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adventures of aspersion
A. Face the jackals. You could probably put the fire out by smothering it with dirt rather than using the last of your water, but you need to eat and your food is worth defending - especially since you don't want to be cornered in there, and if they can smell the meat there's every chance that just putting the fire out won't dissuade them.
Maybe we can use the fire to our advantage...

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Messages In This Thread
adventures of aspersion - by gothica132 - 10-09-2022, 08:41 PM
RE: adventures of aspersion - by Wilds - 10-09-2022, 08:59 PM
RE: adventures of aspersion - by skinstealer - 10-09-2022, 09:01 PM
RE: adventures of aspersion - by skinstealer - 10-13-2022, 01:31 AM
RE: adventures of aspersion - by Ignispark - 10-13-2022, 01:34 AM
RE: adventures of aspersion - by Ignispark - 10-14-2022, 06:41 PM
RE: adventures of aspersion - by gothica132 - 10-31-2022, 02:41 PM

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