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[Image: 31-1.png]
You decide to let TeeVee do the talking to start, scooting to the side to take a look at those books-
MAX: Where are you going, See?
SEE: Just...looking around.
MAX: Be my guest!
TEEVEE: Uh... 
TeeVee looks like she's thinking about saying something.
TEEVEE: Suzanne said you knew a lot about the Trials.
TEEVEE: Are you okay with telling me about that?
TEEVEE: I haven't seen anything super dangerous. but from what I was told. there are dangerous chambers?
Max nods, glancing over at his arm.
MAX: As you go along and complete more chambers, you'll be more likely to encounter chambers with more traps and threats...
MAX: Especially if the overseers determine that it's "interesting" to see you go through them.
MAX: It's a double edged blade that I'm good at avoiding and solving these various obstacles...It keeps me alive and gets me impressions, but at the same time, it shows what I am good at.
MAX: And they seem to enjoy seeing that kind of thing, very much so.
TEEVEE: Okay... and, you've been around the trials a while?
MAX: A decent amount of time, yes.
MAX: Suzanne and I started around the same time, so it seems, but I seem to have more of a knack for making impressions.
[Image: 31-2.png]
He gestures for Suzanne to come over, and reaches over to pat her on the head when she does. The chimera fish type seems immensely pleased at this, and can't help but giggle a little.
MAX: She's learning, though.
MAX: She just needs to find her specialty in these trials, and then they'll start handing out more impressions than she knows what to do with.
He pauses for a moment, looking over at you before you can even get a good look at the books. 

MAX: You're on a medic path, aren't you, See?
SEE: I mean- I guess so, I learned first aid and all-
MAX: Good. That will do you and your allies well in these trials.
MAX: It's also immensely easy for you to earn impressions, I'd imagine- by healing others, and learning more about this sort of thing. Even sharing your knowledge with allies may get you the impressions you crave.
He turns to TeeVee, now.
MAX: And what about you, TeeVee?
MAX: Have you found a specialization?
[Image: 31-3.png]
TeeVee gives a nervous shrug.

TEEVEE: Well... I'm not sure. I'm good at climbing things, and jumping around. That's what most of my chambers have had in them so far.
TEEVEE: ...I guess if I was helping people there's also my ability but I've never really wanted to use it.
MAX: Navigation through trial pillars is a great skill! You'll do very well with that.
MAX: Watch out in the future for pillars that move, however. I've even seen some that slam together, in order to crush unsuspecting TCPs.
MAX: As for your ability...I'm very curious!
MAX: In fact, why don't we all share our abilities- I'll start.
MAX: As a behemoth type, I can let out a loud roar at any time...said roar makes people less likely to fight and jump to anger, and fills them with fear.
MAX: While I do not enjoy the latter part, as I do not want to scare anyone...
MAX: It is helpful for deterring other dangerous TCPs. 
MAX: I can only hope it helps me save people, over time. After all, those who actually know me as friends and allies know there's nothing to fear!
TEEVEE: Oh uh, sure.
TEEVEE: I'm a destiny type. 
TEEVEE: I can use my ability to see the most important event in someone's life... even if it hasn't happened yet.
TEEVEE: It sounds kinda scary to know that sort of thing though.
TEEVEE: But I guess it could also be helpful.
[Image: 31-4.png]
Max nods, thinking it over. You're pretty stunned yourself- that ability seems awesome...but also, kind of scary. You can't help but wonder what she'd see if she used it on you, but now's not the time.
MAX: Hmm...that's an interesting ability indeed.
MAX: Should you join our little group, I'm sure we could find a way to make that applicable for getting impressions. 
MAX: Because that's the important thing, really- finding ways to make yourself stronger, and play into your natural strengths.
MAX: However...
MAX: I would be wary of using it on anyone willy nilly.
MAX: You might see things you don't want to, especially in the case of dangerous TCPs.
MAX: And some people may not want their futures spoiled, haha!
TEEVEE: Yeah, I kinda don't want to know what's going to happen to me
TEEVEE: And I don't know what I'd do if I saw something scary, or someone getting hurt.
TEEVEE: I've said it to Suzanne, I wanna Win these Trials whatever that means, but I don't want anyone getting hurt.
You notice that Max isn’t asking about your or Suzanne’s abilities.

Weird, but...maybe he’s just caught up in conversation.
MAX: Understandable, understandable! I'm the same way.
MAX: So is Suzanne...we just want to find ways to exist peacefully here.
MAX: The overseers may not want us to do such a thing, but I'm determined that if we can ally with enough like minded people, we'll be put in chambers with them so that we can cooperate on getting impressions.
MAX: What better way to appease them than to show that we can form an amazing, extensive team?
TeeVee nods, seeming to relax a bit.

TEEVEE: That makes sense, I think. 
TEEVEE: Do you really think the overseers wouldn't want that?
MAX: Judging by the existence of the traps in the first place...I have my doubts that they'd settle for peace.
Max: But! Cooperation!
MAX: Defeating these trials- together!
MAX: They must be impressed by that, gauging from how Suzanne and I have made impressions with other people.
TEEVEE: I don't like the idea that other people would put us in dangerous situations for fun.
[Image: 31-5.png]
TeeVee trails off, starting to pace. You decide to pick it up from there, having your own questions. 

SEE: How is the whole...teaming up thing going to work?
SEE: Are you going to gather a whole bunch of people to take on trials together, teach them skills, and use abilities to make the trials safer?
MAX: Exactly, my friend!
MAX: Using our personal strengths to gain will be an amazing plan!
SEE: Who would be included in a group like that?
MAX: Anyone who we feel can cooperate with us and our goals- it won't do us any good to have infighting, you see.
MAX: We want people who are kind and willing to work with others, especially for the greater good.
SEE: Okay...
SEE: And...can I take a look at your injury?
You start to head over, having given up on looking at those books anyway- they're way too high up to see.

MAX: By all means...that's a big reason for why you've sought me out, after all.
MAX: Please, come closer and play medic. I bet you could even earn an impression!
[Image: 31-6.png]
You get up close to the behemoth type, acutely aware of how large Max is.
SEE: What exactly happened to cause this?
SEE: I want to be the best medic I can be here, and to do that, I need to know what happened.
He turns his face away for a moment, his tone grave.

MAX: It was a standard chamber for me- almost too easy, in fact.
MAX: A long hallway, with a swinging blade in the center- chasms on either side.
MAX: Easy enough to simply walk down and avoid the blade, possibly earning an impression...
MAX: Another TCP entered on the other side, and we approached each other.
MAX: I introduced myself as Max, and they introduced themself as Monroe. 
MAX: They were kind at first...leading me to believe it was safe to approach.
MAX: I managed to avoid the blade, and we met on their side of the passage.
MAX: As I got closer, they said that they had never seen a TCP like me before, and asked my my ability.
MAX: I told them, because as I've stated- I want to ally with people, and they seemed so kind...
MAX: The most gentle voice I've heard in the trials, so far...
MAX: This was my mistake.
MAX: As soon as I told them my ability, they grew aggressive, approaching and hitting me with a fist- as it connected, I became completely aware that I had made a mistake...
MAX: And it consumed me, this fear of being attacked, knowing I had let my guard down...
MAX: In a normal situation, I would have been able to fend them off easily, and get to my side of the hallway.
[Image: 31-7.png]

MAX: But I was so wracked with fear that I panicked, and as they move to strike again...
MAX: I was pushed into the blade, nearly sawing off my arm. 
MAX: I could have fallen and died, even if the blade wasn't there. 
MAX: They earned an impression from doing this- and took their opportunity to flee.
MAX: They stopped before leaving, however- and told me to watch my back, for the next time we met, they wouldn't be so merciful.
MAX: I stayed there until their ability's effect wore off, and ended up earning my own impression by dodging the blade even in my injured state.
MAX: I suppose the overseers did not want me to bleed out and die yet...
MAX: I asked for medical supplies for my reward, and Suzanne found my room when it opened up.
MAX: She helped save me. I am forever grateful.
MAX: This kind of will find it with us and our group.
MAX: You will never have to worry about suffering alone.
MAX: But should you find yourself facing deceitful TCPs like Monroe without allies...
MAX: You will surely die.
TeeVee stops pacing, just listening to Max.

TEEVEE: That's all awful... why would someone else go out of their way to hurt you?
[Image: 31-8.png]
You can't help yourself anymore.
SEE: They wouldn't do that!
The room is silent. 

You have officially screwed up.
SEE: I-I mean-
MAX: What do you mean, See?
SUZANNE: It's...met Monroe, Max.
SUZANNE: And it seems to think that they're...a nice person...
TeeVee glances between you and Max- they look uneasy.

You didn't even want to bring up Monty to Max, but you couldn't help it, not when they were so kind to you...

You have to think of something fast.
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 04-24-2021, 07:51 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 04-24-2021, 09:35 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 04-24-2021, 11:48 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 04-26-2021, 12:44 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 04-26-2021, 05:06 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 04-26-2021, 09:33 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 04-29-2021, 11:26 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Zenthis - 04-29-2021, 11:28 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 04-29-2021, 11:48 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 04-30-2021, 12:28 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 05-01-2021, 09:59 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 05-19-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 05-19-2021, 01:27 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-19-2021, 02:03 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Zenthis - 05-20-2021, 12:45 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 05-20-2021, 12:49 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-20-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 05-20-2021, 03:41 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 05-21-2021, 10:48 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 05-21-2021, 11:21 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-23-2021, 12:06 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-26-2021, 05:52 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Zenthis - 08-14-2021, 02:27 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 08-14-2021, 02:34 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 08-14-2021, 02:35 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 08-14-2021, 04:04 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 09-12-2021, 07:54 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-12-2021, 05:28 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-13-2021, 12:52 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-13-2021, 02:04 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-13-2021, 02:33 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-13-2021, 12:54 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 09-13-2021, 01:29 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-13-2021, 08:05 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-13-2021, 10:31 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-13-2021, 11:23 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 09-13-2021, 11:37 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-14-2021, 02:01 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-14-2021, 10:40 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 09-14-2021, 11:18 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 09-15-2021, 12:15 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-15-2021, 02:16 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 09-15-2021, 09:29 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-15-2021, 01:25 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-16-2021, 10:59 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-17-2021, 03:56 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-20-2021, 08:45 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-20-2021, 11:45 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-21-2021, 10:41 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-21-2021, 10:41 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-22-2021, 03:10 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-22-2021, 04:00 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-22-2021, 04:39 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-24-2021, 01:48 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 09-25-2021, 04:15 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-26-2021, 02:51 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-26-2021, 07:27 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-27-2021, 01:24 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by skinstealer - 09-28-2021, 02:00 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-28-2021, 02:41 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-29-2021, 12:38 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-30-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-30-2021, 01:23 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 09-30-2021, 10:53 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-30-2021, 03:14 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by cosmo - 09-30-2021, 03:34 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-30-2021, 09:31 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 10-01-2021, 03:47 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 10-01-2021, 01:01 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 10-06-2021, 11:22 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Winds - 10-08-2021, 12:05 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 10-08-2021, 12:12 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 10-09-2021, 12:48 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 10-10-2021, 02:23 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Winds - 10-10-2021, 02:42 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 10-13-2021, 12:58 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 10-13-2021, 01:02 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Winds - 10-13-2021, 01:08 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Winds - 10-18-2021, 01:30 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 10-18-2021, 05:26 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 10-29-2021, 02:45 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Winds - 11-01-2021, 04:29 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Winds - 11-10-2021, 02:38 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 11-10-2021, 02:46 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by aotihav - 11-12-2021, 01:01 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 11-12-2021, 01:15 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Stonek - 11-12-2021, 09:32 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Wilds - 11-18-2021, 01:20 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 01-19-2022, 01:06 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Wilds - 01-25-2022, 04:26 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 04-09-2022, 06:19 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 05-19-2022, 04:47 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-19-2022, 08:03 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-24-2022, 03:09 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-25-2022, 01:23 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 05-25-2022, 09:44 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-27-2022, 11:06 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-28-2022, 01:47 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 05-28-2022, 01:49 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Zenthis - 05-28-2022, 06:20 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-28-2022, 06:33 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-28-2022, 10:23 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 05-29-2022, 12:58 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 05-30-2022, 02:27 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 06-02-2022, 12:24 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 06-03-2022, 03:57 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Wilds - 06-04-2022, 07:32 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 06-10-2022, 07:37 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 06-13-2022, 11:47 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 06-15-2022, 03:12 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 08-05-2022, 03:11 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-10-2022, 11:29 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 09-12-2022, 08:14 PM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 09-19-2022, 02:33 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 09-19-2022, 03:22 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 10-14-2022, 02:29 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by knux400 - 02-14-2023, 12:06 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by dediles - 02-14-2023, 01:11 AM
RE: TINY CAT PEOPLE: THE MAZE TRIALS - by Guest - 08-15-2023, 11:02 PM

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