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[Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged
YOU: Well, do you think we should like, dig into this?
DAISY: That’s the thing, I just don’t know, if… if this IS someone breaking in here or… then it’d be really important to stop them. But I haven’t been involved in the military here for a long time.
DAISY: And if there is someone carrying around something that’s emitting horror radiation, I don’t know if...
DAISY: Maybe I would be the best to handle it of most of the people here
DAISY: But Still.
[Image: Waterlogged-87-1.png]

YOU: Well, like... what would happen either way.
DAISY: If it’s someone with Aspersion, Verity would probably get upset if I messed with them, though I’m sure she’d understand if I explained the situation.
DAISY: If it’s NOT someone with Aspersion, then… then they need to be stopped.
YOU: Then I’ll go look
DAISY: Where was the last place you saw them?
YOU: Uh… they were heading towards the labs I think.
DAISY: Then let's go there. Grab my stave on the way out

You get up, making sure to take the pills that Daisy had mentioned earlier before grabbing Daisy’s scrap staff. 
[Image: Waterlogged-87-2.gif]

YOU: Alright, let’s do this I guess

You head out the door and turn down the hallway as you retrace the steps you took not too long ago. 

DAISY: Hey… some questions while you’re heading over there
DAISY: One, are you sure you’re up to handling this? I could try to
DAISY: Two...
[Image: Waterlogged-87-3.png]

She seems hesitant

DAISY Earlier, when we were talking, I got this… image of some… person shaped thing in my head. Sorta following along with your words
DAISY: Do you know what that’s about?

Messages In This Thread
[Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Winds - 11-19-2020, 07:43 PM
RE: [WATERLOGGED] (Back From Hiatus!) - by Winds - 11-19-2020, 07:46 PM
RE: [WATERLOGGED] (Back From Hiatus!) - by Winds - 11-19-2020, 08:32 PM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged (Back From Hiatus!) - by Winds - 10-23-2021, 10:46 PM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Winds - 11-07-2021, 05:53 AM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Winds - 11-16-2021, 07:35 AM
RE: [Drowned Trilogy] Waterlogged - by Wilds - 11-18-2021, 02:30 AM

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