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04-07-2021, 12:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2021, 02:27 PM by knux400.)
![[Image: glasstweedler.png]]( 0502 "The Glass Tweedler" [CW: Reproduction (plantlike/asexual), Death] Entry 1- Revelation and Reproduction Day 1: Creature observed. Creature appears to be avian and approximately two to four inches in length. Creature produced an odd warbling chirp as it visited a nearby flower. It hovered near the flower for a few moments before flying away again.
Day 3: Confirmed the creature is not of divine origin. TCP ability or other natural phenomena still a possibility.
Day 6: Second sighting. Closer examination was possible due to additional recording equipment. Creature hovered near a flower for approximately ten to twelve seconds, inserting its beak into the center. It appears to be composed of some kind of glass or crystal with a slight iridescent shine to it. Further inspection of the flower reveals it to be the same one it visited previously.
Day 15: Fifth sighting. Similar to previous sightings, creature visits its flower and inserts its beak into the pistil. Work on a nonlethal capture device ongoing.
Day 21: Eighth sighting. Capture attempt unsuccessful. The flower appears to be losing its petals despite other flowers on the same plant appearing perfectly intact.
Day 25: Flower appears to be wilting as petals are falling off. Local botanists have confirmed this is unusual behavior for this species of flower.
Day 32: A juvenile fruit appears to be forming. Note that this species of flower is not known to produce fruit of any kind. Creature has not been sighted in 11 days.
Day 33: Plant has been successfully extracted and moved to an indoor lab for closer examination.
Day 39: The fruit continues to form. Two small lines are becoming visible on the bottom end, forming an X shape centered on the end of the fruit. No change in the other flowers on the plant.
Day 44: Upon closer inspection, the lines have been revealed to be small indentations in the bottom of the fruit. I am beginning to suspect that the fruit is actually a pod of some sort.
Day 51: Pod has grown to 2.5 inches in diameter. It is a slightly oblong shape.
Day 54: The pod opened today, splitting along the indentations. Inside appears to be a small glass creature, similar to the one observed before. Capture was successful and the creature was moved to a secure room. After two hours, it began flying around the room, producing tweedling noises similar to that of its predecessor.
Day 55: The creature is unresponsive to any kind of food or drink offered to it, instead absorbing shreds one by one from the air.
Day 57: The creature has chosen a corner of its room to serve as its nest, returning there each night to sleep. It has built a small structure out of a piece of paper, tearing it to pieces and arranging them in a pile. More building materials will be provided to it.
Day 61: The creature has grown significantly since its birthing, and has become used to the presence of researchers in its room. It seems to respond positively to attention.
Day 67: The creature is now allowed outside of its room as long as it remains indoors and supervised. It is curious in nature, hovering around various pieces of lab equipment.
Day 73: The creature has been dubbed the 'glass tweedler' due to its appearance and distinctive song. Analysis shows that it is made entirely of some kind of living crystal, with no internal organs of any kind. It has responded negatively to close examination, stinging researchers with its beak. A small energy discharge has also been observed during each sting.
Day 78: Several staff have had positive interactions with the tweedler, and it seems able to differentiate them. It comes to different researchers to play different games with them, but will avoid interaction with researchers that attempt to restrain it.
Day 81: The tweedler's growth has ceased, and it is now 3.1 inches in length.
Day 92: The tweedler visited the previously observed plant today, hovering near several of its flowers. It has increased its shred consumption noticeably.
Day 95: Shred energy has been detected inside several of the flowers, and is slowly climbing. The tweedler has shown increased interest in doors and windows.
Day 102: Shred energy inside the flowers continues to grow as pods start to form. The tweedler's mood has taken a turn for the worse, and it is no longer responding to play attempts from staff.
Day 109: The tweedler made an escape attempt today, flying towards an open window. A researcher was able to catch it in their hands before it could make it outside, with no harm done to the tweedler in the process. Increased security measures are now in effect. The flower pods continue to grow steadily.
Day 114: The tweedler has grown increasingly irritable, and will sting some staff members on sight. It continues to ignore any attempts at play.
Day 121: Upon extensive discussion, the decision has been made to allow the tweedler outside. A tracking device will be fitted to its back, and the windows will be left open at all times.
Day 122: The tweedler left this morning. Using the tracking device, it was observed to visit several gardens in a half-mile radius. It returned this evening, resting in its nest.
Day 134: The tweedler continues to take daily trips outside, returning to its nest every time. Its mood has improved again, and it is now willing to interact with the staff. The pods on the plant are nearing their maximum size.
Day 142: The first pod opened today, revealing a baby tweedler. Just like our specimen, it took approximately two hours for its wings to properly unfold and for it to begin flying. It was allowed to leave through the open window.
Day 144: The second pod opened today, and another tweedler emerged, also leaving through the open window. No interaction was observed between the parent and its offspring.
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04-11-2021, 12:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2021, 02:26 PM by knux400.)
~~~SPECIMEN LOG~~~ 0502 "The Glass Tweedler" [CW: Reproduction (plantlike/asexual), Death] Entry 2- Disability and Dispute Day 147: Two more pods have opened, each revealing another baby tweedler. One left through the window, but the other seems to be taking a much longer time for its wings to unfold.
Day 149: One more pod opened today and the tweedler inside left through the window. The other tweedler remains grounded.
Day 150: To avoid confusion, nicknames have been assigned to the two tweedlers currently in observation. The adult tweedler nesting in our research center has been named "Fortune". The juvenile tweedler that currently remains grounded for unknown reasons has been named "Lucky".
Day 151: Lucky was captured in a plastic cup and brought into the lab for analysis. Upon comparison with sketches of Fortune taken at a younger age, Lucky's left wing appears to be deformed. The fine crystal fibers that make up the lower portion of the wing seem fused together, and the wing seems to fold up backwards, resting along the chest instead of along the side. It seems that Lucky is unable to fly due to this condition.
Day 152: Lucky has been moved to an enclosed area on a table. Despite being unable to fly, it has developed a sort of shuffle it can use to move along the ground.
Day 154: The last pod opened today and the tweedler inside left uneventfully. The plant is growing healthily otherwise, with no change in any flowers apart from the ones Fortune touched or emerged from.
Day 157: Fortune has taken an interest in Lucky's enclosure, occasionally hovering near it. Lucky seems to be moving around its area less and less, often sleeping for the majority of the day.
Day 159: Fortune frequently visits Lucky's enclosure now, landing next to Lucky. Fortune will gently touch its beak to Lucky's, and an energy discharge has been detected similar to that of a sting.
Day 163: Lucky's overall energy level has increased. Though it still cannot fly, it frequently explores its enclosure, shuffling around to inspect various objects. Another tweedler has been spotted flying in through the window, briefly observing the area before leaving again.
Day 168: Additional shred-detecting equipment shows that Fortune is 'feeding' Lucky, storing extra shreds within its own body and transferring a portion of them to Lucky. It seems that without the ability to fly, Lucky is unable to gather as many shreds from the air. Engineers are developing a mechanism to release shreds in a controlled manner that can be used to feed Lucky should something happen to Fortune.
Day 175: The new tweedler visited again, and deposited shred energy into one of the remaining flowers in our plant. Fortune was away at the time, and it did not interact with Lucky.
Day 180: Lucky's growth is slowing as it seems to be approaching maturity. Its wing shows no sign of healing on its own.
Day 186: The new tweedler attempted to visit the plant again, but was met by Fortune. The two let out a loud series of high-pitched warbles as they flew through the air, aggressively maneuvering around one another. Several shred discharges were observed between the two. After approximately 5 minutes of combat, the new tweedler left. Fortune appears mildly injured, with hairline cracks forming in various places on its body.
Day 189: Fortune has taken notice of the flower visited by the intruder, and deposited shred energy into it. Closer analysis shows that Fortune is 'overwriting' the pre-existing energy and replacing it with its own. In between visits with Lucky, Fortune has taken to orbiting around the lab making loud warbles.
Day 193: Fortune is no longer leaving the immediate area outside the lab. It seems very concerned with defending its territory.
Day 198: The intruder appeared again today, and fought a short-lived battle with Fortune before leaving again. Fortune appears unharmed this time.
Day 206: Lucky has developed a healthy relationship with our staff, and seems eager to interact with them when given the chance. Several desk items have been left in its enclosure for it to play with.
Day 213: The engineering team has finalized the feeding mechanism, and it has been installed in Lucky's enclosure. Despite Lucky now being able to feed themselves, Fortune still visits it daily.
Day 221: The intruder appeared again last night when all the staff had gone home. Security footage of the following events was discovered this morning.
01:53 AM: The intruder flies in through the open window and begins inspecting the room. 01:54 AM: Lucky shifts in its enclosure, making a small shuffling sound. The intruder goes to investigate. 01:55 AM: The intruder begins attacking Lucky, both tweedlers making loud warbles. 01:57 AM: The commotion wakes Fortune, who flies in to defend Lucky. 01:59 AM: Fortune and the intruder leave Lucky's enclosure, their fight transitioning to the main area. 02:06 AM: The intruder crashes into a wall, shattering its head and right wing. Fortune falls to the floor in a barely-controlled flutter. It seems heavily injured. 02:08 AM: Lucky can be seen shuffling towards the wall of its enclosure. Fortune has not moved since its abrupt landing. 02:11 AM: Lucky shuffles against the wall, eventually reaching the top. It flops onto the table and continues towards Fortune's position on the floor. 02:12 AM: Lucky shuffles off the edge of the table and lands on the floor, managing to slow its descent slightly with its good wing. It continues towards Fortune. 02:14 AM: Lucky reaches Fortune and begins 'feeding' them. 02:17 AM: Fortune seems to be awake again. Lucky continues to feed them. 02:24 AM: Both tweedlers shuffle their way into Fortune's nest, where they sleep for the rest of the night.
The intruder's corpse was found on the floor nearby. Its body was a dull grey color as opposed to the bright iridescent color of a living tweedler. The crystal was now hard, brittle, and unmoving, frozen in the position the tweedler had taken upon its death. Fortune and Lucky were found curled up together in Fortune's nest. Fortune had several cracks on their body, with some bits of crystal on their wings missing. Lucky's body had chipped in the spot where it landed, but was otherwise unscathed. Researchers attempted to retrieve Lucky to move them back to their enclosure, but Lucky promptly awoke and stung their hand. The two were allowed to remain in Fortune's nest to recover.
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05-09-2021, 02:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2021, 02:37 PM by knux400.)
~~~SPECIMEN LOG~~~ 0502 "The Glass Tweedler" [CW: Reproduction (plantlike/asexual), Death] Entry 3 - Family and Foes Day 225: After spending time in Fortune's nest, Lucky was successfully moved back to its enclosure. Analysis shows that the cracks on Lucky and Fortune's body are fusing together from the outside in- the surface of their body has regained its continuous smooth texture, but the deeper cracks are still visible as lines underneath the surface.
Day 232: Closer inspection of the intruder's corpse reveals a unique crystalline structure, with a snowflake-esque pattern to it.
Day 234: Lucky and Fortune were both cooperative enough today to allow microscopic examination of their body. A similar snowflake pattern was found in their crystalline structure, however the pattern was significantly different in Lucky and Fortune than in the intruder. In addition, Lucky's pattern is only slightly different from Fortune's.
Day 245: Using Fortune's tracker data, we now have a better grasp of the tweedler's typical roaming grounds. We are preparing an expedition to search for more specimens.
Day 252: The first expedition was a partial success. While no live specimens were captured, several were sighted and a broken corpse was retrieved. Like the intruder, it is dull grey in color and frozen in the position it took in its final moments. Analysis of the crystal structure reveals it to be a distinct pattern from Fortune and Lucky's shared pattern as well as the pattern of the intruder.
Day 254: Lucky and Fortune's wounds are no longer visible. Apart from Lucky's wing, the two seem completely healthy again.
Day 256: Our first live specimen has been found. It is currently contained in a large plastic box.
Day 262: Two more specimens have been captured.
Day 264: Fortune was introduced to one of the captured specimens today, and responded aggressively. Both tweedlers made loud warning chirps similar to the ones recorded during Fortune's combat with the intruder.
Day 267: Two more specimens have been captured. For the sake of convenience, they will be numbered 1 to 5 in the order obtained.
Day 272: Specimens 1 and 2 were introduced to Fortune today, and were both met with aggression. Despite being in separate enclosures from one another, it seems territorial instincts are extremely prevalent in this species. Further experimentation will wait until tomorrow to prevent Fortune from becoming overly stressed.
Day 273: Specimens 4 and 5 were introduced to Fortune today, Specimen 3 being the one Fortune saw before. Specimen 5 was met with hostility, but Specimen 4 produced an interesting reaction. The two seemed to get close to one another, almost as if they recognized one another.
Day 276: With the help of a few TCP, we have been able to induce a controlled sleeping state in our specimens. This will make closer examination much easier.
Day 277: The crystalline structures of all 5 specimens have been examined. Each has a distinct pattern from one another, with the exception of Specimen 4. Its pattern closely resembles Fortune and Lucky's patterns, with only minor variation. It is suspected that the tweedlers are able to perceive each other's crystal structure, and recognize others with similar patterns.
Day 279: The five specimens were released today. Most of them flew off in a hurry and did not return, but Specimen 4 lingered for a while, interacting with Fortune and Lucky.
Day 285: A sixth specimen has been captured. It is being kept in a separate facility from Fortune and Lucky, with its own nesting area and a selection of plants to deposit shreds in. It is simply being referred to as 'Neighbor'.
Day 287: The pod the intruder deposited shreds in has opened and the tweedler inside was captured before it could fly away. Analysis of its crystal structure reveals it to be mostly similar to Fortune's pattern, but with some characteristics of the intruder's pattern. It seems that despite Fortune overwriting the pod, the tweedler inside still developed with a hint of the intruder's pattern. It was later released, and had no interaction with Fortune or Lucky.
Day 292: Neighbor has deposited shreds in several of the flowers provided to it.
Day 323: As we wait for Neighbor's pods to open, we have been capturing more tweedlers to observe their crystal patterns. No two patterns are completely alike, but there have been several groups of similar patterns.
Day 346: The first of Neighbor's pods opened today. Comparison of the newborn tweedler's crystal structure with Neighbor's confirms our running theory: It seems that tweedlers directly related to one another share very similar patterns, with the offspring only having minor variations from the parent.
Day 347: The second and third of Neighbor's pods opened today. Analysis of the new tweedlers shows them to be similar in structure to Neighbor, but each with their own variation an the pattern. It is being theorized that this pattern will grow more and more distinct over many generations, thus forming different 'flocks' of tweedlers. Neighbor is able to recognize its own offspring by observing their crystal patterns, and will refrain from attacking members of its own 'flock'.
Day 352: Neighbor and its offspring have been released, as we have no further need to observe them.
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05-14-2021, 12:18 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2021, 02:20 PM by knux400.)
~~~SPECIMEN LOG~~~ 0502 "The Glass Tweedler" [CW: Reproduction (plantlike/asexual), Death, Pet Death] Entry 4 - Life and Loss Day 365: The lab celebrated one year of observation today. Fortune and Lucky were present at our impromptu office party, and responded positively to all the attention. Fortune has taken to perching on some of our staff, so long as they remain still. Amusingly, this always seems to happen when the person in question is in the middle of work.
Day 372: The lab is gradually shifting to long-term study of our two specimens. While we will still make observations of the tweedlers around us, the focus will be on monitoring the aging process of Fortune and Lucky.
Day 421: No significant developments. We have developed a 'lure' for wild tweedlers. Using TCP abilities, we are placing them into a sleeping state long enough to attach trackers to them. This will help us understand their migratory patterns in more detail. So far we have 32 individual tweedlers we are monitoring in addition to Lucky and Fortune.
Day 467: It seems that tweedlers are generally drawn to lush environments with lots of plantlife, presumably to inject shreds into. Their migratory pattern seems to coincide with springtime, where plants will be blooming the most. Of course, if they find an environment with constantly maintained plants such as those in our lab, they will be content to stay in that area.
Month 15: Due to the infrequency of updates, this record will now be recorded in months rather than days. We are continuing to attach trackers to any tweedlers we can catch, but observation of their migratory cycle won't be complete until we've tracked them for a year or more. It's basically a waiting game now.
Month 17: Migratory tracking continues. After some discussion, we've decided to conduct some formal intelligence and reasoning tests on Lucky and Fortune. They seem to be able to distinguish different researchers by their behavior towards them, as well as respond to simple verbal cues with enough practice. Fortune knows its own name and will (usually) come if it is called. We are drafting some simple tests to observe their memory and reasoning skills.
Month 18: The first test has concluded. Over the course of two weeks, Fortune was shown several colored boxes, with a shiny ribbon in the blue one. (Fortune seems to enjoy playing with soft fabrics, similar to the materials it used to build its nest. This usually works as an incentive for good behavior.) Fortune was allowed to play with the ribbon for 15 minutes each day before the ribbon was taken and returned to the blue box. Then the next day, the boxes would be brought out again, with the ribbon in the blue box every time. At first, Fortune would investigate a handful of other boxes before finding the ribbon in the blue one, but by the end of the experiment it would fly immediately to the blue box every time.
Month 19: The above test was modified and conducted on Lucky. Lucky seemed to catch on to the idea that the ribbon was always in the same box much faster than Fortune did. Whether this is due to movement being difficult for Lucky or a variation in intelligence between the two is unclear.
Month 20: The box test was conducted on Fortune again after over a month of inactivity. Fortune was able to locate the ribbon much more quickly this time, suggesting it can at least partially recall the previous tests.
Month 21: A change to Fortune's testing has been implemented. The ribbon is now located in the red box, with the blue box containing a small spray nozzle that gently sprays Fortune with cold water upon entering. The objective is to see how quickly Fortune will adjust when presented with a negative association. Fortune quickly learned to avoid the blue box, and now flies straight for the red one every time.
Month 22: A short maze has been built for Lucky to travel through. A ribbon was given to it for a few moments before a researcher picked it up and allowed Lucky to observe the ribbon being placed at the end of the maze. Over time, Lucky was able to solve the maze more and more quickly, displaying excellent spatial memory.
Month 25: Further testing with boxes and mazes showed both Lucky and Fortune to have exceptional spatial memory, which is to be expected for a migratory species of this nature. The next phase of testing will measure their ability to perform complex tasks.
Month 31: Fortune and Lucky are both able to perform simple 'tricks' when presented with positive reinforcement, including charging a small shred-powered light to make it blink in a certain pattern, and whistling a specific tune on command.
Month 46: Continued testing has shown Fortune and Lucky to be able to perform simple tasks, learn roughly a dozen words, and navigate a familiar environment in the dark. They also continue to form relationships with specific researchers, insisting on playing a different game with each one. They seem to enjoy burrowing into warm places during cold weather, often resting in a researcher's hand or flying into their sleeve. In hotter climates, they will 'bathe' in pools of water, splashing it onto themselves with their wings.
Month 59: The second migration cycle of the observed tweedlers has been completed. They tend to seek out moderate climates with an abundance of plantlife, and will travel south for the winter in order to maintain a desired temperature. Some tweedlers seem to have found permanent places to stay, and have stopped migrating altogether. Given their willingness to interact with people, it can be assumed some of the tweedlers we've been tracking have found homes of their own.
Month 72: Testing of Fortune and Lucky has ceased for now. We have a good picture of the way these creatures think, and any further research would have to be done on a larger sample size, which our small facility cannot accommodate. In addition, Fortune seems less energetic than before, often taking short naps in warm places.
Month 73: Fortune seems to be nearing the end of its natural lifespan. It has slowed considerably, and seems to want to spend its time in calm places rather than play games with any of our researchers. It will often sit on someone's desk as they work, sleeping next to their hand.
Month 74: Fortune is having difficulty flying for more than short bursts. A small enclosure has been built around its nest, complete with a feeder like Lucky has.
Month 75: Fortune is now unable to leave its enclosure unassisted. Lucky is being picked up and taken over for 'visits' every day. Both seem to enjoy these interactions. Fortune is becoming noticeably less vibrant, their crystal beginning to turn grey.
Day 2234: Fortune passed away today. They were found solidified, curled up in their nest. Research was put on hold for the day so that everyone could properly mourn. Everyone was thankful for the time we've been able to spend with this creature. Not only has Fortune contributed to the pursuit of knowledge towards understanding the Glass Tweedlers as a species, but it has also touched the hearts of everyone in the center. From each of us at the Aspersion Center of Environmental and Biological Study, we are thankful for Fortune's contributions.
Day 2236: Fortune's body has been sealed in a transparent resin cube so that it may be viewed from any angle while still being properly protected. Arrangements have been made to donate it to the Aspersion Museum of Scientific Discovery.
Day 2239: The original research team is disbanding to move on to other projects. The lab we've been using for over six years now will be renovated and a new team will be assigned to it. The place was getting a bit beat up anyway. Lucky is still doing well, even with its injured wing. I will be personally adopting it as a pet and keeping it safe in my home for the rest of its natural life. We're still unsure what the natural lifespan of these creatures are, but I feel like Lucky will stay for another year or two. My final report should be arriving shortly.