like the best choice here. As for a name... how about Bit?
Posted by victorianflorist - 01-11-2022, 05:40 AM
Sorry for assuming we were you yawn, I do hope we can figure out what we are, and help you along the way!

I personally think the coin seems most appropriate, all creatures are creatures of extremes and mayhaps when you accept risk, you should always take the risk with the most likely outcome of success, and that is the coin. 

Perhaps the pippet can be called Denios?
Posted by SHIVERS - 01-11-2022, 05:30 AM
[Image: 51814011959_eb6ff17972_o.png] ???: Do we remember anything from before we spawned? 
[Image: 51814388205_9b59c3d06a_o.png] YAWN: You mean, do I remember anything from before I spawned?
[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: Nope! How could I?

[Image: 51814011959_eb6ff17972_o.png] ???: It seems like we did it on purpose - why?
[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: I wanted to exist, of course! Wouldn't you?
[Image: 51813665971_f570f8277b_o.png] YAWN: What an odd question, voice in my head.

[Image: 51814011959_eb6ff17972_o.png] ???: Drink from the spout.
[Image: 51814388205_9b59c3d06a_o.png] YAWN: That discolored magic water I just spawned in?
[Image: 51814388245_c93ee89dfd_o.png] YAWN: Why don't I drink pool water, while I'm at it?
[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: No, I think I'm good on potentially being poisoned!

[Image: 51814011959_eb6ff17972_o.png] ???: Sit down and kick our feet in the water.
[Image: 51813665986_b3ff941232_o.png] YAWN: You sure are possessive of my body, y'know! And I only just got it.
[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: You could try being a little more polite! Either way, no time to mess around in the water.

[Image: 51814011959_eb6ff17972_o.png] ???: Take a closer look at the symbol. Does it mean anything?
[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: Some weird squares! Means nothing to me.

[Image: 51814011959_eb6ff17972_o.png] ???: Also: Touch the symbol. The symbol is flashy, I HAVE to touch it.
[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: ...I'll touch it, if it'll get me out of this tiny room.

[Image: 51814011959_eb6ff17972_o.png] ???: Go even further. Lick! That! Symbol!
[Image: 51814388245_c93ee89dfd_o.png] YAWN: ...You're hell-bent on me putting my mouth on things, huh?
[Image: 51813665986_b3ff941232_o.png] YAWN: Nope! Settle down.

[Image: 51814388205_9b59c3d06a_o.png] YAWN: Let's see here...

Yawn taps the symbol.

A dull tone pings,
like tapping a large crystal,
and the door parts in the middle, both sides sliding open.

[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: Easy.

They make their way through the door,
into another chamber, only slighter bigger than the last.

The door shuts behind them as they step inside.

[Image: 51814388205_9b59c3d06a_o.png] YAWN: . . .

The mirrored water takes up the lion's share of the floor in this room,
though some of the indigo-patterned stone has risen up in the center to 
create a circular island, with a short stone bridge leading over to it from the entrance.

Concerningly, there are no other doors in the room.
However, in the center of the stone island, there's a floating, circular platform.

With nothing else to do in the room,
Yawn hurries over and hops up atop it.

The floor fades away,
along with everything else in the room save for the platform Yawn stands atop;
all of it is replaced by a black void with simple, colorful stars rushing past, 
as if the platform was rapidly rising.

[Image: 51814009829_3dbc541fa2_o.png] YAWN: ...Probably not good.

Three pillars rise up around the platform in sequence,
each one containing a floating shape at the top.

A calm, angelic voice pours itself gently into your head . . .

These are Pippets.

One will help you on your travels throughout
Most actions you choose to take will succeed or fail depending on your Pippet.
Your Pippet may know or see things you cannot, as well.

You will learn to depend on one another.

Please choose one to be your companion, 
and give it a name, for good luck.

[Image: 51814392200_02bb69ddba_o.png]
A standard choice for most Melocanians; possessing a fair range of outcomes.
Merely risking a rare chance of Critical Failure, or Critical Success.
The scales stay balanced, with a little luck.

[Image: 51813770758_2b30754349_o.png]
The s̵̲̈́a̵̧̽f̸̠̄ë̷̖́s̴̟͆ț̶̕ Pippet to bring along.
Its smooth curve of outcomes brings about ṋ̸̣̚ö̷̥̺ Criticals.
For those who wis̸̻̭̰̼̼̓̎h̵̺͚̫̩̟̹͊̉́ͅ ̸̰̬̠͎͔̿͛͑̋t̸̨͙̖̯̫͆̆́̂̿̈̚o̵̡̝͇͕̥͑̀̏̇̔ ̴̧̡̙͓̻̾̈͆̾̀̓̚a̷̡̡̼͚̲̯̤̓̂̏̆͠void grand failures ...and grand successes.

[Image: 51814013384_04df622a03_o.png]
For it is but a coin, it has only two sides:
Success and Failure. Both are Critical.
Unmerciful chaos awaits.

Choose wisely . . .

[Image: 51814388205_9b59c3d06a_o.png] YAWN: "...Oh."
[Image: 51814388215_daf45a8308_o.png] YAWN: I take it back.

[Image: 51814388205_9b59c3d06a_o.png] YAWN: Hmmmm... Which to choose, and what to name it...
Posted by King-Clod - 01-07-2022, 02:21 PM
Sit down and kick our feet in the water. Maybe take a sip from the spout.
Posted by victorianflorist - 01-07-2022, 12:38 PM
Go even further, Lick! that! symbol!
Posted by knux400 - 01-07-2022, 07:51 AM
Take a closer look at the symbol. Does it mean anything?

Also head to the spout and take a S I P P of that delicious spawn water
Posted by Wilds - 01-07-2022, 06:58 AM
Do we remember anything from before we spawned? It seems like we did it on purpose - why?

Also: touch the symbol. I Need To Touch The Flashing Thing Even If It Does Absolutely Nothing. Forget the door THE SYMBOL IS FLASHY.
Posted by SHIVERS - 01-07-2022, 06:52 AM
[Image: lffA6Sp.gif]

[Image: y2StXVQ.gif]

[Image: UFLrI8M.png]

You feel as if you've just woken up from a long, long sleep.

You're still a little groggy.

You take your first breath.

Which comes as more of a yawn instead.

Water fills your mouth and nose.

You are very awake now.

[Image: zlGmnCX.png]  ???: oh gO d--

Desperately, you flounder your way towards the surface.

It's a very short swim: 
You reach an edge to haul yourself up within seconds.

[Image: VVVaOmr.png] ???: "[GASP] ...ggGUH-"

[Image: M4UThLu.png] ???: "[COUGH]... [COUGH, COUGH]"

You wipe your face and catch your breath.

[Image: R36aYMw.png] ???: ". . ."

[Image: R36aYMw.png] ???: "...What."

You remember that you now own a body.

...Oh, right.

You make your way over to the pool you spawned from,

and gaze into its reflective surface . . .

[Image: X1Ts2MF.png] 

[Image: D7ZYmFW.png] ???: "Not bad at all!"

[Image: e90BBLs.png] ???: "This'll do nicely!"

[Image: R36aYMw.png] ???: "Would've loved to be taller, but..."

No reason to doubt myself when I've only just spawned.

[Image: D7ZYmFW.png] ???: "...Scratch that. It's perfect."

Though, could use a name to go with it...

You think back to... seconds ago.

Your first extant thoughts in the real world.

[Image: D7ZYmFW.png] ???: Let's go wiiiiiith-

[Image: D7ZYmFW.png] ???: ...Yawn.

[Image: e90BBLs.png] YAWN: Perfect! Easy.

[Image: D7ZYmFW.png] YAWN: There. Existence isn't so hard.

[Image: R36aYMw.png] YAWN: Now... Where the hell am I...?

Finally deciding to take in your surroundings, 
you give a cursory glance.

Currently, you're in a tiny, wet chamber.

There's the odd, mirror-sheen pool you spawned from,
as well as a thin spout above that's draining into it,
dripping more of that reflective blue water.

Indigo-colored, patterned stone makes up the floor, walls, and ceiling of the room.

There is also a single, stone door
with a flashing cyan symbol on the wall beside it.
Posted by victorianflorist - 01-06-2022, 06:09 PM
> Trillvette

1. How do you feel about conflict?
> I could really take it or leave it. I make my best efforts to avoid conflict with discussion or diplomacy, but I am not afraid to defend myself and those I love if the need arises.

2. How do you feel about being alone?
> Solitude is an indulgence of mine, often to the neglect of the relationships I hold dear.

3. How do you feel about drawing attention?
> I protect myself from abandonment with boisterousness, attempting to make myself invaluable as a companion. 

4. When is it okay to trust someone else?
> I haven't learned that lesson yet...

5. Which is more important in a bad situation?
    A. Acting quickly before things get worse
    B. Making a plan so nothing goes wrong
    C. Both

When speaking about yourself, how much do you agree with the following statements?

6. I would ALWAYS rather receive pain than cause it.
    A. Strongly Disagree
    B. Disagree
    C. Neutral
    D. Agree
    E. Strongly Agree

7. I am NEVER afraid.
    A. Strongly Disagree
    B. Disagree
    C. Neutral
    D. Agree
    E. Strongly Agree

8. I would ALWAYS rather give help than receive it.
    A. Strongly Disagree
    B. Disagree
    C. Neutral
    D. Agree
    E. Strongly Agree

9. Describe yourself with three adjectives.
> Contemplative, Curt, and Secretive

10. What sort of music suits you?
> Something classic, timeless, if you will.

11. What will be important to you?
> That seems like a question that answers itself, what will be important to me will be as the wheel turns.

12. What are you afraid of?
> Being left behind again...
Posted by Pichi2214 - 01-06-2022, 05:56 PM
Species: luko

5. Which is more important in a bad situation?
6. I would ALWAYS rather receive pain than cause it.
7. I am NEVER afraid.
8. I would ALWAYS rather give help than receive it.
Posted by knux400 - 01-06-2022, 04:48 AM
Mash the Barebones button for about 5 seconds straight and then hit Luko if that doesn't work. (im not biased your biased)

1. How do you feel about conflict?
I avoid it when I can, and end it as quickly as possible when it happens.
2. How do you feel about being alone?
It can be comforting in the right situation.
3. How do you feel about drawing attention?
Only when I absolutely need to.
4. When is it okay to trust someone else?
I can trust a close friend, but not many people beyond that.
5. Which is more important in a bad situation?
    B. Making a plan so nothing goes wrong
6. I would ALWAYS rather receive pain than cause it.
    D. Agree
7. I am NEVER afraid.
    B. Disagree
8. I would ALWAYS rather give help than receive it.
    E. Strongly Agree
9. Describe yourself with three adjectives.
Loyal, Creative, Trustworthy
10. What sort of music suits you?
Electronic music with strong melodies
11. What will be important to you?
My friends.
12. What are you afraid of?
Loss and powerlessness.
Posted by Wilds - 01-06-2022, 04:47 AM
SPECIES: Replix (Wax)

1. It can be exciting and invigorating unless I am responsible for it. If conflict happens because of someone else, I am intrigued by it and like to be involved. If I am the cause of the conflict or feel I am being blamed or confronted, it makes me anxious and prone to lashing out.

2. It is both comforting and terrifying. I like to be alone on my own terms, but when I feel people are withdrawing from me, I panic.

3. Similarly to the above, I like drawing attention on my own terms: if people are paying attention to me because I've done something praise-worthy or impressive, I enjoy it. If people are looking too closely at me otherwise, I feel they are perceiving all of my faults.

4. Only when you are sure they trust you first.

5. A. Acting quickly before things get worse

6. A. Strongly disagree

7. A. Strongly disagree

8. B. Disagree

9. Resilient, hypervigilant, insecure

10. Video game OSTs.

11. The way other people perceive me and my actions. Not just my reputation exactly, but what people think of me, and whether they are judging me as a good person or a bad one.

12. Moral judgment, especially from people who don't know me at all. Having my secrets revealed to the world. Being watched.
Posted by King-Clod - 01-06-2022, 03:10 AM
1. It's very variable. I tend to avoid it because I'm often wrong about things, but when I'm right and I know I'm right? I thrive in it. There's nothing more thrilling than being right and getting to rub that in everyone's faces.
2. It doesn't feel great. Being left alone with my thoughts is. Uh. Next question.
3. Oh I love it. Almost was gonna go into a profession as a comedian if I wasn't so scared of criticism. But positive attention? I can't get enough. I do everything I can to seek it out.
4. You never really can, honestly. But that's alright. Sometimes the only people you can trust are your journal, your dog, and yourself. You can always tell others little bits about yourself, but never everything. No one would want to really know us anyway.
5. Act quickly. You can't do both. And waiting too long lets things fester. Better to try and make things worse than to just sit back and watch.
6. Disagree. I'd love to say I'm altruistic but like. Let's be honest here.
7. Neutral. Probably just. As much as the regular person I think? (OOC: Is lying)
8. Strongly agree. I like to help people! Also I'd sooner die than have someone try to help me out. Only I can help myself.
9. Observant. Hilarious. Realistic.
10. Oh I was waiting for this one. Video game music sped up and remixed. It never goes fast or hard enough otherwise.
11. The future. I need to make sure it's better. I'm the only one who can.
12. ...Being known. Being truly, utterly seen, and known. There always has to be at least one layer of obfuscation.
Posted by Ignispark - 01-06-2022, 02:09 AM
Spawn: Chorosy

1. How do you feel about conflict?
Not ideal, it's usually far from the best tool for the job. Best to get over with it precisely and quickly when it arises.

2. How do you feel about being alone?
It is what it is. There's nothing wrong with being alone. There's nothing wrong with not being alone.

3. How do you feel about drawing attention?
It is best avoided, unless it's necessary to get things done.

4. When is it okay to trust someone else?
When you have no other choice.

5. Which is more important in a bad situation?
C. Both

6. I would ALWAYS rather receive pain than cause it.
D. Agree

7. I am NEVER afraid.
C. Neutral

8. I would ALWAYS rather give help than receive it.
E. Strongly Agree

9. Describe yourself with three adjectives.
Jaded, Focused, Volatile

10. What sort of music suits you?
Experimental Electronic

11. What will be important to you?
Leaving things better than how they were found. Also, self-improvement.

12. What are you afraid of?
Royally screwing things up instead of making things better.
Posted by ThreadLurkingComorant - 01-06-2022, 01:20 AM
Spawn: Trillvette

1. How do you feel about conflict?

Something to avoid if there's better options but face head on if it'll lead to improvement.

2. How do you feel about being alone?

Don't mind every once in awhile.

3. How do you feel about drawing attention?

I like to lay low.

4. When is it okay to trust someone else?

When the trust is mutual, but you have a plan in case it's not returned.

5. Which is more important in a bad situation?

    A. Acting quickly before things get worse

When speaking about yourself, how much do you agree with the following statements?

6. I would ALWAYS rather receive pain than cause it.
    D. Agree

7. I am NEVER afraid.
    B. Disagree

8. I would ALWAYS rather give help than receive it.
    E. Strongly Agree

9. Describe yourself with three adjectives.

Volatile, tired, cocky

10. What sort of music suits you?

Experimental Rock/Psychedelia 

11. What will be important to you?

Being Remembered fondly.

12. What are you afraid of?

Burdening others.
Posted by SHIVERS - 01-06-2022, 01:05 AM
[Image: TmzwDj6.png]


1. Flexin (Business Meeting)
2. Tauntamount (Spoon) - LIMIT REACHED
3. Snuglin (Squeakers) - LIMIT REACHED
4. Trillvette (Regatta)
5. Luko (Snap)
6. Zwadeim (N/A) - LIMIT REACHED
7. Chorosy (Moonwalker)
8. Beatfox (Lucky) - LIMIT REACHED
9. Replix (Wax)
10. Barebones (Sheala) - LIMIT REACHED

[Image: mVhoSXz.png]

1. How do you feel about conflict?

2. How do you feel about being alone?

3. How do you feel about drawing attention?

4. When is it okay to trust someone else?

5. Which is more important in a bad situation?
    A. Acting quickly before things get worse
    B. Making a plan so nothing goes wrong
    C. Both

When speaking about yourself, how much do you agree with the following statements?

6. I would ALWAYS rather receive pain than cause it.
    A. Strongly Disagree
    B. Disagree
    C. Neutral
    D. Agree
    E. Strongly Agree

7. I am NEVER afraid.
    A. Strongly Disagree
    B. Disagree
    C. Neutral
    D. Agree
    E. Strongly Agree

8. I would ALWAYS rather give help than receive it.
    A. Strongly Disagree
    B. Disagree
    C. Neutral
    D. Agree
    E. Strongly Agree

9. Describe yourself with three adjectives.

10. What sort of music suits you?

11. What will be important to you?

12. What are you afraid of?
Posted by Ignispark - 01-05-2022, 10:15 PM
>Enter, then press F1 for help.
Posted by victorianflorist - 01-05-2022, 09:56 PM
> Enter
Posted by King-Clod - 01-05-2022, 09:40 PM
Posted by SHIVERS - 01-05-2022, 09:27 PM
[Image: A0oS02q.png][Image: Z7MLMoo.png]