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[Image: 319.png]
MAY: Then turn the power down or use the other end!
MAY: I don’t know, just do SOMETHING!
Chance hastily apologizes under his breath, wincing just a bit as he lands a blunt strike on Chelsea’s nose. She snarls and tries to wrestle away as he goes for another, Chelsea narrowly avoiding the blow. 
[Image: 320.png]

You focus on Chelsea’s ribs in the meantime as she struggles, trying to hit where you think you heard a crack- only to hit a completely solid mass. 

Chelsea’s gritting her teeth, clearly strained by whatever she’s doing to keep you from going apeshit on her ribcage. 
CHELSEA: F-fuck you.
MAY: Have it your way.
MAY: Chance, move!
[Image: 321.png]   

Chance pulls back and you go for her horns- unable to grab them properly, you settle for shoving them downwards towards the floor, Chelsea’s head far enough up to make for a small slam. It’s enough to daze her, allowing you to turn your hands and get a decent grip on her horns. You waste no time, lifting her head up high and crashing it back down with your weight.

[Image: 322.png]

Her face is not the same when she hits the ground, twisted flesh and horrible clustered eyes staring blankly up at you as she spits blood in your face. She doesn’t quite look stunned, but there’s some weariness to her face now. She’s dazed, but definitely not out for the count. 

That probably would have killed anyone else.
You’re starting to think you might be in over your head.
CHELSEA: You’re going to regret that-
CHANCE: Nelson, wait-!
[Image: 323.png]
Nelson swoops in from the side before she can finish, delivering a shock- non-lethal, thankfully- directly into her side...which courses through you as well. 
[Image: 324.png]
You topple, writhing momentarily- but Chelsea’s only briefly deterred before she knocks you and Nelson away with her other arm- now also transformed. 
[Image: 325.png]
As she gets to her feet, you can see that her body is half encased in flesh, and you bet the rest is on its way. She’s backing away while you lay sprawled, but you don’t think she’s retreating- she’s going for that fucking staff. 
CHELSEA: E...enough playing around.
CHELSEA: You’ve...had your fun wrestling me.
CHELSEA: I told you to surrender and let me make this merciful, and you didn’t listen.
CHELSEA: I didn’t want you to suffer. 
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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RE: [PUNCH CLOCK ANIMAL] MAYBEQUEST: PART 1 - by skinstealer - 01-30-2021, 07:38 AM

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