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[SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots
Candidates - 2020
Rin + Shivers, Patchwork Kernel
No content warnings.

Wax conducts follow-up interviews.

Wax sat in his mountain, hunched over as always. Hugging his knees wasn't the most dignified position, but it was how he fit in this cavern. He couldn't help but wish he had a little bit more leg room, though… hopefully it put the interviewees at ease.

"Send in the first one."

Juno stepped out onto the balcony, losing their gait for a moment as Wax's giant face came into view.
They continued despite this, looking well-past nervous as they took a seat toward the edge of the balcony, clearing their throat.

Wax kept his voice soft as he addressed them, trying to minimize any sort of nerves. "Hello, thank you for coming with your group on such short notice. Did you make the travels safely?"

They nodded slowly.

"Good, I'm glad… Hearth can be a confusing place." He leaned back slightly, giving them more air. "And your name?"

"Jun-" They cleared their throat once more. "Sorry. Juno. I've never... met..." They gestured at nothing, hoping the words would come.
"...Well... someone like..." Their sentence de-railed.

"A high god? Or at least, one my size?"

"Any god. Ever."

"Ah. This is a big first experience, then."

They nodded. "At... At any rate, I'd like to hear more about the job, if... or, we can just talk. However- However would be best for this. We're happy to try and help."

"A bit of both, if that's alright with you."

"Of course! Yep. Yes. ...Sorry." The gesabott took a quick breath.
"Anything you... wanna know?"

"More about you, I suppose. If I give you this job, I want to know that the people doing it are ones I can trust."

"Well, I can assure you that... if I have this job, you can trust me to get it done as best as I'm able. And if... I don't feel like it's something I'm cut out for, well... my friends could still take it. They're a lot more capable than I am, but, I'll still do everything I can to make sure I can do it well."

"They're more capable than you?" He tilted his head. "What makes you say that?"

The eyes on their display grew a little bigger.
"Well! Just. They have more... expertise with... That is to say, they're better at... lots of things. Especially with dangerous jobs. They have more combat ability, and they're faster, think better under pressure, those sorts of things. I'm just... well, gesabotts - you probably know already, but - we're close to indestructible. But I also don't want to be a liability by... being in the way, or anything like that. So... yeah, I- it depends on what you need, really."

"You passed your first interview with flying colors, you know."


"Well, that's... I'm happy to hear that."

"I think you should give yourself more credit, even though I've just met you. You're a part of this team. Not just an accessory."

"We're not... exactly..." They nodded. "I'll... keep that in mind. Did you have any questions for me?"

"What do you think this offer's going to be?"

"I'm... guessing it has to be important, if you're the one asking."

"Well, yes. Very important to me, at least."

"Well... we're here to help. If... you think we're a good fit."

"Are you good at finding things?"

"...I'd say we have experience with that, yeah."

"And how about people?"

They shuffled in their seat a little.
"I've had a lot of... customer service jobs."

"Those tend to be the worst kind, from what I hear."

Juno bit their lip. 
"They are... rewarding in their own... way," said Juno, clearly trying to be polite.

"You can be honest with me."

"...It isn't a field that really suited me well."

"I'm guessing this field treats you much better. Do you like it? I mean, the adventure of it must be nice."

"I really like exploring around and seeing new places. And I'm really glad I've met good people through it. It can be dangerous, too, but I'm kind of protected from that."

"Good. That's just what I want to hear."

"Does that help you? With your decision, I mean?"

"Mhm. Helps quite a bit."

"Did... you need anything else from me?"

"No, I think that'll be can send the next person in."

"Alright, well..." They almost held out a claw to shake but stopped themself. "Was good meeting you." Juno started walking back, briskly enough to denote their nervousness.

"Thank you for your time!" He called out after them, trying to settle in for the next interviewee.

They waved as they exited.


Wax could hear a small commotion inside once Juno made it back in, seemingly the rest being worried about what could've possibly happened.

A ruffneck covered in scars and wearing a tattered poncho entered next.
She stood at the edge of the balcony, saying nothing.


"Wax." she addressed simply.

"And you are Ravine, I take it. I saw your interview."

"Could've given us a little warning."

"My offer has to remain confidential until I'm absolutely sure of my candidates."

She pointed back towards the door with her thumb. "Didn't mind making Juno panic, I guess."

"They handled it well, all things considered. I like them."

"Mm." She pulled out one of her cigarettes.

"Ah, can you- can you not smoke, in here? Sorry, just… bad associations."

She stopped. "It's not real cigarette smoke. And it's open air in here. Still gonna get to you?"

"As long as I lean back, I suppose it'll be fine."

The ruffneck sighed and put it away. "S'fine."

"If you're sure."

"I'll live." She pocketed the pack.
"You aren't how I expected."

"What were you expecting?"

"Less timid." she said bluntly.

"I- I am not timid."


"You had questions? Or did you just want to get to know me?"

"Mostly the latter. You answered plenty of questions on your initial interview."

"I can get this job done. I can do it in the way that you want. Doesn't matter what it is. If you need to know more about me, then you can pry, but I don't have anything to say unprompted."

"Nothing relevant to the job, anyways."

"You're very to the point, aren't you?"

"You already know the answer to that."

"No chance at a conversation here?"

"Talk if you want, and I'll answer. I'm here to do a job."

"How are you with tracking people down?"


"How efficient?"

"Are you looking for a metric? You've got access to my records with Ambit."

"I want to hear it in your words. Give me an example."

"I've taken hundreds of people-finding jobs, including competitive ones. No one has ever finished before me. But you already knew that, if you did your research."

"Didn't you look into us beforehand?"

"I did, but I want to hear a personal story of you finding someone, one that challenged you. If you'd like."

"It isn't challenging."

"Then one that you found interesting."

"My track record speaks for itself."

"Or do you just want a story?"

"I'd like a story, yes. I want to hear your side."

"My 'side' is that jobs don't stand out. I sign up for them, I get them done, and I get paid." 

"You know what I can do, and you know I can do it. If you need me to prove myself, then I will, but I'm not here for your entertainment just because you want company."

She turned around, already on her way out.

"If you want someone to talk to, chat with Juno."
She turned just long enough to glare at him. 

"Don't scare them again."

"...very well. Thank you for your time."

The door shut behind her, giving Wax just a moment to think.

That could have gone worse.


A little while later, Juno emerged again.
"Uh, hey."

"Ravine send you out?"

"N-No, I just..." They stepped over, keeping their arms close by their sides.
"I just wanted to apologize. I-I know she can come off as rude, but she really doesn't mean it."

"No, she's fine- she was within her rights to call me out."

They leaned on the balcony railing.
"I guess that... I-I just wanna know..."

A mist surrounded Juno, eventually clearing to reveal a smug snake corvice in a vest.
"...How was that?"


They grinned. "Thank you, I try."
Blink swiveled back around and gracefully took a seat, crossing their legs.

"You're Blink, then."

"In the flesh."

"That should come in handy, should you get the job."

"You think so?"

"I mean, it's a versatile ability. As versatile as it gets, really."

They were clearly basking in the praise.
"I could do you, if you'd like! Just a bit smaller."

"Go ahead, I'm curious."

Fog appeared, showing off a Wax about six and a half feet tall when it cleared, mimicking his sitting position.
"As versatile as it gets, really." Wax's voice came out of the figure, with perfectly-emulated cadence to boot.

"Not bad."

The figure bowed, then changed back.
"Was there anything else you needed?"

"I want to know a little bit more about you, not just your abilities."

The snake sat down, leaning back confidently. "By all means, ask away."

"What do you find most intriguing about this job? I mean, you know so little."

"I'd say having very little info is intriguing, wouldn't you? Even moreso now that I know it's being offered by a high god such as yourself."

"Besides, you're offering a hefty sum. I'm sure I can handle whatever you need."

"So the fact that a high god is offering only tempts you further? No intimidation whatsoever?"

"You don't seem intimidating to me, I believe I'm in good company."

"That comforts me, I worry I got off on the wrong foot with the previous two."

"Oh? Why's that?"

"Ravine seems to find my techniques… it's hard to say, and I think I scared Juno senseless."

"There's nothing abnormal about that with Ravine. If you've still got your head on, then I'd say you did fine!"

They crossed their arms, propping their chin on a claw. "Granted, you scaring Juno probably made Ravine more wary of you. She'd never admit it, but she's rather protective of them. Which is unfortunate for you, since I'm sure Juno would've been nervous no matter what you said."

"A warning could have helped things, or may have made them worse. Who can say, really! But, I understand the need for secrecy."

"There's no way I could have put my name on the job request."

"Correct, though, your assistant could have let Juno know before sending them in. And they diiiid decide to send Juno in first, before the rest of us." 

"Not the best move, I'd say."

"I'll make note of it for the future… I don't want to cause anyone undue stress. There's going to be plenty of that on the job."

The corvice adjusted their glasses.
"Since you brought it up:  What would you like us to do, Wax?"

"I need you to find someone. Who exactly, I can't tell you unless you get job confirmation."

"Sounds simple enough." They leaned in a little closer. "But I'm guessing the 'who' is a much larger part of this, isn't it?"

"Very much so. I'm sorry that I can't tell you more, but to call it delicate is an understatement."

They waved a claw. "Not an issue at all."

"Did you have any questions for me either, by the way?"

"What's your impression of us so far? I can't say I'm not curious."

"I'm just a little over halfway through, but… I like you. You have a good variety of skills and personalities, and adaptability will be key to this job."

"Well, I can certainly say I'm adaptable!" They smiled, pleased with their own joke.

"Oh, you've more than proven that." He relaxed visibly, un-tensing from his earlier encounter with Ravine. "I think we can send the next one in- thank you again, for talking with me."

"Of course!" They stood. 
"The pleasure was all mine." Blink placed a claw to their chest.

"I have to ask:  which of the other two is coming in next?"

"If I tell you, will you just mimic them?"

"Oh, please, I only needed to do that once. It's purely curiosity."

"Pulse, then."

"Better luck of the draw, then."

They leaned in to whisper, as if they were standing right next to Wax.
"Just keep it very short. They aren't fond of meeting new people. ...And don't say anything to make them upset. Very important."

"Thank you. I'll do my best."

"You'll do fine."
"And a little confidence wouldn't hurt, hm?"

With a wink and a wave, Blink made their way back inside.

He couldn't help but tense up again. "Confidence. Right."


An amerveille stepped out in a button-up shirt, and took a seat.
Their paws were perched firmly on their legs, a distance in their eyes, as if they were looking straight through Wax.
"You're Wax, I take it?"

"That's correct. It's nice to meet you."

They hardly moved, speaking flatly.
"Wax, I would very much like to answer any questions you have, and move on. I don't mean any offense, but I would rather not be here longer than I have to. It has nothing to do with you specifically."

"That's fine, and I respect that. I'll keep things brief."

"I'd very much appreciate that. I can elaborate as to why, if necessary, though I will keep details vague."

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to hear it. Feel free to be as vague as you need, I won't pry."

"I've had direct contact with an angel," they started, leaving room for initial response first.

He simply nodded, listening carefully.

"...Since then, strong emotional reactions can cause sudden, drastic, adverse side effects in myself and those around me. The effects aren't physically dangerous, necessarily, but it isn't something to be taken lightly."

"I have no idea how it would affect you, in particular, it has never happened while in close proximity with a god before. I believe it’s best not to risk that."

"Hopefully that makes things a little clearer."

"Understood entirely. Angel effects are not something I take lightly, and I'll do my best to tread carefully."

"It's appreciated."
Despite this, Pulse didn't seem relaxed in the slightest.

"Are you comfortable with jobs that require tracking people, even in extreme circumstances?"

"Yes. I've had some experience with that. Not as extensive as Ravine or Blink, but I believe with their assistance we could perform that kind of job well."

"And do you have any fears about working with a high god?"

"From what I've read about you, no."

"And what about other high gods, potentially?"

They looked a little curious, their first display of emotion since entering the room.

"...a friend, of mine. Someone dear to me."


"I knew them very well."

"I'm not sure how you expect us to... find..." Their eyes darted left and right for just a moment, as if they were reading something.
"...You have a lead, then?"

"As much of one as I could find. You'll understand that I can't tell you more unless you get the job for certain, I assume."

"I understand."

"So I return to the question- are you okay with this job, knowing that now?"

"Do you believe they might be hostile?"

"I… don't know. It's been some time."

"We can handle ourselves, but you are potentially pitting us against a high god. If Teraphim is aggressive, people could..."

A twinge of strange energy radiated from Pulse, something unlike Wax had ever experienced before; entirely alien in all senses.
It dispersed as suddenly as it came.
"...It could be dangerous."

He was practically sweating wax droplets at the twinge, trying not to look as nervous as he felt. "Measures will be taken to help as much as we can with that, should you get the job."

"...Do you believe they want to be found, Wax? That’d make a significant difference."

"I don't know… I'm sorry."

They breathed in and out, slowly.
"I would take this job, if you offer it. We would attempt to talk things over, if at all possible. Explain the situation, and what it is you want."

"I'm assuming you don't want us to capture them or anything else drastic."

"But if that alone sparks hostility, to the point where Teraphim gets physical, I won't hesitate to protect those I'm with. I stated already that these... effects are not generally physically harmful, but with a high god-” They trailed off.

“...Is that something you're willing to risk?"


"I don't want to talk your ear off, especially after you've mentioned the effects of your condition, but I have fewer and fewer people I can say that I am truly close to, with every passing century. Even just knowing that they're out there, and that they're okay…"

"...that would be something."

They watched Wax for a little while. 
Another twinge felt, more brief this time.
"I understand."

"I hope that's not unreasonable, then."

"As I said, I would take the job."

"Then I think we're wrapped up."

They stood up and gave a small bow.
"Thank you for your time."

"And thank you for yours. You can send in the last one now."

"I'll be sure to."
Pulse left the balcony.

He let out a sound like a huge exhale, massaging his forehead. 
Please, let the next one be relaxed.


A pockitt with exaggerated eye-bags entered the balcony, giving Wax a wave immediately.
"What's up?"

They stood by the edge, looking the god over.

"Not much, aside from these interviews… though I'm sure I'll be back to being buried under piles of work after."

"Should have some fun in your free time, then."

"Wanna fight?"
they asked nonchalantly.

"Um… I don't know if that'd be a good idea."

"Why not? You don't gotta worry about me." They rolled their shoulder back, already stretching in preparation.

"I can't exactly move much, or I'll end up causing earthquakes."

They rubbed the back of their neck, looking aside in thought.
"Let's go somewhere else then. How 'bout it?"

"...I can't leave the mountain either, or I'll create even more earthquakes."

They sighed. "You don't have like, some underground place for you to stay or something that's bigger? You're a god, can't you just make stuff?"

"Doesn't quite work like that, I'm afraid."

"So you just sit here like... all the time, then?"
"Bet your legs are cramped to hell. Probably not good for your back, either, bud."

"It's not so bad, when you get used to it. God knows I've had time to."

"Doesn't mean you can't make it better. Seems like it kinda sucks." They shrugged.


"How 'bout this:  I can come at you, you can try and push me away. If I get a hit in, you give us the job. Sound good?"
They looked genuinely excited, despite their exhausted appearance.

He raised a brow. "If you jump off the balcony, you're going to fall and hurt yourself. I'm a few miles up."

"Oh noooo, like I've never had a broken leg before. Pfft." They rolled their eyes.

"I'll be fine, I can make that jump."
"If not, I get hurt. No big deal."
"High pain tolerance."

"'d break a lot more than your legs at this height."

"Eh." they shrugged.
"Catch me if I fall, then. You're right there."

Pepper poised themself down low, as if this had already been decided. 
"You ready?"

"Please do not fight me."

"Aw, c'mon! You really think I'm gonna hurt you? You'll be okay, promise."

"And it'll be fun. Right?"

"I would just rather you save your energy for the job. Should you get it."

"I got coffee." they stated matter-of-factly.

Wax looked like he could use a coffee himself right about now.

"And adrenaline. 'Should you fight me.' " they added, slightly mimicking Wax's voice, albeit playfully rather than insulting.

"Pepper, I am pleased to make your acquaintance and appreciate your offer, but I am not fighting you..." He got a devilish look in his eye. "...Today."

They smiled wide, narrowing their gaze. 
"Tomorrow, then."

"No. How about… if you complete the job- if you get the job in the first place. I will fight you then."

"I'm holding you to that, y'know."

"Plus, you're gonna give us the job."

"What makes you so certain?"

"Tell me I'm wrong, then. Have you had a problem with anybody so far? C'mon, I'm not stupid."

Pepper started counting on their claws.
"Everybody likes Juno, don't tell me that you didn't."
"Ravine probably scared you, god or not - no need to be ashamed."
"Blink is really full of themself, but charismatic as all hell, so I'm sure they got you good."
"And Pulse is like eight seconds away from initiating a regional disaster at all times, but they're professional and there's no way you didn't see that."

They pointed at themself with their thumb.
"And I'm Pepper. So,"

"You're gonna hire us."

"...very apt observations."

"Sooo, anything else you want from me, or are we good to go? Got questions or whatever?"

"Well, as you've said, you've made a solid impression already."

"Cool. And you know I'm gonna get the job done."

The pockitt pointed at him.
"Cause I really wanna fight you."

"Then you'll have to rise to the challenge. But… I have a good feeling about this." He tilted his head to the side, a slight smile in his voice. "You can tell the rest of your team that you have all successfully passed."

"Great. We'll be back when it's done, then."
With that Pepper waved on their way out the balcony door.

Only to return moments later.

"...Also, what's the job?"

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RE: [SIDESTORY] Morbit Oneshots - by skinstealer - 03-08-2024, 10:48 PM

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