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01-28-2023, 01:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2023, 04:44 PM by Wilds.)
a lil list of the ones we're interested in + which system members might want one, just for our future reference
pompet - jellies/sugars swirlshell - bard inktrail - bard flapray - sugars spinnermane - chief tinystep - sugars/miel/bard comfypaws - max purrsicle - hal/max jigglie - jellies/hal stubbigator - hal colorpillar - bard witchikins - max snugglobe - hal slumberwool - sugars/james ringdrome - hal cosmonaut - sugars kickflipz - bard/chief bigeye - max spikeling - miel packling - bard bootly - miel noodlefish - james reesifur - james/erik rafflemane - deb hazydaze - miel scarelouette - max/bard gazer - bard/chief leviafriend - wolf crinkler - bard/chief snowpuff - bard/sugars swashbuckler - bard inconsolabuddy - jellies/sugars/bard wishtank - erik/james swellophant - miel/sugars tipsyturvy - james sandfort - miel skelegeist - max kibbler - chief softbake - bard/sugars princecake - sugars/jellies questgiver - lola gottaway - bard/chief choppem - max/james/bard sacredheart - dandelion sneakz - miel jailbird - deb/chief sootypaws - jellies/chief cremegill - erik/james marimotee - bard/dani lostling - hal/max squashy - jellies clawclops - chief knitly - dannii wriggler - jellies snuffler - wolf/max toony - vinny sparkler - dannii/vinny spacedust - hal/max/deb luckster - miel/bard loppacino - miel/kid brightly - dandelion/kid wyrmy - hoisin/hal stuffinz - bluebear squeakums - vinny/james bunno - miel/james fairfolk - sugars/hal meatball - wolf/hal rawrz - dannii/vinny loon - bard/vinny/kid cherub - dani/dannii bonded - deb/max finery - vinny/jellies crushin - max
no comments just to keep things clean for now!
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02-02-2023, 11:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2023, 07:08 AM by Wilds.)
SICKFRUITstubbigatorxe/xyr, it/its written by HAL Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Lab assistant Personality: Paranoid, stubborn, well-intentioned Neighbourhood: Cityscape - extremely distracted at all times, often lost in daydreams - likes to craft things - always needs something to fidget with
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02-02-2023, 12:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2023, 07:07 AM by Wilds.)
TRIPpacklinghe/it written by Bard Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Adventurer Personality: Silly, forgetful, strong sense of justice Neighbourhood: Smallscale - always needs a friend to act as his impulse control - hates to leave a job unfinished, but often does - prone to moodswings
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02-03-2023, 01:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2023, 07:07 AM by Wilds.)
MATCHBOXcomfypawsshe/they written by Max
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Hunter and trader Personality: Withdrawn, highly emotional but very reserved, grudgingly kind Neighbourhood: Travels between two homes; one in the Wildlands and one in the Cityscape
- traps and captures creatures to trade them to Rootplough - has an unpleasant temper if she believes someone is doing something morally wrong - kind to those they consider 'weaker' than them
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02-03-2023, 04:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2023, 07:07 AM by Wilds.)
![[Image: noodlefish_-_james.png]]( MATELOTnoodlefishhe/him written by James
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Sailor Personality: Sweet, skittish, introspective Neighbourhood: Shoreside
- does surprisingly well under pressure - constantly trembling, but speaks eloquently - has a hard time asserting himself
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02-03-2023, 04:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2023, 07:07 AM by Wilds.)
![[Image: bootly_-_miel.png]]( ROOTPLOUGH (aka Root)bootlythey/them written by Miel
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Farmer Personality: Hard-working, easygoing, friendly Neighbourhood: Smallscale
- a homebody that prefers to stick to their neighbourhood - has a loud, raucous laugh that makes others laugh with them - runs a farm, also takes in creatures from Matchbox and rehabilitates or domesticates them
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02-03-2023, 05:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2023, 07:07 AM by Wilds.)
![[Image: rafflemane_-_the_sugars.png]]( VITArafflemanehe/him, ze/hir written by Deb/the Sugars
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Medic Personality: Diplomatic, bitter, aloof Neighbourhood: Haunting Grounds
- partnered with Sweetloaf in a very butch/femme-coded relationship - doesn't particularly like daylight, prefers the dark - hates wastefulness
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02-03-2023, 05:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2023, 03:13 PM by Wilds.)
![[Image: cosmonaut_-_sugars.png]]( SWEETLOAFcosmonautit/its written by the Sugars
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Artisan baker Personality: Idealistic, observant, compassionate Neighbourhood: Candyland
- partnered with Vita in a very femme/butch-coded relationship - loves to ramble about its special interests, usually baking - lived in Outer Space for most of its life but moved to Candyland to open a bakery/cafe
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02-03-2023, 05:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2023, 04:46 PM by Wilds.)
![[Image: questgiver_-_deb.png]]( SHEVAquestgivershe/her, it/its written by Deb
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Pet Shop Owner Personality: Direct, soft-spoken, reassuring Neighbourhood: Wildlands
- chronic overthinker - struggles with existential crises on a regular basis - has trouble keeping friends
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02-04-2023, 03:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-05-2023, 04:46 PM by Wilds.)
![[Image: gottaway_-_bard.png]]( CHUMMYgottawayhe/they/it written by Vinny
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Fisher Personality: Erratic, rude, loyal Neighbourhood: Shoreside
- sadistic but in a goofy sort of cartoon villain way >:) - longs to hunt for treasure - easily bribed with food, trinkets, and anything with a reflective surface
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![[Image: choppem_-_bardmax.png]]( HARDYchoppemhe/him written by Bard/Max
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Farmhand Personality: Reticent, soft-hearted, reserved Neighbourhood: Wintermint
- barely ever at home, prefers to always be working, usually with Rootplough - always happy to do tasks for other critters, regardless of any rewards, which makes him well-liked - panics when others seem to value him for more than just his work
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![[Image: ringdrone_-_hal.png]]( CLEPSYDRAringdronethey/it written by HAL
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Chemical engineer Personality: Driven, innovative, cunning Neighbourhood: Outer Space
- can be manipulative, but is in turn easily manipulated - works to a distressing degree that makes it difficult to maintain friendships, and also makes those around it kind of uncomfortable - chronically lonely and prone to isolating itself to avoid rejection
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02-04-2023, 07:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-04-2023, 07:08 AM by Wilds.)
![[Image: slumberwool_-_james.png]]( TWINKLEslumberwoolshe/they written by James
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Tailor/seamstress Personality: Talkative, loving, generous Neighbourhood: Outer Space
- loves to make clothes for their friends, especially as a surprise gift - always stargazing and coming up with fun new constellations and stories behind them - affectionate even with strangers, and will happily give you a hug
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![[Image: scarelouette_-_max.png]]( VINDICATEscarelouetteze/zir written by Max
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Paranormal investigator Personality: Curious, thrill-seeking, vengeful Neighbourhood: Haunting Grounds
- works alongside Validate despite their disagreements - always has to have a purpose driving zir forwards - has a lot of inexplicable knowledge about various medications
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![[Image: scarelouette_-_bard.png]]( VALIDATEscarelouettexe/xyr written by Bard
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Paranormal investigator Personality: Cautious, polite, good-humoured Neighbourhood: Haunting Grounds
- works alongside Vindicate despite their disagreements - hobbyist botanist with an interest in the scientific side of things - knows everyone, always looking to stay on everyone's good side
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02-05-2023, 04:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2023, 02:52 PM by Wilds.)
![[Image: sneakz_sugars.png]]( SADIEsneakzshe/her written by Miel
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Gardener Personality: Melancholy, dishonest, panicky Neighbourhood: Cityscape
- doesn't do well under pressure, gets stressed out easily - doesn't talk about her past, ever - constantly worried about hurting others
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![[Image: crinkler_-_bardchief.png]]( ERSATZcrinklerit/its written by HAL
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Comedian Personality: Boisterous, persuasive, argumentative Neighbourhood: Candyland
- can't stop recommending its favourite radio shows - likes breaking things to see if they can be put back together - scared of physical contact (do not open!)
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02-05-2023, 03:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-06-2023, 03:13 PM by Wilds.)
![[Image: bigeye_lola.png]]( LOCKEYESbigeyeshe/they/it written by Lola
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Spacefaring explorer Personality: Intense, devoted, self-conscious Neighbourhood: Outer Space
- loves liminal spaces - wants to visit the deepest parts of the ocean - believes she's haunted by ghosts
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![[Image: princecake_bardelion.png]]( STRUMMING LUTEprincecakethey/he written by Bard/Dandelion
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Trader and artist Personality: Prissy, eloquent, fanciful Neighbourhood: Candyland
- primarily trades their art in exchange for anything that catches their eye - has very particular aesthetic and culinary tastes - longs for a best friend who understands them
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![[Image: snowpuff_-_custom.png]]( HEXsnowpuffhe/him written by Max
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: Mountain Emergency Rescue Personality: ??? Neighbourhood: Wintermint
- ???
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![[Image: swashbuckler_happygolucky.png]]( HAPPYGOLUCKYswashbucklerhe/it, plural they/them written by Bard
Universe: Critter AU Occupation: None Personality: SO EXCITED ALL THE TIME Neighbourhood: Cityscape