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As soon as Corrosion even dares to move, Garland fires off another shot, this time nailing one of her secondary arms. The pain is excruciating as it goes straight through, splattering fluid behind her.

Corrosion's health is now GREAT.

Doesn't matter!
Does NOT fucking matter-
This freak's life ends NOW

It's clear he didn't expect her to tank it as she rushes his ass down, dropping the knife and phasing into his body.

His body convulses immediately, struggling to deal with the invader.

But she's done this before. She's taken over larger, stronger TCPs.

And this time, this time, there was nothing this smug bastard could do.

What are you DOING

His voice comes out panicked as he slowly comes into mental view, scrambling on a ground he's never seen before, not in person- and probably never will. The internal landscape of his mind...

...this is what your head looks like?

It was just.

A bedroom.

A bedroom, with posters on the walls, and hardwood floor.

[Image: 1-3-1.png]

[image description: corro and garland standing in a washed out bedroom, looking stereotypically "normal" and suburban. there are posters on the wall and a bright sunny sky outside, as well as a book and trophy on the dresser. one of the posters is a TCP giving a thumbs up.

garland is faceplanted onto the ground, while corro poses, mockingly.]

She's never even seen these things before, but his thoughts inform her what he calls them. What he'd seen them in- a sitcom. Television.

That's fucking pathetic.
You really see yourself in this?
Something you saw in a little box?

She towers over him, her turn to be smug.

You played yourself up.
You talked biiiig.
And yet-

[Image: 1-3-2.png]

[image description: corrosion pressing garland into the carpet with her foot, causing his entire head to squish against it and distort. the room is decaying, turning stained, cracked, and distorted. her eyespots are full of rage. ]

She places her foot on his head, shoving his face into the carpet.

You see yourself as having a normal little life!
You really think you can have that?
We're fucking killers.
It's plain on your face.

...f...fuck you...

What's that? Big witch type isn't so big anymore!

She grinds her heel in, a bit of glee sneaking in as he lets out an involuntary whimper.

The best part of being a possession type-

Is making my opponents realize just how nothing they are.
Exposing them. Every little bit.
And you...

She leans over, making sure he hears every word.

Are a little guy, trying to fill big boots.
And now, you're going to die.

With a sudden burst of energy, he grabs her ankle-

-gripping it hard enough to look inside her.

His body convulses again, the two mentally fighting for dominance as Corro desperately tries to squirm away. His hand is sinking into her skin, deep inside-

Oh, like you're any better!
Corrosion, CORRO for short- you gave yourself a cute little nickname!
Isn't that just ADORABLE?
Some big killer you are!
Corro, Corro, Cooooorrrrrrroooooo-

Shut UP

She tries to shake him off, regaining control as she nails him down to the ground again, this time with both arms.

Externally, she slips into his arm like a tight glove-

-grabbing her knife, and holding it to his neck.

He's trembling in his headspace, scared shitless.

You underestimated me.
I got EVERY kill mark from taking somebody out from the inside.
You think I'm not afraid to feel you die like this?
Most natural feeling in the world to me!
I'll be THRILLED to feel you bleed out!

...Will you regret this one, Corro?

There's a sudden loud BANG, as if something had been slammed-

-only for both Corro and Garland to realize it hadn't come from anywhere in the trial room at all.

[Image: 1-3-3.png]

[image description: garland's body, containing both of them and visibly bearing only two regretted kill marks, looks up at the ceiling, fearful. the room feels overly vast and large, and has a dark atmosphere matched with abstract visuals of something burning, boiling up.]

It's in a synched motion that the two of them raise their head- the same head now, eyespots looking up in pure terror at the blank ceiling- the closest approximation they had to looking back up at the overseers.


The sound of rustling papers, and a microphone being smacked around. And then- a voice, one completely unfamiliar from the uniform ones the trialgoers had become used to. Surely they all knew that there were many overseers, there had to be, but-

????: I gave you your last warning three trials ago, Signis.

This one cut through whatever made them all sound the same. Deep, commanding, and yet...

[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [TCP] MAZE TRIALS 2.0 - by skinstealer - 09-15-2024, 08:33 AM

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