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[INFO] Character Board Guide [+Inventories]


welcome to the TCPdex RP Character Board Directory! here you can make threads for your TCPdex RP characters, keep track of their inventories, and customize them however you like. 

your first post should work as a sort of overview for you as a player, easy for quick reference (especially for mods). they should include, at minimum:
-table of contents for your characters, with links to each one's post
-research prompts completed with links to each one in the research thread
-any other info you'd like!

there's no set format for character posts on these boards, as long as they include:

-character picture
-character name
-character type
-character ability (go ask knux if you don't have one, sorry knux)
-character housing/zone/location/whatever-inventory (see more in inventory section)


your TCPs have inventories of their very own! each TCP can have a "starter kit" of items and can earn/find new items through missions and research posts. these are yours to manage and detail on, and are pretty freeform. as long as you don't make something blatantly meant to break the game and ruin peoples' fun, the sky's the limit. equipment and items given to you through the roleplay itself will come with plenty of room for you to define what it is and does, so it's up to you to come up with your TCP's stuff!

your starter kit, from coming straight out of the lab includes:
-at least one outfit
-one weapon
-one tool
-one personal belonging
-some kind of storage device to hold these things
-a device to access the morbit internet with

outfits are always free to add to your TCP's inventory, as are personal belongings. if you want to add a new item to your inventory, find a way to work it into a research post, even if it's just a mention. furniture and things in your TCP's housing do not have to be listed in an inventory- this refers to things that your TCP can and does carry on their person.

when you list a scrap, please include the following info:
-memory contents
-emotion contents
-energy contents (think of how strong the scrap is)
-scrap type

you can also include possible uses, if you want!
there's no set format for how you do your boards beyond this required information- go wild in making your board your own!
[Image: TCP%20customs.png][Image: 2411]

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