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King's Mulligan [Interactive Project]
Tiles: More than glad to, but for now I think it’d be good to keep it to just us?

Courier: Suppose that makes sense, most of the folks working the safehouse have yet to know you for more than a few minutes.

Courier: Styx is busy and Gallows can’t exactly be here while he’s using their body so..

Courier: And Starman is hard to get downtime with lately, they’re hella busy.

Courier: Suppose Creme but… hasn’t really fully solidified herself as a guaranteed recruit in my head I don’t think.

Courier: Give her a couple of days I guess.

Courier: That unfair?

Tiles: Do you not trust her?

Courier: If Styx and Gally both like her, I know she’s got potential.

Courier: Could benefit too from someone like her, a few folks in town can maintain gear but the idea of making it’s tricky. We have to procure on the spot for the most part, minus Gally.

Courier: But… even then, Styx isn’t a big fan of just loaning out, namely because it’s a lot to maintain and much of it leans a bit too unusual to hand out.

Tiles: Training.

Courier: Aye…. all of his equipment is decades to centuries apart and from across the globe.

Courier: Plucking out things that you’ve never heard of, training with them, and then having to switch off to something else you’ve never heard of.. Not doable.

Courier: And to be frank, few of us are trained to handle more than street scuffling.

Courier: Move somewhere else to continue?

Tiles: Mmhmm..

Courier: Lashy?

The proxy gives the two of you a little bow before opening up a rift for both of you.

You and Courier step through together, Lash being the last one to make it out.

You’re in a rather comfortable looking apartment, one that despite it’ssize simplicity does everything right to make itself feel home.

Courier: Welcome to my place, got settled in last year..

Tiles: Do you not sleep at the safehouse?

Courier: Course I do, have to plenty of days!

Courier: But it’s not sustainable to treat them as long term homes.

Courier: The folks around here are willing to help us make the most of the situation, so long as we continue to support the neighborhood.

Courier: Gally prefers to find spots than stay anywhere consistent. Figures it makes him hard to pin down with how active he is on the field.

Courier starts for the little kitchen setup, getting things going. Lash choses to stay close, not wanting to leave you unattended from the look of it.

Courier: If you really would like, you can stay the night sometime.

Courier: Though I think we’d need to prep a tad better. Don’t want you to not be able to bring Bastion with you, and you’ve still got your armor back there as well.

Courier: Plus… wouldn’t really want to leave Creme and Dive without enough eyes for now.

There is a faint noise of electronic snow coming from the proxy.

Courier: I just worry…

Lash continues.

Courier: Mm.. Is it really that unfair?

Courier: Was given the same cautious treatment for the first few days. Potential ally or not, they had plenty of reason to be careful around one wearing the body of an enemy.

Lash: …

Courier: I still feel a little conflicted on that..

Lash: …
Courier: Mm…

Whatever was said between them certainly seems to lower the sword’s mood a bit.

Courier: Anything you’d like while I get drinks going? Been a minute since we’ve had someone new in this place..

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RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 08-29-2022, 08:44 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 12-31-2023, 07:34 AM

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