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Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework}
CW: Mention of Near Death Experience.

[Image: yessss.png]

You finish up handing a pile of boxes of inventory.

You’re Targe, local vendor of witching goods and fashion. There’s a pretty big market for it in this area and you and your dullahan-esque partner have built up your shop enough to make it a full time job.

It’s not the best paying thing in the world, but you manage to live comfortably enough and your peers in the scene respect you.

All things considered, it’s not a bad hustle.

You close the storage room behind you and check the couch.

Spice is flopped over, his laptop screen sits on the coffee table covered in a mass of receipts.

Can’t help but worry frankly.

You scoot down next to him and tap him on the shoulder.

Targe: Number crunching giving you trouble today? I can take over from here if need.

His "eyes" widen a little, flames making happy crackling at seeing you.

Spice: Just taking a bit of a rest, haven’t gotten as much done as I’d like but I’m already pretty finished for the day.

Targe: You sure? How are you holding up right now?

Spice: Managing.

Targe: Usually that means it’s hurting pretty bad with you…

Spice: Yeah..  might have to call things a bit early for work, health’s been fiddly.

Targe: That’s more than alright, keep talking to me.

Spice: About?

Targe: Symptoms, I want to see if I can get you something.

Spice: Bit queasy, breathing’s heavy, body aches…

Targe: Anything else?

Spice: Yeah but it’s nothing you can really fix to be honest. Think it might be the result of the whole… you know.

Targe: Ah, yeah. Your necromancy wasn’t exactly clean…

Spice: Couldn’t be, it’s a miracle it worked out as well as it did you know?

Targe: No such thing as true necromancy.

Spice: Something always gets lost in translation.

Targe: Kind of amazed you managed to keep everything that really mattered..

Spice: Wouldn’t have minded keeping my face but yeah I got other assets.

He gives you a smug look.

Targe: Spice!

Spice: Half joking but… yeah, keeping most of what makes me is uh… I dunno. Guess I’m just glad I get that much.

Targe: Miracle really.

Spice: Have a few side effects here and there with a few odd bouts and my body having a bit of trouble keeping up sometimes but… glad I’m still here with you.

Targe: That’s sweet

Spice: Savor it, next thing I say might not be.

Targe: What’s that supposed to mean?

Spice: You know.

Targe: There’s plenty of things that could mean with you and I’m scared of all of them.

Spice: Got you spooked?

Targe: Course, you’re the spookiest around.

Spice: Don’t think I’m that spooky today, went with a summer melon. Feeling comfy with the shift out of winter soon.

Targe: Well it’s cute… grew on me quickly honestly.

Spice: You like the gourd?

Targe: Love the gourd.

Spice: You gonna give it a little kiss?

Targe: Maybe. A little warm and cozy is appealing to me right now.

Spice: Might be more than a little with me, could get burned!

Targe: Can’t imagine it’s so bad, like curling up with my own personal fireplace.

Spice: Sounds really nice when you say it like that….

Targe: I have a few things to wrap up. Need to run some errands for the cookout this weekend.

Spice: We know the final guest list?

Targe: Kurt for sure.

Spice: I missed him, honestly.

Targe: Don’t see him enough.

Spice: Who else?

Targe: Florida and Steakhouse.

Spice: The two from the con we went to last year?

Targe: Aye, been talking to them online a lot lately. Found out they live locally.

Spice: Fair enough, been meaning to talk to them more…

Targe: Jam and Dotty. Lex might pop in but Jam wants a little advice.

Spice: Got them covered, easy.

Targe: And I think you mentioned your twin would be over?

Spice: Mmhmm! Been a minute since we’ve hung out so I’m honestly excited. Family’s always so busy and they live kind of far.

Targe: Mm..  Know this means a lot. Got some food prep to do so it’ll be good for grilling tomorrow but… after that I think we deserve some time to relax together. Order dinner, put on a good film..

Spice: Personally could do for a bad one right now.

Targe: We can make both happen, there’s time if I start soon.

Spice: You going to be okay doing that all on your own?

Targe: Mm. Until then rest up and I’ll join you soon, sound good?

Spice: Sounds amazing…

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RE: Crankshaft Memory [Crankshaft Rafflesian Rework} - by ThreadLurkingComorant - 03-11-2022, 09:17 PM

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