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[Image: 1073656691104698399_image.png]
???: Yo, someone's actually here?!

A dino-like stranger sprint through the front door with little hesitation.

???: Thought folks would be gone after the warning was put out today.
Javi: Warning???

???: Yeah. Danger levels have spiked up hard in this area. Like.. even by night standards.

???: Something’s pissed off the local life hard. Usually not active in the day as much as it’s been. Two folks got attacked in separate incidents already, a third is under investigation.
???: Taking shelter here though I’m guessing? Can’t blame you.

???: Place is blessed, would be hard for anything to break in that shouldn’t be here.

Javi: Yeah..

???: You two can wait it out.

Frida: Question, visiting from out of town.

???:... Why?

???: Guess I shouldn’t be asking actually, visiting myself too. Got family here. You?

Frida: Just taking a stop, on a trip and needed a break.

Javi: Yeah.

???: You two look like friends though, unless you just met?

Frida: Well…

???: Hey, making friends is good.

???: Anyway you guys mind if I join ya’ll?

Frida: Javi?

Javi: Go ahead. More the merrier right now.
???: So…

???: You two need a ride? My car’s outside..

Frida: Maybe? Can you like, get us all the way out of town?

Javi: Frida!

???: Yeah actually. You trying to bail?

Javi: Yeah. Got a few folks to meet first but-

???: Give me a little to cool down and it’s done. This place is a hell hole, don’t get why anyone would want to live here.

Javi: No choice, moving out is a long ass trip you know?

???: Yeah, I get you there. I’m mostly here for research reasons.

???: Had to mod a car just to make it in. I got a driver who’s an expert at handling these sort of dead zones.

Javi: There’s other places like this?

???: Plenty. This one’s pretty nasty though…

???: Anyway…

Frida: You got a name?

???: Me? Sometimes!

???: Just go with uh…

???: Pancho for now.

Javi: Pancho? Really?

Pancho: I can come up with something better.

Javi: I mean… are you just making one up on the spot actually?

Pancho: It’s complicated. Got a bit of a condition so uh… you know. Keep anonymous.

Javi: That doesn’t really explain anything-

Frida: Maybe I can name you?

Pancho: You’d like that?

Frida: Mmhmm!

Pancho: Alright, let’s go.

Frida: Ignacio! Nacho for short.

Nacho: That’s cute. I like that. Nacho…

Nacho: Yeah, let’s go with that then.

Javi: So uh… Nacho then.

Nacho: Ignacio to you.

Javi: Sure, you really can get us out?

Nacho: Long as there’s a route. You said you wanted to handle some stops though, yeah?

Javi: Mmhmm. Some friends I want to let know.

Nacho: You’re on the run.

Javi: Yeah.

Nacho: Give me your game plan and I’ll see what I can do.

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