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PRONOUNS: it/its, they/them, du/dust/dusts/dustself, kit/kits/kitself, fox/foxs/foxself, probably other neopronouns, they're so fun!!!
MOOD: Comfy uwu
Hello nice to meet everyone :3 I'm Comfy Cozy, but you can call me Cozy or Coze!

I do a lot of cleaning (I make a bit of a mess. . .), and love to do fun things online!

I'm. . . A HYBRID TCP! I'm a dust TCP and a fox TCP all mushed together into one! What does this mean? It means I clean up after myself, but I save those dust bunnies for. . . >:3c . . . Well. I won't spoil the surprise! nwn you'll all see soon enough!!!

I like to collect things! . . . All sorts of things! But most things are like. . . Things I can write on! Or write with!!!

Anyways, I wrote y'all a little poem!!! I hope you like it :^3

Never ever trust a fox TCP
Everyone knows better than that
Review what you've seen here
Don't let it get past you!

Enjoy!! ^3^ hehehehehehe. . . . .

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[USER_PROFILE] [COMFY_COZY] - by LemonadeLyric - 10-05-2022, 10:21 PM

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