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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Image: Dither_small.png]

???: Please put the weapon down...

Opera: Anura, you know them at all?

Anura: Like I said, I assumed they were with you. I don't gauge any hostility from them and their appearance here seems... deliberate?

???: I'm here looking for someone but if they don't want to be found-

Opera: Who?

???: A dog and a proxy. Are you a friend of theirs?

The snake tilts their head at Opera.

She tries her best to maintain a poker face.

???: Mm.. can I at least pass along a request?

Opera: Keep it on point-

You step in, you've heard enough.

You can feel Rook trailing behind you.

Charon: You can tell me yourself.

Opera gives you a look.

Charon: I'll be fine. So?

The snake gives you a nod.

???: I heard you've got the Book in a bunch, screaming their heads off for the past day.

Charon: They call themselves that?

???: Suppose so, you'd know more than I do. Think you the devil.. don't think I can see it.

Charon: Makes me more of a candidate, no?

???: Depends, are you?

Charon: On a good day maybe. So?

???: Suppose I want to know your secret, lots of folks in my village do. You willing to make a stop by? You can bring anyone you want..

Mar: What's your bid?

You were surprised, Rook seemingly switched out while you weren't looking.

Charon: How'd you get here?

Mar: Just.. figured you could use a little help. Others are bushed and new guy's a little shy about showing their face.

Charon: New guy? As in a fourth?

Mar: Mm...

The snake looks Mar up and down.

???: You have more than one?

Charon: Not exactly-

Mar: Fractured, one proxy body with four selves...

???: Got a few multiproxies but never seen that play out.

Mar: Can we get a few names? Introductions feel due..

Mar steps up and offers the snake a armless courtesy

The snake's cheeks turned red.

???: Dither, and you might be?

Mar: Mar Judgment. Charon here is my partner in crime.. yours?

Dither: No, mine's been long gone... all of us at home are in the same boat.

Mar: I'm sorry to hear that...

Dither: You're fine, better to fill you in ahead.

Opera: You said there's a whole town?

She lowers her gun.

Dither: Mmhmm! A couple hundred of us living there, managed to piece it together pretty nice I think. We could set you up with bed and breakfast too if you need to stay the night.

Anura: Realistically you would have to, too late to spend a significant amount of time there and make it back safely. Night's are rather difficult wen you have a target on your head..

Dither: That's why I figured I'd offer.

Charon: And what do you want from me in particular? Don't go seeking out another man's devil without a deal in mind.

Dither: Wanna wait til we get back to fill you in fully but truth be told, we got a common enemy and you're especially good at putting them in the dirt.

Charon: You need knight?

Dither: We need a hero, up to task?

You look over at Opera.

Opera: I'm game. Gramps?

Anura: I could use the trek.

You turn back toward the snake. Mar gives you a shoulder nudge.

She wants you to help her go in for the kill.

Charon: I'll see what I can do. Any chance to know you a little more when we get there?

Dither: I'm not all that interesting..

Mar: I'm sure that's not true. With a face like that you've got a few stories, maybe over a nice brunch?

Dither: I can't commit to much right now but... maybe when the dust's settled?

Their tail lightly swishes around.

Mar: Keep a open mind.

Dither: Absolutely...

Paige makes a squeaky little cackle from Opera's shoulder.

She squishes the sheet ghost's head down

Opera: Be nice..

Dither: I mean it's not wrong..

Mar: It's fine, I like a little honesty. Says a lot about a person-

Anura: If I could politely interrupt, we should make arrangements to travel soon. Daytime is burning away and if it's alright I'd like to give my grandchildren a little privacy when they um...

He gestures to you, Mar, and Dither.

Anura: It's sweet but..

Charon: No you have a fair point. Mar?

Mar: Grandchild...

Charon: Aye.

Anura: Is.. that a big deal?

Mar: Don't get acknowledged by family much in such regard...

Anura: You're family too as far as I'm concerned but.. if you'd prefer something else-

Mar: No, I quite like that. Grandpa Anura?

Anura: Yes?

Mar: I'm ready to go whenever I think.  

Opera: Same.

Anura: I'll grab your stuff and then lock up proper then, don't wait for me.

Dither: It's no big issue-

Anura: Just trust me when I say I'll catch up. I'm a bad mouse but a master rat.

The snake looks at you with a confused expression.

Charon: Don't know either.. you heard him then.

The snake starts making way, Mar leaning on their shoulder.

A town of proxy...

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