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REFURBISHED [Morbitia Renovarse]
File 1-6: Mole

[Image: zgIO1YV.png]

[image description: Savvy standing in a gap between train cars with a puppet of a cartoon mole with glasses and no eyes wearing a librarian-esque outfit, with hair tied in a ponytail and a shirt.]

You follow Romero to a blind spot between two train cars, getting comfortably wedged in.

There's usually at least one car open and cleared out on these things, said to be kept for "Emergency cargo" but we all know the owners of this company are softies. Not a problem, it's more than appreciated by anyone brave enough to slip in to save money on fare. There's a few folks you've bumped into that practically live on these things...

The local police departments probably know enough about them to consider them worth intercepting, its a miracle they've been untouched for so long..

Back to business.

Savvy: So, you mind if I ask a few questions?

Romero: Sup?

You tap on the guitar case you're carrying.

Savvy: People used to carry tommy guns like this, you really keep a sword in one of these?

Romero: Me? Nah. Keep it in my sleeves.

Savvy: No, shut up-

Romero: Serious! Well, little more complicated than that but you know what they say about a good magician.

Savvy: Show.

Romero: Uh.. I just-

Savvy: You don't gotta explain how, show me something magic.

Romero: I mean you're part of the archive crowd, you're used to it by now...

You give him a look, he caves in pretty easily.

Romero: Fine uh... Check this out.

There's a ruffling in his coat like a animal stirring.

It reminds you a bit too much of a horror movie you watched with 'Spina once. You raise you guard a little.

Romero: Give me just sec, doesn't usually take this long-

A head pokes out, then slowly comes out the rest.

A cartoonish mole with a felt body, book held in arm as a permanent prop. You can see wires peeking from underneath, you're instinctively compelled to pretend those don't exist.

Something about it feels incredibly out of place and you can't pin it down but..

you recognize its true nature pretty quickly.

Savvy: A proxy! Cute!

Romero: Don't tell it that...

Savvy: Got a name?

Romero: Yeah it's uh-

It whispers into his ear.

Romero: Ah, nevermind doesn't want me to share that.

Savvy: Really? Why?

Romero: Said you got poser mean girl vibes.

Savvy: What...

Romero: Yeah, what's up with you today?

It whispers again.

Romero: Thinks you're trying too hard. Probably just in a mood, give it time.

The proxy avoids looking directly at you.

Savvy: Rude.

Romero: Give it time, things will ease up.  You can still talk, just a heads up.

Savvy: Kind of don't want to right now..

Romero: It'll listen in either way so..

Savvy: Right.... you got a pact?

Romero: Yep.

Savvy: This sword got anything to do with it?

Romero: Mmhmm, same with my buddy here. Got a good deal in exchange for helping with favors on occasion, I'm doing pretty good for myself. Granted its off the record when it comes to business.

Savvy: What'd you give up exactly?

Romero: Guy's a collector., simple as that. I send him interesting stuff, he returns the favor where he can. It's been working out for us..

Savvy: Mm..  There's another involved..

Romero: Yeah, Santana..

Savvy: No pact but.. close.

Romero: We're not friends or anything but we meet on the regular. Usually breaks out into a fight,

Savvy: Odd.

Romero: I mean there was like.. one time where we just hung out a good while back but that was kind of its own deal. I can tell you've been marked too.

Savvy: Me? Nah.

Romero: I dunno, you got something fuming off you and it's  got me on theories.

Savvy: Share with the class then.

Romero: Mm.. maybe. Don't wanna say anything too out there.

Romero:... Also Despina? You two friends like that?

Savvy: Like what?

Romero: Like, you hang out? Not like trying to say anything more than that, just.. I dunno iss good to see them have more friends.

Savvy: Not the first time I've heard that.. you know anything about it?

Romero: Uh..

The muppet of a proxy interrupts to whisper again.

Romero: Ah! We're near our drop off spot. Tell you what though, if you come with me I'll fill you in on the way. You dig?

Savvy: I'm on a bit of a timer..

Romero: I'll be quick, its my package anyway. Gotta be there to verify its mine and I'm not risking it getting jacked cause I got there late so..

Savvy: his place involve a shortcut?

Romero: You could say that..

That's ominous but.. you might as well. You could use a few shortcuts of your own if you're honest with yourself...

Savvy: Make it fast.

Romero: Aye, get ready to jump off in a sec then..

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RE: REFURBISHED [Morbitia Renovarse] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 06-13-2024, 08:29 PM

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