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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
[Image: image.png]
 You and your friends sat down at the table across from Esperanto and Bern. The latter has a guilty look across her face.

You can’t muster much eagerness for the meal in front of you. Despite that, your force yourself to pretend to enjoy it if only to hide your frustration.

Mentally you’re hardly here right now, split between the old castle and reality.

It hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Styx: You surrendered…

Styx: That’s something new to me.

Charon: Not much choice here, I’m being strong-armed hard.

Charon: Sometimes you just… compromise.

Styx: That’s what you call it?

Charon: What would you?

Styx: Abuse, frankly.

Styx: If you’re being put through this right now, can’t imagine what the actual training will look like.

Styx: It’s incredible that one of your friends would vouch for a person like this at all.

Charon: Mm…

Charon: Mercury’s got some explaining to do.

Styx: I’m curious why this whole process feels so… targeted.

Styx: Especially considering your recruitment was somewhat of a surprise, yes?

Charon: According to everyone, I wasn’t even on anyone’s radar.

Styx: Hmm.

Charon: Geezer and Opera are so quiet right now.

Styx: They’re upset too I’d imagine.

Charon: Mm…

Charon: I don’t think I’m going to finish my lunch right now.

Charon: Stomach still turning.

Styx: That’s normal in a situation like this I’d think.

Styx: I want a talk with them.

Charon: I’m not giving you control again.

Styx: You won’t, but your proxy might.

Charon: Pardon?

Styx: All those feelings you try and bottle up. Fear, sorrow, anger, insecurity..

Styx: They’re part of what makes you a whole person, no?

Styx: Your proxy has so much bottled up.

Styx: Every rejection, every failure, every moment you know deep down was completely unfair and yet you chose to suck it up regardless.

Styx: You know how you truly feel, but the proxy is the only one who’ll be honest about this.

Styx: Besides, I want a rematch.

Styx: Nearly died covering for you previously.

Charon: For a moment, thought you did.

Styx: I’ve survived worse than a brute like them, you really expect me to go down so easy?

Charon: Did you in back then.

Styx: Yet I stand!

Charon: Barely.

Styx: Rude…

Styx: Just…. Be kinder to yourself.

Styx: For both our sake.

Charon: Mm….

Styx: Hmm?

Charon: Why show concern now? Why at all?

Charon: We killed each other back then, can’t imagine you’re happy about that.

Styx: Because…

Styx: May I confide with you?

Charon: I suppose.

Styx: If you’re only a shell of the original Charon…

Styx: I think I might be in the same situation myself.

Styx: Staying up late waiting for grandmother to return from work.

Styx: Watching shows from other parts of the world and wishing there was more than just woodland around.

Styx: Listening to that one song on loop before bed. You know the one, yes? The one from Monte?

Charon: 3 cups in the morning.

Styx: 7 pills at night.

Charon: Two shots as a warning.

Styx: Third one wrongs a right.

Charon: Moon outside is howling.

Styx:  Migraines’ on the run.

Charon: My head feels like a loaded gun-

Styx: Don’t you make my day.

Charon: You… remember that?

Styx: Mm…

Styx: Distressing but…

Styx: It’s comforting as a memory.

Charon: Huh…

Charon: Mind if I share something with you?

Styx: Go ahead.

[Image: image.png]

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