05-17-2019, 04:18 AM
(05-17-2019, 04:02 AM)Orange Juice Goose Wrote: T-Pose
You get the urge to stretch your arms, as is customary of a sleepy bitch waking up. You do so, it feels nice and you have confirmed there are in fact no blankets on this bed as a result. Nor are you near a wall.
(05-17-2019, 04:07 AM)skinstealer Wrote: take a quick self inventory, how are you lookin
You sit upright and look around. Apart from a potted plant and two doors, the room is bare with a simple white paintjob. There's the bed you are on, just a mattress on a metal frame. You, are naked. And someone, maybe you, shaved you. Entirely. Not a hair on your body. From your feet to your head, you are smooth. No wonder you're cold.
Having gleaned the situation at hand what is your next move.