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[Image: nRepyDj.png]

The cafe is crowded, but at this point, that’s a blessing. Both Chelsea and Bucket are exhausted from the night prior and a bumpy ride over, but after finally reaching their destination, it feels like it could be over soon. Hearth boasted an impressive number of restaurants, and after a little bit of searching, they found the best option- somewhere they wouldn’t be overheard easily, covered by the hustle and bustle.

Chelsea sits down at their table, letting out an exhausted sigh. Bucket walks on over with coffee and pastries, having gotten their orders from the front counter.
BUCKET: I share the mood.
CHELSEA: Thanks...what a mess.
BUCKET: I pray the ride home is much easier than this.
CHELSEA: I don't think he'll give us trouble again, not after what you did... 
She reaches for her drink, taking a sip.
BUCKET: I warned it would be ugly. 
BUCKET: I fear you might have night terrors for quite some time.
CHELSEA: If you're doesn't change how I look at you.
BUCKET: I'm very relieved to hear it.
BUCKET: Did you manage any rest?
CHELSEA: Not a single dream.
BUCKET: Honestly? Good.
CHELSEA: Did you sleep alright yourself? 
CHELSEA: I mean, you had to go as far as you did...
BUCKET: All things considered, better than I anticipated I would. 
BUCKET: I should be good now, for certain.
CHELSEA: That's good... 
She takes another sip of her coffee, not sure where to go from there. Too much has happened.
BUCKET: Mattias is too much of a coward to risk speaking up. We are covered at least for now.
CHELSEA: I don't know how things are going to go once we're back to Consumption.
BUCKET: Did we miss a base somewhere?
CHELSEA: No, no, I think we covered's just...I still have to deal with him...even if he doesn't talk about our relationship, or my whole deal, I don't know how he's going to act around me. 
CHELSEA: It might seem suspicious to Spit if he's too different.
BUCKET: I pray he is not too much worse after all this but... I do have the option to intervene now, much to his dismay.
CHELSEA: Guess we'll just have to see how it pans out.
BUCKET: I do worry but.... worst case scenario, I will come to your aid.
CHELSEA: You do too much for me, Buck... 

[Image: m2sBBnJ.png]

She picks at one of her pastries, tearing off flakes with a claw. 
CHELSEA: For us, I guess now.
Bucket takes a drink of their coffee. 
BUCKET: I'd do whatever it takes to keep everyone safe... do not ever feel you need to hide such a thing from me ever again. 
BUCKET: I will try my best to understand.
CHELSEA: I just...I didn't know how you'd react. 
CHELSEA: You're the first person we've ever told.
BUCKET: Nobody else?
CHELSEA: Who would we even tell?
BUCKET: For so many years though? 
BUCKET: That must be terrible to have to keep quiet on it for so long...
CHELSEA: I would have kept going, not telling anyone, for as long as possible, if this hadn't happened. 
She keeps looking at her food, avoiding meeting their eyes at all. 
CHELSEA: Even keeping it from you.
BUCKET: Well now that I know I am open to anything you may want or need to say on it.
CHELSEA: You mean that?
BUCKET: Mmhmm!
CHELSEA: Well...where do I even start, I guess.
BUCKET: Anywhere.
CHELSEA: Too broad... Ask me a question, or something.
BUCKET: How long?
CHELSEA: I don't know, it started showing up after the ritual- the one to make me Spit's demon...I don't think that caused it though. 
CHELSEA: I feel like it's been here longer, but I don't know for how long or why.
BUCKET: Some of your friends do seem to remember before that time.
CHELSEA: Friends...that's a new term for them.
BUCKET: What would you call them?
CHELSEA: I don't know, but I don't think all of them are friends.
BUCKET: Are some of them?
CHELSEA: ...I guess, maybe? I don't really talk to them.
BUCKET: But they are there?
CHELSEA: Some of them are nice to me. 
CHELSEA: Guess that's close to a friend.
BUCKET: Perhaps we could try to talk to them more, both you and I.
CHELSEA: You'd want that? 
CHELSEA: I mean, I don't know how much I can facilitate something like that, but I could try.
BUCKET: I'd be up for it, should you be.
CHELSEA: You already met Derry and Bazil, at least. 
She finally takes a bite out of one of her pastries. 
CHELSEA: What was it like? If that's not weird.
BUCKET: I like them. 
BUCKET: Derry seemed nice, and Bazil I think just needs time to warm up a bit.
CHELSEA: You think he's going to soften up around you? Because, no kind of feels like he hates both of us.
BUCKET: I think he's not so bad.
BUCKET: With time!
CHELSEA: A lot of time, if you're right.
BUCKET: I think we will manage well.
CHELSEA: Derry's got its own problems, I just don't get it.
BUCKET: What do you mean?
CHELSEA: I seeks out Spit, for one thing. 
CHELSEA: I can't understand that.
BUCKET: Does it really? 
CHELSEA: None of us know.
BUCKET: So odd...
CHELSEA: You'd have to ask it yourself. 
CHELSEA: I'll be honest, I kind of don't want to know.
BUCKET: I think I will if the opportunity comes up.
CHELSEA: Then I guess next time we meet I'll try to set that up. 
[Image: dHctnxy.png] 

Chelsea hesitates before reaching across the table, hoping for Bucket to take her hand. Bucket gets it immediately, clasping her hand in theirs.
BUCKET: Do you think it'll mind?
CHELSEA: Maybe it'd be good for it to have someone to talk to...for all of us to have that, honestly.
Bucket smiles, warm and comforting. 
BUCKET: I will do my best to make everyone feel welcome.
CHELSEA: And what about you? 
CHELSEA: I mean, are you really okay with all of this? 
CHELSEA: With us? 
CHELSEA: Aren't you worried?
BUCKET: It's confusing to me but... I want to accept every part of you into my life, even the things that are quite unusual.
CHELSEA: ...I love you.
BUCKET: I love you too.
Chelsea gives their hand a squeeze, unable to keep her own smile off her face.
CHELSEA: I guess this was never going to be easy, but maybe we can do this together. 
CHELSEA: Maybe it's going to be okay.
BUCKET: I think it will be.
CHELSEA: Then we'll just...keep going, then.
BUCKET: Mm. To the end of time.
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