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King's Mulligan [Interactive Project]
Tiles: Mm, well..

 Tiles: First off I have to applaud your performance, always amazed by those who can play. Someone very dear to me was a musician so I've always had a soft spot, always wanted to myself. Where'd you learn?

They blink, looking somewhat taken aback.

 ???: I can't say I'm any comparison to Jackie's music.

???: I've... 'heard' some, through you.

???: To make someone else feel safe, just by being there, just by playing...

???: ...Well...

???: ...I'm sure the world is a little darker, now.

 ???: But, I know you carry him with you.

They watch the fire, idly strumming unstructured notes once more.
You have an inkling that they're thinking.

 ???: I'm very flattered, that you enjoy mine, too.

 ???: I've... had a lot of time, let's say, without much to do.

???: I've always enjoyed music, so... it seemed a natural hobby to pick up.

???: ...Sets the mood, doesn't it?

 It's difficult to tell, but the edge of their grin curls up some.

An *actual* smile, from what you can tell, albeit slight, and brief.

Tiles: Certainly does... so who are you exactly? I didn't anticipate a woods in this castle.. nor am I sure that it's supposed to be here? I was with Styx last so I assumed perhaps he was with you?

They chuckle, quietly enough that it's difficult to hear over the gently-crackling fire.

 ???: Styx isn't with me.

???: These woods don't belong to the castle.

???: They sprout, where you are. Where I am.

???: Somewhere between the both of us.

???: ...I can't tell you my name.

???: Names are very important, for those like me.

???: It isn't quite as fun to lay all cards on the table, especially in a first meeting like this.

???: Much more interesting to gradually let it all unravel.

???: ...I am enjoying your company, though.

???: So, I'll tell you what I am.

 The stranger looks up, watching you under the brim of their hat,
through the fire.

 ???: I am a salamander.

???: I'm sure you can find out more, should you want to.

Tiles: I'll more than certainly have to look into it then, I might be able to find some information..

Tiles: But our time is limited and I wish to make the most of it so..

Tiles: I must ask if you know something important that you need to pass on. Some forbidden knowledge, advice toward the future, a clue or even a tale that may be beneficial to hear.

Tiles: Anything you can share of value is more than appreciated.

Tiles: If it's too much to ask, I understand..

The stranger strums away, looking at the ground, deep in thought.

Occasionally they glance up at you, as if debating something.

???: I hear there's a local pond with mosaic plants.

???: A great spot for fishing. Might be worth taking a break there, sometime.

 ???: ...That,

???: and you may not be the only survivor of your guild.

???: That is all I can say.

Tiles: I'm not alone...?

Trying to process that claim shuts down about half your brain.

Your eyes waver, your breath becomes unsteady.

A complete loss for words in the moment.

The stranger tilts their head, looking over at you. It's difficult to tell in the dark, and with the grin that never seems to fade, but you think their expression towards is warm.

???: You haven't been.

They let their words hang in the air. The fire begins to wane, crackling as it dims.

???: Well.

???: Seems that's all the time we're afforded here, for now.
The salamander stands up, slowly swinging their guitar onto their back.

???: It's been a pleasant talk.

Tiles: We'll meet again, perhaps?

???: We will.

 As the fire turns to embers,
the woods grow pure black.

 You feel
wind in your hair
 trees rushing past you in the dark

 When you blink, you're back in the library.
 You watch as leaves fall in front of you, then disappear into nothing.

You hear footsteps from behind.

Styx: There you are! Something seems to have breached the castle, frustrating really..

Styx: Worried you’d been spirited away. No idea how anyone managed to break in.

Styx: What happened? Are you alright?

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RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-03-2021, 01:09 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 12-07-2021, 07:48 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by Guest - 08-29-2022, 08:44 PM
RE: King's Mulligan [Interactive Project] - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 11-24-2023, 07:01 PM

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