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[Q+A] Mortis Ramble Thread [18+ edition]
its the same thing as the other thread but i can talk about really upsetting stuff here wheeeeeeeeee

a bunch of people talking now- today we will ramble about the New Cast Of Fantasy Cascade, preferably without spoilers but we will see
for the sake of some added ~mystery~, these new characters will only be talked about design-wise in dream form for now. you can ask questions about what their lives are like outside of dreaming, but visually they will only be discussed as what they look like in dreamscapes.

this q+a may contain triggering/suggestive content, if you have outright NSFW questions go ask em in the discord, we're open to them but be decent

wilson- written by rin, trans guy in his mid-late 20's. devil concept, shows up in multiple forms in dreams including one mirroring his own body IRL, a more distinctly "devil-like" form mirroring trauma injuries he'd received over the course of his life, an ageslid form with the same injury problem, and his online roleplaying character, nerve. very gay and very closeted about it, and prone to getting mildly bullied for it by all of the characters here. you'll also notice a bit of...romance drama. there will be a lot of that.

"the rival"- written by xavier, trans guy in his mid-late 20's. ???? concept, shows up in dreams as a zombie wolf with colorful patchwork skin and body parts that literally fall apart at the seams. despite this, surprisingly durable against monster attacks and can put himself back together with ease. grew up with wilson but they were out of touch for a good few years, and their reunion has not been happy. they don't get along, and disagree on everything from gender, sexuality, and how to handle relationships. even so, they end up in the same situations a lot of the time, and are forced to work together whether they like it or not.

"freak"- written by xavier, agender and an unknown age. ???? concept IRL, has no consistent dream form but generally very fucking scary looking. generally unwanted in dream situations but they get thrown into these situations anyway for various spoilery reasons, and are a semi-constant thorn in wilson's side in future episodes. they have a very lopsided relationship, with freak wanting attention from wilson and wilson running the opposite fucking direction because freak is fucking terrifying and easy to mistake as a nightmare construct. wilson finds freak's affections towards him to be offputting and upsetting most of the time (not always for reasons that are on freak themself or their fault...). means well despite their inability to convey it, and genuinely has a crush on wilson they don't know how to express in a healthy and safe way. extremely complicated relationship, not as black and white as you'd think from this description but don't worry it's not going to be fucking bad-style weird. 

coraline- written by benny, cis...? woman in her mid-late 20's. ???? concept IRL, shows up in dreams as an "omen", a creature in morbit mythology that dooms someone to a painful death upon making eye contact with it. fortunately, this effect doesn't happen with her in dreams, and she even wears big goofy glasses to accentuate them. kind of business-like, helps wilson with work frequently (he does not ask and he finds her presence kind of imposing). known to be kind of infantilizing towards the whole bunch of characters here, but isn't doing it on purpose. tends to be avoidant of social contact outside of formal gatherings, and prefers to do things on her own.

dreamy- written by percy, doesn't identify as a trans man but definitely not a cis man either. mid-late 20's, answer changes frequently upon asking him, ???? concept IRL, bat-like slime vampire in dreams. he's wilson''s hard to explain what their relationship is. we'll say on and off casual hookup and leave it at that. the two of them connect for the first time after wilson finally gets out of his relationship with danielle, and while their relationship isnt healthy, that's mainly due to the fact that wilson won't accept that he wants an emotional commitment with dreamy (which the slime bat wants as well). as wilson gets into a more intimate relationship with one of his online friends (written by como), dreamy gets a lot of mixed feelings and wishes that he could be a part of wilson's life without feeling like the second option. will the three of them work out some kind of poly situation that works for everyone? perhaps!

you can ask questions about any of the individual characters or just pose q's to the whole bunch! go nuts
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Given Coraline and Dreamy's forms, how related are they to the Shroud species and each other? Feels like both characters are going to be intended for portraying different aspects of how people engage with Wilson.

How much is spoilers with Freak? I know a little and can extrapolate from that but there's genuine issues with Xavier spoiling stuff to me.
Given Coraline and Dreamy's forms, how related are they to the Shroud species and each other? Feels like both characters are going to be intended for portraying different aspects of how people engage with Wilson.

omens probably are derived at least a little bit from shrouds, what with the whole eye lore! coraline has a lot of fears about death and suffering, so that's probably where it comes from with her...along with some internalized self loathing shit of "oh being around me causes people to Suffer (sometimes in ways related to spoilers!). dreamy id say is less connected to shrouds because he resembles more of a batisson deal than a shroud/corvice/obj bat-wing situation, though he's missing the buglike features they sport. he's also just, pink goop.

on a meta level, we wanted this group to feel very halloween-y/horror inspired and have some unifying factors with that. theyre also definitely meant to play off of wilson as a protagonist while also being able to stand up as distinct characters of their own- while their starting points in the story are "how do they relate to wilson?", over time the intent is for them to be just as important on a narrative level, and function as, potentially, alternate protagonists.
How much is spoilers with Freak? I know a little and can extrapolate from that but there's genuine issues with Xavier spoiling stuff to me.

such is the curse of us rambling to you... let me see
spoiler-free freak facts for you all

-they do not have an actual name known to the rest of the main cast, and due to their shapeshifting + inconsistent appearance, tendency to resemble dream monsters, and difficulty conveying what they want in a way that's safe/okay, they are simply known as "the freak"/"that freak". no it is not nice of anyone and they all need a fucking scolding for it but tbf they dont even realize that freak is also in this same weird shared dreaming situation or a real person at all, and freak is prone to attacking people, which leads me to-
-it is unknown why freak both reaches out for attention to others in the dreamscape while also attacking them. dreamy posits that they've got some seriously crossed wires and need help, but no one really wants to listen to him on this. coraline would rather not be involved with this shit at all and wilson + the rival are just "no fuck that monster thing" about it
-they are completely nonverbal as far as anyone knows, the most you can get out of them is terrifying monster noises and crying in-dreams
-no one is familiar with them IRL and would not be able to recognize them out of a lineup/behavior-wise
-they are fond of soft fabrics and quiet environments IRL, but have a hard time finding good places to exist comfortably in
-they know more about the rest of the cast than they know about freak. this causes problems
-on that note, freak sees a potential companion in wilson and at minimum would really like to be friends, if not more than that. unfortunately this does not get conveyed well at all and wilson is more just terrified and angry whenever they show up
-it is not freak's fault that they show up in the form that they do, and while they have some degree of control over their appearance, it's more "what horrible trauma-coded beast do i show up as today" and less "i would like to Not be a trauma-coded beast today thank you"
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i said id do it on discord and i did. enjoy
i can elaborate on any of these
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love this! (makes me kind of want to make one for some of my ocs lol)

hmmm, could you perhaps give us a song off their playlists/relating to them for each of them along with a reason why that fits them? (or at least as best you can w/o spoilers of course)
There's a 95% chance I'm thinking of either a Pun or Mega Man at any given time

[Image: 12_10_10_23_11_44_26.png]Character thread here (always a WIP)! [Image: 12_11_10_23_7_45_27.png]
ill do multiple even im not a coward (and there's a lot to cover)

cw for SA/CSA and horny bullshit with these, you know what to expect


Get Out!- Big Scary
It’s still brave to be only a little bit scared
There's no shame when you're caught in a shadowy web
But insane when it's all just in your head
Can you come back from there?

I shouldn't fall so easy
I shouldn't fall
But I do

get out! is a really really good wilson brain song, i love it for him and it really encompasses just how psychologically-focused so much of concept life is, considering dreamscapes are basically weird fucked up headspaces that are even more prone to shifting than what you'd usually expect.

Power Fantasy- HEALTH X 100 Gecs
You were never dead to me
And bitterness is easier
You were never anything
You're alive and breathing in

You, me
Try to see
Why try so hard?
I still have dreams (I still have dreams)
With you alive and breathing in (With you alive and breathing in)
It's been so long (It's been so long)
It hurt so much, it's so hard

You were never dead to me (You were never dead to me)
You're alive and breathing in (You're alivе and breathing in)
You, me
Try to see (You, me)
Why try so hard? (Try to see)

this one is pretty blatantly a danielle/wilson song, it is also pretty loud and abrasive but i feel like that really works for them. even after wilson gets the fuck out of there (this is not a spoiler this was confirmed to be a thing in the original pilot sort of oneshot for FC), her influence still lingers in the horrible, haunting way that domestic abuse tends to.

CW: CSA/vomit if you look up the actual ending this goes to

Chu, Tayousei - ano

I love you, I can’t sober up
Oh, I need you. I can’t let go of my love
I’m afraid I’ve gotten used to it

No problem! Try to destroy it
Hold me tight. The taste of trauma with strong opposition
Sit down and I’ll give you a big reward ♥

I feel a tingle in the back of my throat
My heart is pounding
Let your heartbeat erase my loneliness
Dictate love and romance
Monopolize me
Let’s keep kissing until we’re addicted

so this is a chainsaw man ending theme and if you know the ending itself and the context in which it's presented this is uh....Well. Well, The Rival Has Problems. Past Problems Of A CSA Nature. and is also pretty inspired by denji according to xavier, so...yeah. he's quick to fall for people even if he really shouldn't, and while he's never really gotten the opportunity to dive straight into a bad relationship as an adult, he's had problems when younger and has weird, romanticized feelings about it.

CW: eye horror in album art
Show ContentSpoiler:
Burning Sunset- Widdly 2 Diddly

there is a lot of LISA music on these five's playlists but this one really stands out for the rival, he is an ambitious guy with big goals and a "cool" attitude and this is absolutely music he would blast while driving around, if he had a license literally at all.


CW: serious flashing, BDSM, loud

Wriggle- Clipping

i'm not quoting lyrics for this

uhhh. uhhh freak has weird relationships to sex and affection and as im pretty sure we mentioned they have some Wires Crossed. they definitely have an interest in rougher affectionate gestures and default to them, which is...not appreciated, and often misinterpreted as "oh the dream monster is attacking me". they really fucking need to learn boundaries and how to express this shit better because Frankly, The Other Parties Are Interested, freak just can't convey shit in a way that makes sense to anybody including themself.

there are also reasons for why freak's whole mental state re: this stuff is dissociated as fuck and seemingly nonsensical but i cannot get into that without spoilers and youll just have to trust us that it isn't weird bullshit in a bad way. just trust us.

Sweet Dreams- Kensuke Ushio

another chainsaw man track, this one a lot more understated and emotional. like everyone in this bunch, freak has had a really bad childhood and history with sexual trauma, and this to us captures that sort of melancholic need for comfort regarding that sort of stuff, as well as trauma in general. even with all of their issues with boundaries and expressing things in a way thats safe for people (including themself, their attempts at hugging people and such in headspace are often met with violence in turn), they genuinely really need care at this point and are stuck in a situation where no one can even recognize them as a person in the dreams themselves.


Posing in Bondage- Japanese Breakfast
I needed
I needed

not actually about sexual bondage, the singer has said it's more about closeness in a relationship, and that is something coraline Really needs. she lacks any sort of close relationships outside of befriending redial and has awkward feelings around a lot of the other members of this group for a variety of reasons. she desperately wants to be held and cared for, but doesn't really know where she stands regarding gender and sexuality and that feels like a massive barrier towards getting to know people.

Kind Of World- Big Scary

no real lyrical quotes here, this is just what benny considers close to coraline's voice sound (in a dub, anyway. can't say what her actual voice sounds like.) and it has a sort of weird, flustered feel to it that works really well for her. also, mirrors a wilson song linked above, so that's cool.


Guyliner- Dorian Electra
I'm a guy, don't be surprised
If I take my time to glamorize
No reason why that I can't try
To line my eyes, it feels so right

dreamy is a very big fan of drag and camp looks, something that wilson is very envious of and attracted to (which dreamy can and will take advantage of for gay antics). he likes changing up his looks frequently but is most inclined towards more feminine wear, and encourages wilson to try the same- but, the devil's a bit too shy for it, and struggles with the idea.

CW: Abuse

Domestic Bliss- Glass Animals

dreamy also sees how pained wilson is with his abuse shit with danielle, even in the wake of the him breaking up with her- he desperately wants him to be able to heal and move away from this shit for good, but everything lingers, and it's painful for both of them.

there you go, hope this is fun
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