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Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework}
TCG Night
Perspective: Lex
CW: Accurate depictions of TCG Locals.

 Mickey: You managed to finally show up to locals, what took you?

Lex: Had a lot going on, plus I had to research…

Mickey: Fair, fair. What’d you bring today?

Lex: You wanna take a look?

Mickey: Yeah dude, let me see the sauce.

Lex: Alright..

Mickey: Rabbit control? Really though?

Lex: Yeah, I saw there was new support so…

Mickey: You’re asking to get mugged with this.

Mickey: Like, rabbit control’s not bad but it’s so honest you know?

Mickey: People cheese the hell out of it.

Mickey: See you’re running 4 copies of Old Yeller though. See that’s fine.

Lex: I teched it out a bit.

Mickey: I can tell.

Mickey: Only three copies of Chaos Bee?

Lex: Couldn’t get the fourth in time, like…

Mickey: Shit’s a common dude, let me look through my extras.

Mickey: Found it.

Lex: How much?

Mickey: Take it, already got two playsets.

Lex: You sure?

Mickey: You wanna win, right? Take that shit.

Lex: Alright, if you’re sure.

Lex: So how competitive is this place?

Mickey: Mixed bag, there’s some real sweats here.

Mickey: Me included.

Lex: Yeah? What’d you bring.

Mickey: You’re not ready.

Lex: Can’t be that bad.

Mickey: Check it.

Lex:... I don’t know what that is.

Mickey: Thought you did research? You didn’t look at the newest set?

Lex: I tried but then some of the stuff needed a degree in law to figure out so like…

Lex: I figured I’d wing it, you know?

Mickey: Dude. It’s fine though, you probably won’t see me in bracket anyway.

Lex: Cocky.

Mickey: You’re lowest seed since you’re new.

Lex: There’s seeding at this local?

Mickey: Yeah, I go to regionals regularly so… you’ll have to work pretty hard.

Lex: I’ll do my best. Anyone I should look out for?

Mickey: Yeah, there’s a dude in the corner over there. One with the sexy playmat.

Lex: That’s not specific, I see like three of them.

Mickey: The demonitizable one.

Lex: Yeah Like I said.

MIckey: Dude plays Bad Wax Turbo. He’s a fucking criminal.

Lex: That good?

Mickey: Nah he sucks ass, he’s just awful to play against.

Lex: It’s fine.

Mickey: Maybe.

Mickey: We got time til signups start though. You wanna play a quick set?

Lex: Yeah, I’m down.

Mickey: Nice.

Mickey: Good to see you finally showed up though, seriously.

Lex: Yeah well, I needed a break like this.

Mickey: Gonna roll dice. High or low?

Lex: Low.

Mickey: Got a 3.

Lex: 1.

Mickey: Fuck off. Fine.

Lex: I’m going first.

Mickey: Go for it.

Lex: Ah..

Mickey: You brick?

Lex: I drew jack shit.

Mickey: Game two?

Lex: We’ll play this out.

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RE: Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework} - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 05-23-2023, 04:17 PM

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