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Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory
There's many moments you can't live without, moments that embody everything you are or ever will be..

The time you shattered a god...

[Image: unknown.png]

And brought down the stars too.. You risked your entire existence and made it out a stronger person.

[Image: unknown.png]

Despite being the validation you sought out, it wasn't what drove you...

[Image: unknown.png]

Nor was it the legacy you inherited...

The burden of being the last remnant of a time you never experienced yourself..

You can't help but wonder why Styx clung onto this host more than any other sometimes....

When you really think back, what kept you going...

Was the hope to make it back with Geezer.

Live life with your grandma, as long as you have the chance to left....

It's silly but....

[Image: unknown.png]

Erica: Back from work kiddo.

Charon: Grandma? You're usually out til morning...

Erica: Easy night, town let me off. Got us some goodies.

Charon: Oh?

Erica: Imported cola, the kind with real sugar.

Erica: And some food from the streets. We'll unpack those soon.

[Image: 20190616_154743.jpg]
Charon: R-really?

Charon: Is it a special day? I didn't forget something right...?

Erica: Mmm... not yet but...

Erica: Thinking about everything. Getting older, figure ya'll need as much time with me as you can get.

Erica: Especially with your cousin moving in.

Charon: Geezer, right?

Erica: Mmhmm. Picked him up under a mentorship so he's gonna be learning a lot of the family trade but....

Erica: He's pretty mellow. Think you two will get along pretty well.

Erica: Figured it'd be best to take him in as easy as it'd be to toss him over to Uncle Virgil or your Great Aunt.

Charon: Mm... is his room ready? I can help if you need me to.

Erica: Appreciated, but I've got it covered....

Erica: Anyway, why don't we go over to the porch, get some food together and keep talking...

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RE: Masa con Papas: Proxy's Memory - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 10-21-2022, 06:33 PM

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