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[SHOP] ~darkest night readings~

got the cash, here's your reading.

i detected two scraps budding within your person, and one about to shed- all of them page scraps, so that's likely to be your affinity. the one that's close to shedding seems to be related to you nearly finishing some kind of creative pursuit- expect the emotions from that to get really strong by the time you're done, and just try to ride them out. if you're able to get your hands on some witching gear and catch it before it gets lost somewhere, you could probably get it mounted onto some thing personal and have an extremely useful tool- it seems important to you. 

the buds are a bit different. one seems to be you processing something rough that happened to you lately- i can tell there's a lot of hurt tangled up in there. the other on the other hand is a lot more positive, with a sense of triumph associated with it. if you "feed" that one by encouraging those kind of emotions, that'd be a great one to gather up and get mounted as well. the other one, though...i'm not sure about. every scrap has its uses, but deciding what purpose that one could serve isn't really my jurisdiction. i don't advise for trauma-based scraps aside from "be careful".

page scraps aren't really useful for things like combat or defense, but tend to have much more extensive emotional and memory records than a lot of others. great for archival. they also make for good divining scraps as a result- technically i got a lot more information out of them than this from even just a quick long distance peek, but there's only so much i'm willing to divulge publicly when it comes to more personal scraps, sorry.

hope this was interesting. there's likely to be a ton more scraps budding within you right now, as is the case with literally everyone, but those are the most prominent that i could detect.
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Messages In This Thread
[SHOP] ~darkest night readings~ - by skinstealer - 09-30-2021, 01:58 AM
RE: [SHOP] ~darkest night readings~ - by sarcovyn - 10-07-2021, 02:40 AM
RE: [SHOP] ~darkest night readings~ - by sarcovyn - 10-07-2021, 02:47 AM
RE: [SHOP] ~darkest night readings~ - by skinstealer - 10-11-2021, 03:23 AM
RE: [SHOP] ~darkest night readings~ - by knux400 - 10-11-2021, 05:26 AM

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