09-30-2021, 12:48 AM
SEE: I’m...sorry, I really don’t want to doubt anyone here.
SEE: What’s wrong is that I consider both sides to be friends at least potentially...and I don’t know enough to know what’s true and what isn’t.
SEE: But something isn’t adding up, and it’s making me anxious.
TEEVEE: It doesn't sound like both of these could be true though... you know?
TEEVEE: I don't want anyone to be lying either but I don't see how it couldn't be that someone is.
SEE: I really don't want that to be the case, but...
SEE: I don't know. I can't in good conscience sign up with the group unless I know the full story.
Max continues to stare at you, the room silent once more.
MAX: ...I see.
TeeVee nods at you, but still just...seems uneasy in general.
TEEVEE: I get that, that's fair. But that's not something that could be resolved right now, right?
SEE: I guess not...I didn't get the chance to ask Monty more questions about what happened.
MAX: Monty?
SEE: ...Monroe.
MAX: Ah. Nicknames.
MAX: Hm.
TEEVEE: ...If there's someone dangerous out there in the chambers I want to help. I like competing and I like fighting but I don't like hurting people.
TEEVEE: This seems kinda personal though, I don't know if I could help, even, cause I don't even know what's true...
MAX: It's personal in the sense of...I suspect that they're a danger to this group, to the people I love...
MAX: But at the very least, through working together, we'll have strength in numbers.
MAX: As soon as I'm healed, I plan on figuring out counter measures to protect those who are willing to commit to cooperation.
MAX: While I'd like to extend the offer to everyone in the trials, I've learned my lesson with trusting too much.
MAX: There are likely far more dangerous TCPs out there than just Monroe.
TeeVee nods again, and then turns back to you.
TEEVEE: Is there... uh... anything else you wanted to say?
SEE: ...I came here to heal Max, and I mean to stick to that.
SEE: I don't want to be torn between friends, and even if I can't sign up with the group...
SEE: I want to help as many people as I can.
You take a few steps forward, gesturing for Suzanne to put you on the box by Max's bed. She easily obliges, and you reach over towards Max's wound.
He shies away slightly.
He shies away slightly.
MAX: I see.
MAX: In that case, I'd like some privacy while I get treated.
MAX: I have...things to discuss with you.
Suzanne backs up, clapping her fins together and approaching TeeVee.
SUZANNE: You got it, Max!
SUZANNE: Let's go, TeeVee!
TEEVEE: Wait...
TEEVEE: Wait a sec.
TeeVee takes a glance around the room, anticipating suddenly being the center of attention
Everyone turns to him.
MAX: What's the matter, TeeVee?
MAX: Are you alright?
TEEVEE: Maybe there's a way for me to use my ability to help?
MAX: I'd really rather you didn't.
MAX: After all, I'd rather keep my future unspoiled-
SUZANNE: But! It could make See feel better, to know you're a good person! For sure!
SUZANNE: It'd be solid proof!
MAX: ....
MAX: See, do you consider this necessary?