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[WORLDBUILDING] - MONTHLY PROMPT OCTOBER 20 - Witches, Wizards, and Darkest Night
What sorts of traditions have inhibited witch activity?

Traditions inhibiting witch activity vary greatly based on regions and individual zones, but as a general rule, regions that have scraps as a myth (or just generally disbelieved) generally make witch equipment harder to get- this applies to most zones in Morbit. Regions/zones that consider scraps to be outright dangerous can directly hunt witches and wizards as well, leading to many keeping their practices secret. Both witches and wizards in these situations and those simply looking to avoid prying eyes can seek out underground operations, ranging from short term meetings to sprawling, secret underground networks. These can include using codewords to pass off their wares on the black market, sharing housing to those developing their powers/skills, etc.

A witch tradition on Darkest Night is to go to areas where lots of scraps rest (nicknamed Scrapyards) and comfort the ghosts in the belief that it'll bring good will to a region for the next year. Certain types of pollen are used by witches to make scrap ghosts visible to non-sensitives. They gather in groups and entertain them through conversation, games, and playing music. Any region that heavily guards those areas tends to interfere with witch activity, preventing this tradition- often through banning these plants. If plants with those pollens are banned, it becomes a issue for non-sensitive witches, and underground importing has to take place for witches to share moments with the ghosts. Scrapyards often include graveyards, abandoned hospitals and schools, and other places you’d expect ghost hunters to frequent.

Also are there any Darkest Night-related changes to climate or biomes within zones?

All of Morbit is subject to the night being colder, darker, and longer due to an excess of shred radiation, though the exact cause of such is unknown. While some areas experience additional effects created by their gods in order to create further atmosphere, most experience additional strange effects due to the excess radiation.

Cage’s climate mostly remains the same due to it being underwater, though the airplanes have been known to creak more.

The entire Luxson Cluster is subject to wind anomalies during Darkest Night, starting in the early morning and lasting until around the same time the next day. Fallow’s Island experiences anywhere from a mild breeze to decent winds picking up, leading the local people to set up windchimes- especially ones made from bone due to their relevance as religious iconography. 

The breeze also picks up in Luxson, but it remains mild and does not affect much aside from making strange noises in XXI’s pipe system- some find this amusing and even inspiring, while others find it irritating. 

Monte however, experiences heavier winds, to the point of mild destruction in some areas. People generally do not let this stop their festivities, and are more than willing to nail things down and gel their hairstyles in order to keep the party going. 

Some Taverne zones experience excess static electricity when touching metal and other surfaces capable of building a static charge during Darkest Night, including Wonder and Hearth. This makes gloves a common part of costumes for people particularly irritated by this kind of effect.

In Hoopla, glittery effects manifest on some of the local flora during Darkest Night- no one is entirely sure where such effects come from, but it tends to show up in the local iconography for the holiday ever since.

Precipice experiences similar breeze/wind effects to that of the Luxson Cluster during Darkest Night, causing mild sandstorms in many areas and providing further reasons for people to stay in their walled cities and towns for festivities. 

Bluster had a similar wind effect as well pre-zone death, leading to icy winds and making the gladiatorial duels even more of a nasty affair than they would be otherwise. Costumes typically involved heavy bundling up as a result, incorporating warmth and weather protection into their designs. 

People in Whimsy primarily stayed inside on Darkest Night pre-zone death, so weather effects weren’t noticed as much- but the light breeze was present there as well, though not to a degree significant enough to affect much.

Consumption’s fauna and flora grow much more restless on Darkest Night, leading to potential danger and even death for its residents should they wander too far outside of civilization...though civilization has its own threats, considering the uptick in cult activity.

Solitude experiences a sense of eerie silence during Darkest Night, with  many sounds feeling muffled and even deafened in some cases. Some surfaces feel cold to the touch as well, with both phenomenon being completely unexplained. 

Idyth’s skies experience auroras and clearer views of the stars and celestial phenomena and anomalies during Darkest Night. Some of these celestial bodies can appear even closer than they actually are, leading to a surreal effect.

Plaza is fairly standard for Darkest Night, and has their nights start earlier, darker, and colder.

Any zone that contains wisps in it (miniscule barely tangible shred creatures that resemble dots of light floating in the air) has way, way more of them on Darkest Night, mainly due to the excess of shreds to feed on. 

What cultural roles do witches and wizards take in each team members regions?

In Prosperity, witches are seen as a technical job that's magical in nature, as is most physical technology- it’s no different in awe to a physicist or a car mechanic. They are considered things that normal people don’t get access to and wizards aren’t a concept. Conductors are a lost art, different to wizards and witches, in prosperity seen as legendary figures and usually evil ones at that.

Cage doesn’t really have a witch/wizard culture- there haven’t been that many of them in Cage just by merit of having such a tiny population and such a small time period of existence.

In Plaza, witches are a subculture often unified by certain ideals and beliefs. They are valued at a professional level by the local gods due to a fear of repeating a certain angel related tragedy as engineers behind preventative methods re: supernatural crisis.  Wizard are very few and somewhat obscure. Supposedly, the local gods pick up wizards for investigative work every once in a while,  though.

Generally speaking in Taverne, witches are considered magical scientists and are often beneficial toward knights due to the equipment they create, especially for those without sensitivity. Wizards are there but a lot of them may go into careers where their abilities are useful versus outright scrap-based practices. 

In Hearth, witches are seen as pretty necessary for culture considering their importance in making many varieties of construct. Wizards are less endorsed but scraps in general are more widely believed in than many other Taverne zones due to their use in construct tech, so they're pretty respected. Magic is still something you shouldnt use on the street, though. 

In Bluster (pre-zone death), magic was both seen in legends but revered, and mainly both used for weaponry/battle purposes and fighting, especially when it comes to fauna and the more-frequent-than-preferable horror attack.

Wizards typically find most work in Hoopla using their skills either performing party tricks or horrible murder (sometimes both), with witches using their tech to further the entertainment industry, for better or for worse.

Precipice wzards are respected and often find work for traditional knights there, and aren’t really an underground deal at all. Witches are in the same boat, and Precipice is often considered a good place to sell magic tech.

Witches in Wonder are extremely respected, with the zone being a fantastic place to buy and sell technology. Wizards are less on the radar, but can usually find information about new methods there.

Lots of legends about witches and wizards were stored in Whimsy before the zone started going dead, now people are trying to salvage what they can. Before the fall, wizards were respected adventurers, and witches were considered heavily valued technicians.

In Consumption, wizards and witches working for spit's cult are given lots of power, rank and resources, especially when it comes to exerting their control on the population. Those who work against Spit are oppressed heavily and suppressed, with many having to form underground communities.

Both witches and wizards are heavily discouraged in Solitude outside of very strict restrictions and regulations, with witches having to keep their more strange and bizarre practices very subtle in order to skirt under the radar, and wizards mainly having to work for people in official standings and respected positions.

Witches are a major part of the culture in Fallow’s Island and the majority of centinels living there have been trained in witchcraft (especially in creating fallow's constructs) as part of their regular education, with wizardry being highly respected as well.

The view on scrap-related crafts in Luxson depends on which side you're from- people from West Luxson tend to be more accepting of the idea and chill with the idea of witches/wizards, whereas East Luxson residents are more resistant due to anne's council's strict no scrap endorsement policies. There are a lot of wizard underground communities even though XXI's pretty chill with it- people don't want to kick up a fuss post-horror plague and there's a lot of hesitance around magic post-Horror Plague.

In Monte, witchcraft is a very private practice for the most part. It is occasionally seen on an occupational level for weaponizing scraps, and wizards can be popular for hired muscle.

In Idyth, wizards and witches are generally seen as more mundane than in other regions, and it's common for them to put scrap usage towards more practical things, like scientific studies, agricultural work, medical field stuff, etc. Though there are also those that use it for artistic/entertainment value; like using them as for the equivalent of magic shows, artistic performances (like theatre or the equivalent of 'interpretive dance' with scraps for flair) or sparring as a spectator sport (where powerful defensive scrap users are employed to keep the audience + players protected) etc. etc. etc. 
Those that use it for combat are often hired into bodyguard/security roles or similar- though there are underground fighting rings where protections are limited. (Pepper frequents these)

An additional bonus detail…

Gremlins have a darkest night tradition of making candy using sugar from the water surrounding Cage. There are a lot of different forms of this candy, with taffy being one example, and metal and wires with a sugar coating being another.
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RE: [WORLDBUILDING] - MONTHLY PROMPT OCTOBER 20 - Witches, Wizards, and Darkest Night - by skinstealer - 10-13-2020, 07:13 AM

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