02-20-2023, 10:33 PM
![[Image: image.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/931765514257190932/1077066712555475054/image.png)
After a bit of a change into a large overall dress with a nice blouse underneath., Creme pokes her head out of the room.
Creme: Finished up..
She did a little twirl to show off the outfit, despite its thrifty nature it came together quite nicely.
Courier: Cute, there’s some folks here who’d love your style.
Tiles: It’s quite lovely.
Creme: Thank you! I did my best and I promise I will pay everyone back for this. I really shouldn’t be borrowing…
Courier: You’ll be staying with us, no?
Creme: As much as I can, still have to maintain looks before transitioning over to this place.
Courier: Understood.
Creme: I can stick around for a couple of days easily though…
Courier: That’s fine, we can help you get your stuff out here.
Creme: Could you really..? It’d be a big help. I need my tools…
Creme: Many of them are in the mirror world..
Tiles: Does seem essential…
Courier: Aye. Why don’t we get situated aye?
Xey give the two of you a gesture to follow.
You walk down the hall, only to be interrupted by a construct with a bulb head.
You recognize it as a corpse light, a tool used by the crown to harvest the souls of infantry.
An escapee? Likely manufacturing or a low level grunt if she defected..
![[Image: image.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/931765514257190932/1077357141901463693/image.png)
???: Ey! Courier! Brought some new friends?
Courier: Recruits! We just got a job done so we’re getting some relax time.
???: Ah. Well I’m on shift serving food drinks. You folks want a booth or to talk to me on the bar?
Courier: I’d love to personally but… I think it may be easier to ease them in slower. What do you think?
Creme: I wouldn’t mind making friends, already doing quite good on that today.
Courier: Tiles?