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[Image: 11.png]
[id: a shot of the nightstand next to maes and charon's bed, a bit of sheets still in view. the nightstand has a few objects on it- maes' collapsed white cane, charon's family crest, and a photo that reflects the two of them in an intimate pose, maes on top of their partner.]

The room is quiet as Maes lay there, taking in the feelings of a nice dinner chased with a cozy movie. It was, for all intents and purposes, a perfect evening-
...I know this is the part where Charon and I usually start cuddling, but...
After today…

The dog chimes from across the room, snapping Maes out of their thoughts.

MAES: Mm? What is it?
CHARON: Just checking in, you've been quiet.
MAES: ...just resting.
CHARON: Mm.. Mind if I join you?

They pat the spot next to them, trying to stay calm and not bely their anxieties. Charon flops close to them and makes himself comfortable.

CHARON: Penny for your thoughts?
He always manages to pick up on this sort of thing…

They manage to wrap an arm around his shoulders, resting their head on him as they let out a sigh.

MAES: Now that we're resting, I'm just...thinking too much, I suppose.
CHARON: You can talk to me about it.
MAES: I know, I know...I did so well in the session earlier, but...all of a sudden it's scary to talk about only hours later.
CHARON: It takes time.
MAES: ...even with all that support during the session...
MAES: I guess I'm still scared of what you'll think.
CHARON: Doesn't bother me one bit, why would it?
MAES: I fell for me with the look I have now-
MAES: I worry about it...being less attractive for you.
MAES: I know you say that you'd love me no matter what I chose for myself but...
MAES: ...It'd be a big change.
MAES: And I don't want to just be liked because "it's me", I want to be liked for my features as well...
CHARON: You'd be more comfortable, seeing you happy would make me happy.
MAES: But would you like it.

They sigh, rubbing their temple.

MAES: It's...probably a stupid thing to be hung up on.
CHARON: Of course I would like it.
MAES: ...truth be told...I want to get to our usual, with all of the cuddling and intimacy, especially to calm down after that session…

Their ears droop.

MAES: But I keep worrying that you wouldn't be able to get into things as much when I change the way I look.
MAES: I'll have less chest to touch, and my figure won't be the same…
CHARON: More to squish in other places.


Their face flushes, enough to be noticed.

CHARON: Besides, my favorite feature would still be there.
MAES: And what would that be?
CHARON: Your smile.
MAES: ...that's very corny.

They can't help but smile, as self conscious as they are.

CHARON: It worked.
MAES: You really like it so much?
MAES: ...I bet you could earn even more looks at it.

They get a bit of a coy look in their face.

CHARON: Are you proposing something?
MAES: Maybe I want to be spoiled tonight.
MAES: I dare you to try and fluster me as much as you can.
CHARON: Any rules?
MAES: You'll probably get mileage out of using the new info you have now.
MAES: ...though I can't guarantee I'll be able to stay composed, it's new being open about it...

He presses a hand to their stomach.

Oh, shit-

CHARON: We'll have to find out.
CHARON: Let me know if anything comes up.

They let out a little, shaky breath.

MAES: That's a good start...
CHARON: You like that...
MAES: don't touch me here too often...
CHARON: Might change.
MAES: You think it'll start appealing to you?
CHARON: Don't see why not.
MAES: Maybe I should have you do this when I get sick, too.
MAES: Might help release some of the pressure...
CHARON: Is that what you want?

He pushes down harder.

MAES: Yes…
They sink into the bed, relaxing enough to allow their body to flatten a little bit.  

MAES: You can rub it around…
He follows along, Maes starting to purr and flatten out further.

CHARON: Someone looks happy.
MAES: I may have thought about this a couple times.
CHARON: How does it compare?
MAES: Better in actuality...I like actually feeling it.
CHARON: Mm... should've said something long ago.
MAES: I know, but I'm just now coming to terms with it myself...
CHARON: Well good thing it's never too late, aye?
MAES: I believe so…

They give him a soft expression, rubbing a hand against his cheek.

MAES: Now I believe it's time for you to keep flustering me.
Charon smirks as he places his hand against their side, giving them a little squeeze.

CHARON: Squish.
MAES: that what you want to do to me?
MAES: Squish me?
CHARON: Yes. Is that a problem?
MAES: No, just...didn't expect you to jump straight into things like that.
MAES: It's...very nice.
CHARON: You just need to bring it up, and I'll do what I can.
MAES: Even if it's weird?
CHARON: This isn't as weird as you're making it out to be.
MAES: ...I suppose's probably more tame than our usual tendencies, really.
CHARON: That aside, plenty of people would find it fairly normal.
MAES: ...I mean...we've basically just done basic appreciation, so far.
MAES: It...might go a bit beyond that.

They turn away, hiding their face in their hair.

MAES: Sure, I have my sights on realistic goals when it comes to the surgery, but...fantasies and all...
MAES: ...This is very hard to talk about.
CHARON: I know.
MAES: This is going to sound so stupid...

They sigh hard, reaching for his hand for comfort.

MAES: I can try to talk about it, though.
CHARON: Please do.
MAES: I know that most of my appeal for you is in my harder edges, all of the claws and teeth…
MAES: …but sometimes I wish I was softer, rounder even, as silly as it, yes, the shell reshaping would definitely help my aches, pains and dysphoria, but sometimes I wish I could go beyond that…
CHARON: I don't see why not, I could do with softer.
MAES: unrealistic levels, I mean.
MAES: Though I suppose for that, I'd more just want it to be temporary...

They mumble something after, unintelligible.

CHARON: How so?
MAES: I...would like to do things like be a bed for you.
MAES: Or crush you.
MAES: Not- not in a way that'd actually hurt you, know.

Their face heats up all over, covering it with their free hand.

CHARON: You want a little more weight on you, yes?
MAES: ...sometimes more than a little, but yes.
CHARON: That's absolutely reasonable.
MAES: really mean this.

They smile, just barely visible under their hand.

MAES:'d be okay with that?
MAES: All that weird fantasy stuff I mentioned, with the bed and the crushing and etcetera.
CHARON: It makes you happy and I'm supportive of it, you're allowed to indulge.
MAES: ...thank you, Charon.

They lean in to give him a little kiss on the cheek.

MAES: You know, you're allowed to tell me anything like this in turn.
MAES: I want to indulge you as well.
CHARON: Mm.. Have to think on that but I'll gladly take your offer.
MAES: Nothing comes to mind?

They lean in a little more, lingering this time.

MAES: Not even anything of a more sharp variety?
CHARON: I think right now I'm just happy to be here with you.
MAES: Sappy.
CHARON: Maybe.
MAES: ...right now though, I think that's exactly what I need.

They sit up all of a sudden, positioning themself over him and smiling wider.

MAES: I may not be able to crush you yet...but I'm feeling brave, and I can still try to imagine it.
MAES: Are you up for that?
MAES: At the very least, we could be close together...
CHARON: Bring it.

They lower themself onto him with a soft nuzzle, doing their best to flatten out and spread out the pressure. Their body may have been significantly smaller than his, and thinner at that, but there was something about the way they tried to put all of their weight on him that felt...different, closer.

Like they weren't holding back.

He wraps his arms around them, his embrace comforting and familiar.

CHARON: Letting loose a little?
MAES: You can tell?
MAES: I think I usually stay a lot more tensed up…
CHARON: It's subtle, but I noticed.
MAES: What do you think?

They carefully push themself against him, trying to further distribute the pressure.

CHARON: It's nice to see you experiment.
MAES: The real test's yet to come, though.
MAES: I want to see if I can get it to excite you.
MAES: Perhaps this could help the effect…

They move their tail, laying it across their own back and flattening it to try and increase how much pressure and weight was bearing down on him. To their delight, they can feel him sinking further into the mattress, adjusting and getting more comfortable.

CHARON: That's quite nice…
MAES: You like it?

They grin for just a moment, shaking their head to compose themself.

CHARON: Mm. Are you surprised?
MAES: I'm still getting used to being open about this at all!
CHARON: You seem pretty happy now that we're here, mm?
MAES: Yes...

They admit it almost shyly.

CHARON: Don't apologize for that.
MAES: Then...try grinding up.
MAES: I want to see how you do with the added weight on you.

He pushes up against them, eager and without hesitation. They can tell that he’s having to work a little harder just to move underneath them, something that only makes them more excited.

CHARON: I'll do my best to keep up.
He really is into this…

They move their tail a bit more, laying it more across their legs and hips to really center the weight on top of him.

MAES: I want to thank you for letting me experiment so much...and for taking care of me, all these days...
They pause for a moment, reaching between them to pull down both of their clothes just enough to rub against each other directly.

MAES: You make me feel better than I ever have before.
Charon wraps his own legs around theirs at that, getting as close as he can.

CHARON: I'm glad... I want you to feel comfortable being more open and letting you be your earnest self.
MAES: My earnest really think this is it?
CHARON: Is it not?
MAES: Feels like I have a long way to go...but maybe I'm getting there.
CHARON: I'll be by your side the whole way then.
MAES: And I by yours.

They lean in for a hard kiss, Charon returning it passionately as he feels the distinct feeling of slime wrapping around him, right between his legs. It had taken some practice for Maes to get used to the new anatomy configuration, but now that they had the hang of it…

I want him so badly...I want to make him mine-

They move their hips more as they kiss him, getting lost in all the sensations. He can't resist feeling up wherever he can, squishing and squeezing down hard.

MAES: K-keep grabbing me like that…
CHARON: You like that?
MAES: Yes-!

He continues on, Maes barely able to take it.

MAES: C-can I bite you?

They sit up enough to unbutton and pull his shirt off of his shoulder, lunging in for a chomp. Charon braces himself for impact as Maes sinks their teeth in hard, grinding up even more as they bite down.

CHARON: Y-You're so riled up...
MAES: I can't help it...the fact that you're embracing this means so much...
CHARON: I wish I could do more to help you here, to be honest...
MAES: Even just the thought that you're open to it helps.
MAES: But...maybe you could tell me more of what you want, too.
CHARON: Mm.... I want to explore my fiendish biology more with you but...
MAES: Oh? But?
CHARON: That would require me to take blood from you regularly to maintain.
MAES: Would my slime innards work just as effectively?
MAES: I'm not opposed to that, considering I have to get rid of so much of it as is just to keep the pain away...
CHARON: In theory it should.
MAES: Mhm...and besides, when I've gone through the surgery, I'll likely have more to go around, and more comfortably at that.
CHARON: Then let's look into it.
MAES: Mm, a little trade..

They lean in to kiss the fresh bite marks.

MAES: You'll have to tell me all the details.
CHARON: In theory, I'll be as flexible as you in a lot of ways.
CHARON: Possibly moreso.
MAES: I do like the idea of upping the ante more and more…
CHARON: That so?
MAES: I want to go as far as we can safely go.
MAES: I want to see it all, as long as no one gets hurt in a way we can't fix.
CHARON: I'm all for this.
MAES: Then let's do it.

They can't help but grin.

MAES: Let's have a little adventure of it.
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