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[FEEDBACK] Worldbuilding/Zone Articles
I think this photo edit works quite well, and downscaling to 15% resolution still produces a legible image to me. On Discord it was mentioned that the Bluster article was recently changed to have image edits like this which can be viewed here.
I think this works quite well for breaking up the article and giving examples for the descriptions, and the images could be repositioned and resized depending of how much whitespace people want.

I'm not sure how typical my experience was to being introduced to Morbit, but I found Waterlogged and the Oneshots regarding deities and daily life to be useful. The older wiki helped with some of the worldbuilding concepts, but it was out of date at the time I read through it. I hope the new wiki helps with introducing the setting and projects, and provides a base for audience participation.
One thing I'm wondering about is how to have a presence on other sites and the internet in general where people are browsing content. The oneshots that demonstrate what issues you want to portray, and the way the setting explores them, seem useful for that. The 2018 holiday special felt good for non-word of mouth introduction. Maybe something to consider next year.

Also, what timescales are you planning on making changes and reworks over? Since this is happening over Christmas I feel it has put added pressure on the team, and while the quick turnaround is helpful for testing examples, is it straining the internal organisation of the team?
As you've mentioned on Discord, the wiki project is a first for many team members, and involves a lot of information to be written down, do you think you are giving yourselves enough time to research how others have accomplished similar things before you make decisions on priorities?

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RE: [FEEDBACK] Worldbuilding/Zone Articles - by Shifter55 - 12-28-2020, 03:50 AM

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