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Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework}
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Lex: You've been giving me a stare for a good bit by the way.

Dotty: Still not over it.

Lex: I mean..

Lex: I want them to know how serious we all are, you know?

Lex: Want them to see that we're in it for the long run so...

Lex: Yeah.

Dotty: I mean you knew I'd say yes...

Lex: Yeah.

Lex: Gonna be a long time til we get to the main event but.

Lex: You know, is what it is.

Dotty: I could cry honestly.

*I could cry too...*

Dotty: Guess I just... never pictured I'd be the type you know?

Lex: I gotta invite all sorts of people once the news is out.

Dotty: Same! Spice, Targe, Kurt, Budgie..

Lex: Budgie still seeing that witch?

*Oh god was it Manzana?*

Dotty: On and off, she travels a lot. Could invite her too..

Lex: Geezer, my cousins, my parents if they're chill...

*I'll beat their asses myself if they don't..*

Dotty: Lupe, Tackle, Erica.

Lex: Think if I invite some online folks they'd make it?

Dotty: Maybe, don't see why not.

Lex: I wanna invite everyone, have a good time and all you know?

Dotty: Yeah.

Lex: And I want everyone to know. I wanna be like, loud and annooying until everyone gets the point.

Dotty: You may as well right? Nothing to hide.

Lex: Not a thing.

Dotty: Should dress up the little dude.

Lex: The Patchimus? Honestly Little Dude might be a good name.

Dotty: Honestly? Gives that vibe.

Lex: Little Dude for now, working title.

Dotty: I'll get stuck on that.

Lex: Oh god there's some folks from high school.

Dotty: Yeah. And I got a lot of people from the old days.

Dotty: Including Mori...

Lex: No way?!

*Yeah what the fuck?*

Lex: Think she'd come?

Dotty: Yeah just... I should talk about that some. You up for that?

Lex: Yeah. Let me in on it.

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RE: Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework} - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 02-22-2023, 09:07 PM

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