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SUPER CYBER WORLD TURBO aka catz adventure
[Image: A2p2x5J.png]

you live in GUTTER PUTTER PARK, a pocket dimension that's one half skate park, one half mini golf course. shit's got everything- blacklights, weird little windmills, rails to grind on...the red trees would be disconcerting to you, but that's kind of how it is out here in SUPER CYBER WORLD TURBO. anything goes.


[Image: VSx8jjh.png]

the golf course has got some nice fake grass- and some real grass too, what a treat. you're not sure how many holes this place actually has, but it's probably enough to keep you busy for a while.

[Image: Whxy6y8.png]

there's an indoor area too- this is your HOME, where you sleep and all that. you'd say it isn't much, but let's be real. look at this. it's amazing, and for right this second, it's yours. 

[Image: muv4ZUZ.png]

you set up your skateboard and climb right on top, getting your balance. you don't exactly have a bed or anything yet, but it's cool. your board is all you need. probably. 

sleep refuses to come easy, but you refuse to leave your sick ass board, just in case it does.

...what the hell are you even going to do with yourself now that you're here?

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RE: SUPER CYBER WORLD TURBO aka catz adventure - by skinstealer - 04-25-2019, 10:40 AM

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