05-27-2022, 03:33 AM
You carefully try out your options…big ears definitely appeal to you- they remind you of Monty! A red outfit also seems like a good idea, because it’s just like Sky. And…hm….oh, here’s a tail that looks like your laptop cable!
SEE: How’s this?
CAYDEN: Yeah, looks great!
CAYDEN: Obviously you’ll need to get through the tutorial and stuff before we can play together, but don’t rush. People who rush through the tutorial will have a tougher time learning the game.
You feel like Cayden was looking in Roxas’ direction when he said that, but you’re not sure.
You nod, pressing the correct button to proceed.
The game opens on a peaceful scene- your mind filling in the gaps as you stare in wonder.
There is a field of dirt and grass, trash scattered around- you wonder if you'd need a trash bag like the gamers have to clean it up. There's also a cabin, though it looks...really beat up.
There's also a character on screen, black and red and horse-like.
A dialogue box pops up, and your gaming skill says that it's probably the horse talking.
You nod, pressing the correct button to proceed.
The game opens on a peaceful scene- your mind filling in the gaps as you stare in wonder.
There is a field of dirt and grass, trash scattered around- you wonder if you'd need a trash bag like the gamers have to clean it up. There's also a cabin, though it looks...really beat up.
There's also a character on screen, black and red and horse-like.
A dialogue box pops up, and your gaming skill says that it's probably the horse talking.
KADE: Okay, so...this is your new place.
KADE: ...I'll be honest, it sucks.
KADE: You're going to have to do a lot to clean up around here.
KADE: ...but someone's gotta do it.
KADE: Do you need my help to get started?
You hit >Yes.
KADE: [SIGH] Okay.
KADE: First off, you have to pay attention to the time...
You get completely absorbed in the tutorial- you're surprised at how much Kade feels like a real, actual person.
SEE: Are all games like this?
SEE: Like...he feels real.
CAYDEN: Some games feel realer than others. It depends on how much work and care developers put into it.
CAYDEN: You tend to find more ‘real’ games among indies, in my experience.
CAYDEN: Budget and graphics can’t imitate heart and soul.
SEE: Indies...noted.
You keep playing through, and all of a sudden, the game lets you loose. You're out of the tutorial!
But before you can really get into it-
INTERCOM: See, you have made an impression.
INTERCOM: You may redeem it in your own room.
Samson lets out a cough over at the desk that she’s been watching you and Cayden from.
SAMSON: Oh how nice, you made an impression.
SAMSON: With that and the special overseer present from the challenge room, you should probably be heading back soon.
You get the feeling that this is less of a suggestion than it sounds.