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12-04-2021, 09:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2023, 12:25 AM by kit_spin.)
You’re Lex, trash rabbit extraordinaire.Extraordinaire might be a strong word though...You pick fights you shouldn’t…You’re always in trouble for something..And yet somehow? Things seem to work out.Today’s one of those days. After months of being busy with a new job, your side job, FINALLY moving in with your girlfriend, getting a therapist, and paying back a number of fines from a few blunders on your adventure, you went on the first big full date with Dotty in a long time…And it’s been nice.Dotty: I’m so glad we wait til after the movie to eat, shit hurt my stomach to watch.Lex: Same.Dotty: Not in a bad way but more… how? Why? Lex: It’s all fake but it’s hard to tell?Dotty: Live film is a hell of a thing, we gotta see more of those when we can.Lex: No like, that movie was actually nuts.Dotty: The part where the mob guy walked out of the screen?Lex: Then he dragged one of the staff back with him?Dotty: Then that one part with the dressing room! I loved it but I hated it!Lex: Scare me shitless. Like...Dotty: The guy with the puppet!?Lex: That ACTUALLY hurt to watch, poor thing…Dotty: I felt so bad! When he started making dial-up screeches?!Lex: That’s rad as hell though! The part that got me was the epilogue, got actual chills from that.Dotty: What was his name?Lex: Like.. Benny I think? Dotty: Not sure that’s right but he has that energy?Lex: I’m gonna be thinking about that performance for awhile..Dotty: Actually deserves best actor for that, not even kidding. Lex: Hair’s still standing! Shit dude… Dotty: I have no idea how they’re going to make the VHS version anywhere as good….Lex: I’m glad we saw that while it was running locally…Dotty: Same! Like… I needed that. I think we all really needed that you know? Life’s been on hiatus for a bit but like… dang. Lex: Really though. I just feel so… refreshed, Is that weird? Like…Dotty: No I get it! I just wanna get home and yell about it 'til I’m tired.Lex: Same.Dotty: Thanks for taking me out today…. Surprised you managed to get tickets though. Limited screenings get sniped so hard in the city and they’re already pricey as is…Lex: I have my ways..Dotty: How’d you do it?Lex: I had someone hook me up. Remember Kurt?Dotty: Sorta? The high school friend?Lex: Yep! He’s been around more, finally got the chance to sit down and talk to him. He’s married with a kid?! Dotty: I mean he’d be 24 by now, right?Lex: 25, he’s older by a year.Dotty: That’s pretty normal stuff. Lex: I guess? Still.. He asked me “Hey, you wanna see the new legend?” and whipped out pictures of him and the baby. Dotty: That’s so nerdy! Like it’s sweet but..Lex: No it super is! He’s cool though, gotta introduce him to you at some point.Dotty: Maybe at our wedding? Lex: Wedding?Dotty: We’ve been doing this for a few years, finally moved in together… seems like the next step right? Some little birdie told me you’ve thought about it a few times.You can feel her deep smirk melting you down. Your heart is racing. You’ve been snitched on.Dotty: Course they also told me you wanted to be the one to pop the question yourself and I’d kinda love that so… Her expression softened.Dotty: When you’re ready I’m ready.Lex: Honestly? I wanna be but like…. I wanna make sure we’ll be good for it too.Dotty: Could get a small one to happen, no?Lex: With my family? God no, we’d need to save and plan for a good year if we want to make it happen and I got so many folks who’ve all wanted to pitch in and help and well-Dotty: Relax, I’m kidding! Mostly anyway?Lex: Which part is the mostly?!Dotty: I mean I’d be down when we’re better for it, right now we just barely moved in together and we’re both pretty busy with stuff. I got a promotion and a side job, you got that dueling career of yours starting to really catch some momentum AND you’re doing a lot of heavy lifting with the retail.Lex: I mean, the retail is really Jam’s thing… I just tag in cause they get tired easily and I wanna pitch in too… It’s kinda nice that the regulars can tell us apart though. They really want a little more of a life of their own… Dotty: Jam’s said as much.Lex: Yeah. Like, we both share the same body and stuff and they don’t really wanted to be separated but at the same time it means they gotta work extra hard to be recognized as their own person. They’ve gotten pretty good at it though. Dotty: Yeah?Lex: I’ll go to the back room to change for my shift and some folks will ask “Hey, where’s the smug rabbit?”. It’s like some comic book stuff but it works? They’re hell proud of it. Dotty: Should be, they work hard on their look.Lex: I mean it’s more than just the look you know? The expressions, the voice shift, their entire body language…. Like… a lot of time went into figuring that out. Dotty: Speaking of, any chance we’ll get a cameo from them later?Lex: Maybe? Probably later, they had kind of a hard work day and need to rest. Napping right now I think, can’t hear them.Dotty: Is everything okay?Lex: Holiday shoppers. Tis the season. Dotty: Sympathies… kinda surprised the shop’s getting that many folks? Lex: Targe and Spice stocked up on more winter aesthetics lately. People who buy witchy stuff like any excuse to dress in more and the cold does that. Really just folks in general.Dotty: I’m pretty guilty of that, shit gets freezing. Just want to get through the work day, take the bus home, and curl up on the couch with some soup or a hot drink….Lex: That’s sweet though… Dotty: If it’s raining? Bonus. Don’t like going through it but the sound of it from outside really makes the day for me…Lex: Mm… Dotty: I don’t know… maybe we can do some of that tonight? Kind of wind down from our big date like that?Lex: Course. Dotty: Put on some music too… I got a few tapes and discs I picked up recently that you might be into. Lots of local stuff, there’s a place nearby that stocks up on indies and students from the local colleges. Think some from the one you used to go to?Lex: Uh… Secondgrover?Dotty: Yeah! Got a couple of tapes from an artist called uh… Punch Card Lemon?Lex: Oh my god…. Dotty: Guessing that rings a bell.Lex: She was my partner a couple of times during a course on communications media. Carried her acoustic with her everywhere… Used to love to hog the recording equipment and reserved time with the studio like 3 days a week. Dotty: Studio?Lex: Yeah, campus had a pretty nutty studio setup. They put money into a lot of recreational stuff like that.. Was kinda rad honestly? A lot of kids who wanted to be musicians would fight for as much time as they could get for it. Some were desperate enough to buy other’s reservation tickets to get extra time. Became a big enough problem that they had to limit how much someone could cap off. Dotty: That’s pretty funny. Lex: Yeah. School was a lot of stress and hard times but little things like that always made it worth it… gotta wonder if Lemony’s still going there. Didn’t know her all that well but she was fun. Like a manic theater kid without the ego. You know the type.Dotty: Not really? Never went to school, didn’t ever have the chance for it… you make it sound pretty fun though. Missed out on so much honestly… Lex: I’m sorry..Dotty: For what? Before you I wasn’t doing jack. Just a cycle of work and sleep and maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get to talk to someone nice on the job… hell even before I got rebooted. Dotty: The Specialist’s been helping me piece it all together but… it’s not that different. Don’t think I ever had a real life before I got restored.Dotty: I guess just….Dotty: The more I remember stuff, the more I realize I’m going to have to confront it all.Dotty: Whoever I used to be made a lot of promises and a lot of enemies…Dotty: You’ll have to be ready for that one day I guess. You grab her by the hand, she blushes immediately.Dotty: What are you doing?Lex: Holding. Dotty: Why?Lex: It's nice… Dotty: My hands are all nasty and scratched up… Lex: Just like me.Dotty: you’re not nasty..Lex: I’m pretty rough around the edge though.Dotty: It’s good on you.Lex: Good on me?Dotty: I mean...Lex: You’re blushing.Dotty: Shut up!Lex: Look who’s red now… Dotty: Fuck off! You got that look on your face….Lex: Maybe…Dotty: Fuck dude… Lex: When we get back, you can look as long as you want and we can talk about everything yeah?Dotty: Yeah… you sure you’ll be good for it?Lex: Course, always...
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12-15-2021, 10:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2023, 12:26 AM by kit_spin.)
Pharmacy Arc- Day One CW: Unreality, Existentialism, Mental Heath, references to self harm. Last night went seemingly perfect for you. A date without a hitch, plenty of sappy exchanges, and you have today off from work to sleep off your hubris. With that all said, a cruel reality sinks in on you.Your medication ran out.You can’t really blame the pharmacy too much, with recent events the climate around the island has drastically shifted some. Traffic from overseas is increasing toward the more tourist friendly locales, the increasing number of local pests, delays in delivery and production due to a heavy pushing of commercialized AI spaces, and this year being the coldest it’s been in a long time. You wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed at this point.. You managed to sneak in a few kisses and words before Dotty went out to handle her shift today, she managed to get a promotion so her hours are not quite as lined up with yours as much but you’ll manage. Your mood may be a little volatile right now but you can hold out till you’re restocked.Hopefully. With that said it’s 12PM and you haven’t left your bed. Your energy is shot and you feel a haze that blurs the line between reality and the unknown. Am I real? Is anything real?What happens when we die?What happens before we exist?Maybe I should go outside and get some fresh air…But… I’m scared to? Everything out there is going to feel fake.You feel fake..Is someone listening to your thoughts right now?Maybe it’s best to sleep… But everytime you try to sleep in like this you wake up even more tired and your gut hurts.You should eat something, that might ground you…Do we have food stocked up? Maybe… You’re not that hungry…What if you are being watched? What if someone is recording your thoughts for the world to know?Everyone secretly thinks you’re weird and disgusting. Everyone thinks you’re a piece of filth and they’re staying quiet to mock you…But there’s nobody around right now? Fuck… This shitty thought loop keeps adding more and more into itself until it’s all the noise you can hear..Normally you can keep it at bay a little but without your meds it makes quick work of dogpiling you fast and hard.You’re not going to get much done right now..Just close your eyes, don’t let it take you…Get your rest…I’ve got you, you’re going to be okay… You doze off into a deep sleep. You feel a comforting voice ease you in…Comforting? Aww… Jam?The one and only.Thank god you’re here.. Don’t think any god would’ve sent me. Kind of a devil that lives in your head. I guess when you put it that way…I’d be considered a bit of a blasphemy for some you know? Make a ghost out of your manic depression, become best friends with it… smooch them from time to time.Look. I’m not complaining. Anyway, sorry for leaving you hanging, whatever funk you got going on is hitting me too…Sorry, I couldn’t get my meds… It’s no biggie, happens. How are you holding up right now?Managing. Barely.Yeah, I can tell.Just feeling weak right now… kinda lost. Where are you?Somewhere? Let me just uh… poke around. Keep talking to me.Hate this.Can’t blame you.Hate my brain, hate waiting on meds, hate that I can’t just… work like normal.I’ve got you, I’m here.I guess I just… I dunno. Everything feels wrong right now. Skin feels like a glove ready to peel off, feel like I’m watching through someone else’s eyes.. Gotta sometimes just bite myself to know I’m really here. You should really stop doing that..I know but like.. I just get so scared you know? I gotta claw and bite until I know I’m feeling something. I gotta know I’m actually here and now and I’m not going to just vanish… Shh…I got you. Jam? Yeah, I’m here. Can you just.. I’m coming… I can hear your footsteps? Yeah, come here… I… I think I lost track of which of us is who..Yeah.. thoughts get a little meldy when this happens. Just one moment..There we go.You’re immediately embraced by your friend. You feel a little more clarity. Jam: There.. How do you feel now?Lex: Little bit better.Jam: I’ve got you. You know when that place is going to have our shit ready?Lex: None, didn’t give me an estimate. Jam: You know how that place works though yeah?Lex: Mm… prepares stuff 3 times a day until it stops serving.Jam: Exactly. Big points are 12, 3, and 6PM. Closes at 8. Lex: Right.Jam: You call in, press them a little bit about it and see if they can give you a time.Lex: Mm.. Jam: Honestly if they got it later, you can call Dotty to pick it up on the way back. Lex: I don’t wanna bug her like that..Jam: Then I can go handle it.Lex: You get slammed by symptoms worse. Jam: It takes some time for me. Point is we get your meds one way or another.Lex: Right..Jam: For real, we kinda need that right now?Lex: What if they don’t have it? I got work and a game tomorrow.Jam: Then we figure something out. Dotty might be able to help too here.Lex: Mm… Jam: Thoughts?Lex: Guess it does help having a bit more of a plan. Jam: See? Bam, we got this. This help at all?Lex: Honestly? A ton. Just having someone to ground me right now and having a plan… it means the world right now.Jam: That’s what I’m here for. Lex: I wanna sleep just a bit longer but.. Keep talking to me. That’s what I need the most right now.Jam: Can do. Lex: Thank you, really… Jam: You can thank me properly when we get those meds.Lex: The usual reward?Jam: Gotta get me that pint of cookies and cream.Lex: Don’t eat it all in one go this time.Jam: Can’t promise that, but I’ll share if I do. Fair enough?Lex: Fair.
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12-23-2021, 11:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2023, 12:26 AM by kit_spin.)
Pharmacy Arc- Small Talk CW: Unreality, Existentialism, Mental Heath, references to self harm., drug references. You get dressed quick in your hoodie and make your way out to the old familiar streets just outside of the boardwalk area. You’ve spent a good bulk of your post-college adult life and at this point you feel right at home.The chill breeze immediately tickles your nose with the scent of light snow around the corner and the sea salt’s whimsy. You get a warm and nostalgic feeling every time you come back to this. You tread through with just a little caution and leisurely pace, there’s no reason to rush during the calm between rain and snow. Little snails have appeared from the earth, taking in all the moisture they can get. You watch your step to avoid stepping on any of them. You make good time getting to the main path. As you reach an intersection, a puffy construct in full length raincoat seems to line up with you shoulder to shoulder. You’ve seen him plenty of times before in the area but you’ve never really spoken to him directly. You give him a little nod and a wave out of politeness. He gives you a goofy shrug in return. Lex: No????: I dunno. Seen you getting into trouble around here regularly for the past couple of years so…Lex: So????: Figure something’s up if we’re suddenly talking like this. What’d you pull?Lex: Nothing yet, might do something later. ???: Don’t bring me into it if you can, I got work tomorrow.Lex: Same. ???: Yeah? What you do? Lex: Got a job at the local shopping center, witching shop.???: Ah… you’re one of those cranberry goths.Lex: Cranberry goth????: You know, like goths but with more reds and purples than black.Lex: That a thing????: Nope, made it up just now and you passed. Lex: What about you then? ???: Cold storage.Lex: Ah, warehouse work????: Yep, it’s not much but it’s honest work as some would say. Lex: I can see it. What about after that????: I’ll go watch a film if I got the cash, maybe hang out at the local game shop, that sort of thing. Lex: Game shop????: Yeah, tabletop and trading cards and that sort of thing. You been too one before?Lex: Yeah when I was a kid but it’s been a good while..???: Whatcha play?Lex: Arcanist Complex, Black Knight Profile, a few of the short lived ones……???: Like?Lex: Dogfighter Opera. ???: Eyyyy, that show was legit though. You seen the new movies?Lex: There were new movies????: Yeah, they’re pretty good. Less corny than the original, beautiful animation. You gotta give them a shot my dude. So what decks you play?Lex: Oh god I’m probably out of rotation..???: Then what did you used to play?Lex: In Arcanist I played Red Stitchcraft turbo… in Black Knight I played Four Seasons and Crown Assassin… you? Dogfighter I played Viper Aggro. ???: Combo player?Lex: Little. ???: Nice, nice. Lex: You????: Ah me? I just go for the dirty stuff, the type of thing that reminds you how toxic the game is. Fun getting a look on the other person’s face you. Things like Sandbar Loop, Crabstep, Rootfoot. Things that get banned fast. Lex: Nasty. Actual garbage.???: I am what I am. So what do you do on your spare time besides? Never asked you.Lex: Well I hang out with my partner, I’ve got a side job in dueling, and I like to write from time to time.???: A warrior poet. That’s rad. Lex: Nothing like that..???: You fight, you write, and you’ve got a killer bite. Sounds like one to me. So what you write about? Lex: Mostly just personal stuff. Feelings, thoughts, little moments I guess. Beauty of the mundane does a lot for me I guess. Like… capturing those moments and conversations you know? There’s something special about those.???: And what about now? You getting any inspiration?Lex: I mean… maybe a little. ???: If I show up in one of your stories I want an arm cannon and abs. Lex: What? Why????: Because if you’re ever famous I wanna be able to say “Yeah that was me.”Lex: That’s pretty far away… ???: I can wait.Lex: Assuming it happens. Anyway..???: Plenty of folks get famous decades after they die you know? Maybe you will. Lex: I’d like it before that… ???: Heh..What’s your name anyway?Lex: Lex Leon. You????: Micky Mellow. Lex:... What’s your real name?He flashed his ID.Lex: Dang. Cape comic energies.Mickey: No kidding. Likewise to you. If the world’s in trouble we could do a teamup. So where you heading?Lex: Picking up my meds at the local pharmacy. You?Mickey: Getting that good kush, you know how it is.Lex: I know.Mickey: I can tell you the spot if you need. Lex: Good for now I think.Mickey: Suit yourself. Gonna turn the corner here though in a sec. Lex: Gotta go separate ways?Mickey: For now, was nice talking though.Lex: Likewise. Think we’ll bump into each other again?Mickey: Pop by the Billie’s Game Shop on Sunday for some Black Knight and you might.Lex: Game good lately?Mickey: Never was. Just always fun in how bad it is.Lex: Good answer… I might take you up on that.Mickey: Seriously consider.You considered.
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01-12-2022, 07:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2023, 12:26 AM by kit_spin.)
Pharmacy Arc- A Rabbit Reunion. CW: None ![[Image: kz2CMh1.png]]( You get to the pharmacy just fine. You greet the staff, get your meds, and treat yourself to a soda and chips that you’ll snack on as you make your way back.
It’s life in motion, even if it’s in the smallest of ways.
As you walk out, you notice someone familiar, another dopple much like yourself.
He looks back at you puzzled, the two of you taking a moment to make sure what each of you are witnessing is real.
It’s your cousin from back home,
Lex: Yo! Helado!
Helado: Ey, that really you kid? Been forever since any of us have seen you. Missed out on last holiday season and everything.
Lex: I’ve been busy..
Helado: Could’ve called! I’m not mad but you can afford to call every once in a while.
Lex: I know, sorry I’ve been bad about it…
Helado: No biggie, I understand. We just worry, you know? You update your family like once a month.
Lex: Ah.. yeah.
Helado: Call them tonight if you can, think they’d appreciate that.
Lex: Yeah.
Helado: Things haven’t been the same since you left and your grandmother passed you know? Hasn’t been all worse but.. Certainly gets a little empty.
Lex: Ah.. I…
He gives you a pat on the shoulder.
Helado: I’m not here to make you feel shame though, happy to see you’re looking good. Healthier.
Lex: Don’t feel like I am honestly, got some cavities nagging me.
Helado: You got a dentist?
Lex: Been slacking on it.. Plus my insurance is fiddly about who they can get me.
Helado: Mm. I can hook you up, I know a guy. Seems like you’ve been keeping the incisors good though at least.
Lex: Yeah, friends have been keeping on top of that.
Helado: You got a bunch around here?
Lex: Yeah! Met some through college.
Helado: Any special person in your life?
Lex: I mean… yeah. Maybe.
Helado: And you haven’t said shit about it? Damn dude, when your mom and pop find out you haven’t said anything they’re going to annihilate you. How long?
Lex: A few years…? We moved in together a few months ago…
Helado: Yoooo! You’re boned. They’re gonna show up and ask a million questions. You better tell them about that soon before someone else does.
Lex: You going to rat?
Helado: I’m no snitch! Back in the day we’d sneak our trading cards and BB guns in our school bags you know? Made us feel legit.
Lex: I remember that. Always wanted in but you never let me.
Helado: Course, we were up to some dumb shit and I couldn’t let you get hurt you know? Didn’t want you shooting an eye out… wait.
Lex: Hmm?
Helado: Lift your bangs, let me see.
Lex: Oh um…
Helado: I see something peeking out.
You show him your eyepatch.
Helado: Shit! What happened there?!
Lex: The frame got dented in a fight so I haven’t been able to get it repaired. Needs a new lens.
Helado: When did that happen?
Lex: A while ago… Like a year and a half.
Helado: Fuck dude.
Lex: I didn’t want people to worry you know? Like… I know my folks think I’m going to die so far away from home but…
Helado: You should say something honestly. Any way to fix it?
Lex: There’s stuff I can do but.. I’m kinda scared of doctors, so.
Helado: Ah, still?
Lex: Yeah…
Helado: I mean I can’t blame you after what you went through back home. Should get it fixed eventually. You’re still seeing someone about your meds at least yeah?
Lex: Mm.
Helado: Good, good. Same as usual?
Lex: Yeah.
Helado: Cool, you need to stay on top of those. I know you used to have a lot of hell without them.
Lex: Took awhile to find a cocktail that worked but.. I think what I got is good enough.
Helado: So tell me about this special person, who are they?
Lex: She’s a dueling official around these parts. Referee for the matches at the local stadium and handles rulings for street matches.
Helado: Dangerous work, people sometimes don’t take well to penalization.
Lex: She’s pretty big, most people wouldn’t start anything with her. She could bench press us easy.
Helado: Bigger than you?
Lex: Yeah.
Helado: That’s some terminator stuff. I mean we all knew you were into the tall and strong type so it’s not that surprising.
Lex: Mm.
Helado: You gotta introduce me to her, yeah?
Lex: I mean.. She’s going to get out of work in like 30 minutes. We could drop by and say hi.
Helado: Yeah! I wanna meet her in person, gotta tell her embarrassing stories.
Lex: No!
Helado: Remember the time with the gumball eye popsicle? That shit was nuts.
Lex: Oh my god!
Helado: I kid! But seriously we gotta know, I wanna know who’s been taking care of you out here.
Lex: I mean.. She wanted to meet my family eventually.
Helado: Hurry up then! If we make it there in good time I’ll treat you both. There’s a bomb dessert spot in the area.
Lex: I mean… yeah. That sounds nice actually….
Helado: Perfect! You know the way?
Lex: Yeah, I’ll lead. Don’t fall behind, I know running’s gotta do a number on your old bones.
Helado: Damn, you talk shit now? Who taught you that?
Lex: Keep up and you’ll see for yourself.
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01-28-2022, 09:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-28-2022, 09:58 PM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
![[Image: unknown.png]]( CW: Discussions of Psychiatric Trauma
The two of you make it in front of her workplace just fine.
People pass by with their hair messy and office and referee uniforms replaced with something much lighter and comfortable.
After a bit, you spot Dotty make her way out among the crowd. You give her a wave. She’s gives you a look of surprise, half happy to see you and half concerned that you’re there instead of waiting for her at home.
Dotty: Lex? Everything okay?
Lex: Yeah? Why?
Dotty: You usually don’t wait outside the office for me like this..
Lex: I was in the neighborhood and I thought maybe you’d like someone to walk home with…
Dotty: Aww…
Lex: Plus I got someone for you to meet today?
Dotty looks over at Helado.
Dotty: Friend of yours?
Lex: Cousin actually!
Dotty: Oh! Oh god is your family in town?
Helado: Nah, just me today. So you’ve been the one taking care of our Alexandra this whole time yeah? I can see it. Big, strong, probably got a good head on your shoulders.
Dotty: I’m not really all that..
Helado: Nonsense! I can see it just at a glance. Anyway…
He offers out a hand. Dotty returns it.
Helado: Helado.
Dotty: Dorothy.
You’re surprised. You’ve never seen her introduce herself by her proper first name before.
Helado: Nice, nice. So how long? How’d you meet? You gotta fill me in on these things you know?
Dotty: Few years now actually? Lex uh..
Lex: I got caught up in some street fighting that went a bit far.. Sent an official over to investigate and well..
Dotty: That official happened to be me. Both her and the other person had licenses to duel for sport so we had to sort of dive in to inspect and see if it was bad enough to suspend them. A lot of under the table stuff happens and people get killed by it..
Lex: Anyway she was really nice the whole time and well…
Dotty: She asked me out..
Lex: After that we kinda just clicked and well…now we’re a thing.
Helado: You got in trouble with a sports commission and walked out with a girlfriend? Damn dude.
Lex: I mean… I guess when you put it like that yeah.
Helado: Gonna have to try that for myself one day, maybe I’ll be lucky.
Dotty: No offense, but most folks in the position are a little old for you.
Helado: How old we talking?
Dotty: Some of them are grandparents.
Helado: I’m not scared to slow dance.
Lex: Oh my god, you’re so awful!
Helado: She’s gotta know how embarrassing your family is!
Lex: You gotta ease people into this!
Helado: Little honesty goes a long way.
Dotty: So.. are we being invited over?
Helado: I mean if you want. I’m not going to snitch but your mom and dad are going to want to know eventually.
Lex: Can we get a minute to talk?
Dotty: Yeah, I might have to think about it myself too.
Helado: Go on ahead, take your time.
You and Dotty make a bit of distance to discuss among yourselves.
Dotty: So what’s your call?
Lex: Split… Family can be a little protective when it comes to new people and I don’t want to force you to go through them heckling you. Plus I gotta check in with Jam and also ask Spice and Targe if it’s okay if I take some time off of work… You?
Dotty: Terrified… but I’ve kind of wanted this for a bit? I know that sounds weird but.. I’ve never had a chance at this sort of thing before. Living like a normal person.
Dotty: My memory has all these holes. A lot of it’s come back over the past few months, and a lot of nice things that make me want to cry thinking about them but..… nothing like what we have right now. A lot happened and most of it was hard but… that version of me always held out.
Dotty: Always wanted what I’ve got today with you. I know you’re nervous too though.
Lex: Mostly because I’ve been awful about keeping in contact.. A lot’s happened you know? Scared I’m going to walk in and they’ll barely recognize me. Also know Jam’s had mixed feelings in the past about it.
Dotty: What’s up with them?
Lex: It’s weird… They want to go see them too but..they never knew about us being two different people. Scared of not being accepted, you know?
Dotty: Ah… didn’t even think about that.
Lex: Folks are a bit superstitious and got scared when Jam kept getting more and more distinct. That difference in cadence when they talk freaked them out so bad… Thankfully, my aunt and uncle got them to take me to a doctor instead of an exorcist but that still was pretty bad…
Dotty: What happened there?
Lex: Cut me off, forgot they even existed. Anytime they came out they had to hide from people. Had to lie through a lot of psyche exams and questionnaires too just to be safe. We both did I guess… but as much as that sucked, they remember growing up with them too. Still misses them a lot.
Dotty: I don’t think I could go back to talking to anyone after being put through that.
Lex: Me neither… honestly I want to talk to them back home, weigh in on it.
Dotty: Only fair.
Lex: Don’t want to leave my cousin hanging though.
Dotty: I got you.
She turned and walked back toward Helado.
Dotty: Excuse me? Is it okay if we get back to you later on this? We’re sort of figuring things out and we’d have to schedule time off to visit and all that.
Helado: Yeah? I mean I don’t see why not, nobody knows but me and I’m not saying anything if you want me to keep quiet. You still up for ice cream though? Been a bit, want to at least hang out a little while I got time today.
Dotty’s ears perk up. She gives you a look.
Dotty: Ice cream?
Lex: Yeah, we were going to surprise you.
Dotty: He’s like, not going to make us sign up for anything if we do right?
Lex: Nah he’s cool.
Dotty: Shit dude….
You follow suit, continuing where Dotty left off.
Lex: Think we’re still good for that. We’re thinking about the visit and all but it’s sort of sudden and we need time to figure that out and well-
Helado: Nah I get you. I’ll make sure to set you up with my number by the end of the day.
Lex: You sure?
Helado: I know your folks, I get you. Just don’t go quiet on me or anything yeah? We gotta all hang out more.
Lex: Yeah…
Helado: So are we good to treat ourselves?
Lex: Dotty?
Dotty: Wouldn’t mind honestly..
Lex: I think we’re good to go!
Helado: Perfecto! Promise you this place is dope, you’ll love it. Now let’s head off before it gets too dark, don’t know left from right once nightfall hits.
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![[Image: unknown.png]]( Jam: Yo.
Dotty: Jam?
Jam: Yeah, taking up front right now. Lot sure happened today so quick yeah?
Dotty: Mm. You didn’t come out at all while we were hanging out with your cousin.
Jam: Felt shy, plus I’m not all that close to the family like Lex is. Feels weird calling any of them family, parents wanted my ass to go away.
Dotty: Yeah, Lex told me. Did she catch you up on stuff?
Jam: Yeah, much as she could. We talked it over some but I wanna talk to you about it too. So…I’m here.
Dotty: Mm…
Jam: Also hope it’s not weird I’m wearing the shades in bed and all, bit of a comfort thing.
Dotty: No I get it.
Jam: Feel weird being seen without makeup or something to sorta separate me from Lex you know? I mean I know you don’t see us as the same person but..
Dotty: You’re fine! You two let me sketch while we talk in bed so..
Jam: I mean yeah, that’s something that means a lot right?
Dotty: You’d be surprised how many people get annoyed by that! Got a co-worker who’d do that and spouse got all upset over that.
Jam: That’s so weird.
Dotty: Most higher ranking dueling officials are older so…
Jam: So they grew up with their only punchline being “I hate my spouse.”
Dotty: God, yeah…
Jam: Could never understand that, love mine.
She looked away sheepishly.
Dotty: We’re not married..
Jam: Yet! We could be!
Dotty: Is that a proposal?
Jam: Maybe. Not yet though, I wanna wait for the best day for something like that.
Dotty: You and Lex keep teasing me with that… though at this point I don’t think it matters as much. Don’t see myself going anywhere.
Jam: Neither of us do either..
Dotty: But yeah… a lot of old marriages seem so weird like that.
Jam: Absolutely bet you a lot of them would get anal about the shades thing.
Dotty: I mean yeah…
Jam: Praying to god nobody gets on my ass if we do visit Lex’s folks.
Dotty: I just hope the whole thing goes well honestly…
Jam: Mm. Don’t know if I want to reveal myself though. Praying I can keep quiet til night where we’ll be alone in the room together. Plus it’s hard to stay in control of the body for longer periods and parents would sap me faster, Lex has way more stamina for that.
Jam: Not going to lie though, feels bad that the way things work makes it feel like there’s a bit of a default sometimes.
Dotty:I don’t think there’s any default.
Jam: I know… I mean she came first but I like to think of our life as ours you know? Don’t wanna feel like an add-on.. Bright side is we always got each other though and I like chilling in our head anyway so it’s good. I’ve gotten a lot more stamina though working at the witch shop.
Dotty: I’m so glad that’s been working out for you.
Jam: Same, owe Spice and Targe a lot for hooking me up. Lex seems to like the job too, place attracts a fun crowd.
Dotty: Speaking of, how are those two?
Jam: Good! Honestly might check on them before we go tackle the parent visit.
Dotty: I know you and Spice are especially close.
Jam: Yeah.. it’s weird to think we still got a good friendship going on considering how bad the breakup is.. Was? Is?.
Dotty: Was I think.
Jam: Yeah. No like… I dunno, he’s one of my best friends and reconnecting with him and Targe has been nice. Plus he gives me strats.
Dotty: Strats? What kind?
Jam: Bit of everything in life really, those to got bucketloads of advice I swear.
Dotty: Mm.. and there’s no weirdness?
Jam: Nah, surprised honestly. Usually people don’t connect with an ex like that… granted it was short lived anyway. Chickened out, got weird and insecure and emotionally messy on my end..
Dotty: I mean you talked it through.
Jam: Yeah. Honestly him and Targe might have something handy to say on how to handle the visit.
Dotty: Wish I got to talk to Targe more but he always seems so… aloof.
Jam: Nah, he’s a softy. Him and Lex used to jam over stupid shit all the time. Mature when he’s gotta be but there’s a goofy side to him. Used to do this thing where he’d play sad reprises of themes from cartoons while monologuing. Peak comedy, gotta see it sometime.
Dotty: Sounds incredible.
Jam: Really is. Both of them are way more chill since they’ve gotten together proper. There used to be some hesitance on calling it a thing on Targe’s end since well.. Yeah.
Dotty: He was there when Spice’s head exploded.
Jam: Yeah, still feels responsible but… I think he’s learning to forgive himself. Spice loves being a weird gourd rabbit anyway and the two seem so happy together…
Dotty: It’s a pretty good look, always ready for fall.
Jam: No kidding, pestered Lex for awhile if we can get a similar mod but uh… yeah she wasn’t willing to give up her head like that.
Dotty: Isn’t there mods to make Dopple bodles… modular?
Jam: That’s what I said! Told her it’d be something where she could still keep her head but she’s scared of being dismantled. I told her we could be something cute like a camera and she said “That’d be adorable but we’re not doing that.”
Dotty: I mean can’t blame her. I'm scared of mods too… though that’s a pretty cute mental picture…
Jam: Still got them in the end no?
Dotty: Yeah… making this body feel like mine is important. It’s little things mostly but.. You know. Soon as I paid off what I owed, I started using money to fix myself up and change things to be more comfy…
Jam: Mm. Got any more plans?
Dotty: Maybe the ears? Something more rabbit-esque so we match would be cute… but maybe more blatantly cat?
Jam: Blatantly cat?
Dotty: I mean yeah like…
Jam: Are… are you supposed to have cat ears?
Dotty: I’m supposed to be a Cheshire cat-ish thing so… yes?
Jam: Huh… you know I never clicked that but it explains the permagrin your old facial rig had.
Dotty: Hated that plate but… it was nice that you two got really good at reading my face despite all that.
Jam: I mean yeah.
Dotty: I wanna look presentable when I meet the folks especially.
Jam: Think you’ll do good. Maybe I’ll come out and introduce myself with you…
Dotty: Yeah?
Jam: Maybe. Should probably let them know who’s been with their daughter the whole time yeah?
Dotty: Mm.
Jam: Gonna be a bit weird and scary but… we’ll make it work.
Dotty: Yeah, of course!
Jam: We got a few things to handle before we go but having you will make things so much easier for both of us. Lex has to handle a big exhibition fight, we gotta visit Targe and Spice, and Lex promised to meet some guy at the game shop.
Dotty: Oh god…
Jam: Yeah. Gamers are scary.
Dotty: Think she’s got this.
Jam: Absolutely does. Gonna clean shop.
Dotty: Fuck them all up.
Jam: Anyway uh… yeah, think that’s what I had to say.
Dotty: Mm.
Jam: I should probably let Lex come back now that I’ve said my word but-
Dotty: You can stick around a bit you know, went the whole day without talking to you.
Jam: You sure?
Dotty: Mm, long as you’re comfortable.
Jam: I mean yeah? I’m down. Cuddles, maybe a movie…
Dotty: Maybe I’ll bake cookies…
Jam: You can do that!?
Dotty: Friend taught me, got a recipe from their partner. Been meaning to test that out.
Jam: Let me in on that! I wanna bake…
Dotty: Kitchen date?
Jam: Kitchen date…
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CW: Mention of Near Death Experience.
![[Image: yessss.png]]( You finish up handing a pile of boxes of inventory.
You’re Targe, local vendor of witching goods and fashion. There’s a pretty big market for it in this area and you and your dullahan-esque partner have built up your shop enough to make it a full time job.
It’s not the best paying thing in the world, but you manage to live comfortably enough and your peers in the scene respect you.
All things considered, it’s not a bad hustle.
You close the storage room behind you and check the couch.
Spice is flopped over, his laptop screen sits on the coffee table covered in a mass of receipts.
Can’t help but worry frankly.
You scoot down next to him and tap him on the shoulder.
Targe: Number crunching giving you trouble today? I can take over from here if need.
His "eyes" widen a little, flames making happy crackling at seeing you.
Spice: Just taking a bit of a rest, haven’t gotten as much done as I’d like but I’m already pretty finished for the day.
Targe: You sure? How are you holding up right now?
Spice: Managing.
Targe: Usually that means it’s hurting pretty bad with you…
Spice: Yeah.. might have to call things a bit early for work, health’s been fiddly.
Targe: That’s more than alright, keep talking to me.
Spice: About?
Targe: Symptoms, I want to see if I can get you something.
Spice: Bit queasy, breathing’s heavy, body aches…
Targe: Anything else?
Spice: Yeah but it’s nothing you can really fix to be honest. Think it might be the result of the whole… you know.
Targe: Ah, yeah. Your necromancy wasn’t exactly clean…
Spice: Couldn’t be, it’s a miracle it worked out as well as it did you know?
Targe: No such thing as true necromancy.
Spice: Something always gets lost in translation.
Targe: Kind of amazed you managed to keep everything that really mattered..
Spice: Wouldn’t have minded keeping my face but yeah I got other assets.
He gives you a smug look.
Targe: Spice!
Spice: Half joking but… yeah, keeping most of what makes me is uh… I dunno. Guess I’m just glad I get that much.Targe: Miracle really.
Spice: Have a few side effects here and there with a few odd bouts and my body having a bit of trouble keeping up sometimes but… glad I’m still here with you.
Targe: That’s sweet
Spice: Savor it, next thing I say might not be.
Targe: What’s that supposed to mean?
Spice: You know.
Targe: There’s plenty of things that could mean with you and I’m scared of all of them.
Spice: Got you spooked?
Targe: Course, you’re the spookiest around.
Spice: Don’t think I’m that spooky today, went with a summer melon. Feeling comfy with the shift out of winter soon.
Targe: Well it’s cute… grew on me quickly honestly.
Spice: You like the gourd?
Targe: Love the gourd.
Spice: You gonna give it a little kiss?
Targe: Maybe. A little warm and cozy is appealing to me right now.
Spice: Might be more than a little with me, could get burned!
Targe: Can’t imagine it’s so bad, like curling up with my own personal fireplace.
Spice: Sounds really nice when you say it like that….
Targe: I have a few things to wrap up. Need to run some errands for the cookout this weekend.
Spice: We know the final guest list?
Targe: Kurt for sure.
Spice: I missed him, honestly.
Targe: Don’t see him enough.
Spice: Who else?
Targe: Florida and Steakhouse.
Spice: The two from the con we went to last year?
Targe: Aye, been talking to them online a lot lately. Found out they live locally.
Spice: Fair enough, been meaning to talk to them more…
Targe: Jam and Dotty. Lex might pop in but Jam wants a little advice.
Spice: Got them covered, easy.
Targe: And I think you mentioned your twin would be over?
Spice: Mmhmm! Been a minute since we’ve hung out so I’m honestly excited. Family’s always so busy and they live kind of far.
Targe: Mm.. Know this means a lot. Got some food prep to do so it’ll be good for grilling tomorrow but… after that I think we deserve some time to relax together. Order dinner, put on a good film..
Spice: Personally could do for a bad one right now.
Targe: We can make both happen, there’s time if I start soon.
Spice: You going to be okay doing that all on your own?
Targe: Mm. Until then rest up and I’ll join you soon, sound good?
Spice: Sounds amazing…
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You are Lex.
You sulk over the counter waiting for the coffee machine to get its job done.
Pondering the machine.
The darkness that fuels your soul seems like an eternity away right now though..
You’re in a bit of a mood, you’re tired, you need that big shot of caffeine to help you wake up.
But maybe that’s not what you need right now.
You hear the metal clanking of footsteps, Dotty lumbering toward the fridge, reaching for some juice and taking her finger across the box to look for the expiration date.
…You’re pretty sure she can’t get sick from bad food though.
Lex: Morning.
Dotty: Morning. You look tired, okay?
Lex: I slept weird honestly..
Dotty: Bad weird?
Lex: Just.. weird. Had a dream that I’m still sort of struggling with.
Dotty: You can talk to me about it.
Lex: It’s kind of embarrassing but… not sure where to start.
Dotty: I’m all ears, anywhere.
Lex: Gist is I was in some sort of high school reunion. They had the seating called by name for the auditorium.. I was waiting with the rest of folks to hear my row and there were all sorts of familiar people there…
Lex: Wanted to talk to them so bad but you know.
Lex: Anyway my name gets called surprisingly early right? “ALEJANDRA LEON!” And like…
Lex: It’s weird because only my family calls me Alejandra. I look on stage and it’s my cousin who wasn’t even in the same year as me…
Lex: Then I just hear tons of people in the crowd go “LEX! OH MY GOD LEX!”
Lex: And it’s surprising because I thought they’d forget about me you know?
Lex: Like… I haven’t talked to anyone there since high school.
Lex: I dunno….
Dotty pulls you into a big hug.
Dotty: You miss them?
Lex: In a weird way? I guess I miss the time with them mostly but.. I dunno.
Lex: Even though I have this life now part of me just…
Lex: Hopes they think of me nicely from time to time. Lex: I was kind of a mess back then, bit of a problem child you know?
Lex: But it’d be nice if they remembered me as something more..
Lex: They saw me and they lined up to hug me and there were so many questions..
Lex: “Where’ve you been? I thought you were dead! What happened? You look so different…”
Dotty: Different?
Lex: Back then I was kind of a goth. Residential vampire as they’d say. Now I’m just…
Dotty: Sweet? Pretty?
Lex: Oh my god…
Dotty: Hehe…
Lex: Tired and gay really but I appreciate that… look like a stoner.
Lex: Those three things overlap a little though.
Dotty: I was gonna say, same thing really.
Lex: I like the idea that people remember me in a good way you know?
Lex: Feel like people were constantly worried about me back then.
Dotty: Think if you met up with them again they’d be happy to see you’re doing good.
Lex: I hope so.. Is that selfish?
Dotty: I don’t think so.
Lex: Guess I just wanna be someone who made a difference in someone’s life you know? Even if small. Enough that I’m not just that weird kid from back then.. I dunno.
Lex: Maybe not though, I was kind of a real jackass at times but…
Dotty: I mean even then I think everyone you have around you now feels pretty good about you.
Dotty: You’re the world and more to me after all…
Lex: Aww…
Dotty: I’m serious!
Lex: Mm.. anyway if I’m in a funk today now you know, yeah?
Dotty: I’ll get you out of it.
Lex: Yeah?
Dotty: Always…
Lex: You’re too good sometimes you know? Like… couldn’t have asked for anyone better.
Dotty: Yeah well, same really. The best..
Dotty: The best. I think your coffee is ready also, been ready for a bit.
You look over, the machine has stopped its hissing and all that’s left is steaming dark fluid.
Lex: Not sure if I really need it honestly…
Dotty: We’re going over to visit some friends today, no? You probably should.
Lex: Guess you’re right. Gonna be good for that today?
Dotty: Course, you?
Lex: Honestly I could use it right now.
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![[Image: unknown.png]]( You and Dotty arrived at Spice and Targe's place.
The two of them are busy prepping for a upcoming barbeque. You've been invited so you volunteer to help out where you can.
You and Spice head off to the market to pick up some last minute details before the weekend ahead.
A little walk in this weather might be what you personally need, you've got a lot of nerves about the next couple of weeks.
Spice: You gonna be good for a bit of a walk?
Lex: Yeah? Why?
Spice: I dunno, just good to check in you know? Can’t thank you and Dotty enough for the help by the way, been feeling sick on and off lately and we got that party coming this week so-
Lex: It’s all good, I get it. Like…
Spice: I mean yeah but you didn’t have to you know?
Lex: It wouldn’t be right you know? Besides, Jam and I wanna talk to you about some stuff after.
Spice: Why not now?
Lex: I dunno like… I kinda want Targe’s input too on some of it. You know my parents?
Spice: You’ve talked about them before yeah.
Lex: Dotty and I are gonna go and meet up with them. I haven’t seen them in god knows and Dotty’s never talked to them once.
Spice: Aaaah. Worried things might be complicated?
Lex: A little… Jam’s especially nervous since well…
Spice: Yeah, they told me before.
Lex: Not a good relationship.
Spice: Yeeeeah. When’s that trip happening?
Lex: In a couple of weeks, weekend after this one.
Spice: Ahhhh. I’m sure it’ll be fine though, Dotty’s the type parents would love.
Lex: You think so?
Spice: Targe’s accept me so don’t see why not. She’s straight laced when she needs to be, has a good head on her shoulders, and she’s big enough that they’ll know nobody’s gonna try and fuck with you.
Lex: Maybe but…
Lex: My parents are expecting kids sometime. That’s not happening.
Spice: Ah…
Lex: Don’t really plan on having any and Dotty can’t so…
Spice: Your parents really want grandkids like that?
Lex: I mean I have siblings so they’ll be fine but… I dunno.
Lex: When you’re the eldest one they kind of expect that sort of thing I think. It’s not something for me though.
Spice: They’re not gonna go ballistic are they? Like..
Lex: No clue.
Spice: She’s good to ya’ll and the two of you are so sweet together in general, doubt they’ll mind.
Lex: Eh…
Lex: Still can’t help but be nervous you know?
Lex: They’ve gotten weird about plenty before.
Lex: Jam is sweating thinking about it.
Spice: Would it make you feel better if Targe and I kept our phones on?
Lex: What do you mean?
Spice: Like…. I dunno, having someone to text while you’re over there might help.
Lex: Yeah…
Spice: Easily could just say “It’s my boss” and it’ll look like you’re just really responsible you know? Keeping an eye on your workplace.
Lex: That’s… pretty smart actually!
Spice: I know right? Best thing is that if they start asking well…
Lex: You and Targe ARE my actual employers so…
Spice: So you’d have an alibi.
Lex: Think I’d like that… you’d really be okay with that?
Spice: Yeah, we’re friends and you and Jam have been fantastic in helping us with the business you know?
Lex: I mean that’s more Jam really, they love talking to the customers…
Spice: It’s sweet honestly, people ask about them when they’re not around.
Lex: Still kills me that people think we’re two separate people a lot of the time… I mean we are like… mentally but physically we share you know?
Spice: People love it though. Honestly surprised how well it’s gone.
Lex: Yeah, retail’s usually a nightmare but the witching community’s pretty good around these parts. I’m not as big into it these days but Jam’s still all about it.
Spice: What works, works.
Lex: You should give them a raise.
Spice: Probably… I’ll be good on the bonus at least, two of you earned it.
Lex: So what are we picking up anyway? We’re getting close to the market.
Spice: Everything.
Lex:... Targe is picking us up right?
Spice: Soon as we’re done yeah, he’s just handling some stuff first today.
Lex: We should’ve brought Dotty honestly…
Spice: Yeah. Hopefully the two of them are okay on their own errands though. With any luck it’ll go by smooth and we can just chill the rest of the day. Group watch some movies, maybe I’ll make some sweets…
Lex: That’d be bomb honestly. You might be tired though.
Spice: Maybe, we’ll see. We can take our time so we’re not lugging around too much.
Lex: Sounds good.
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![[Image: unknown.png]]( You are Dotty, legendary hero from another time and robot extraordinaire.
You and Lex are currently off running errands with Targe and Spice respectively.
Both you and your moody rabbit friend ramble in the car while you drive off to get things done.
You always wanted to get to know Targe better anyway so this is a perfect opportunity.
Dotty: So you used to run the shop at a Swap Meet?
Targe: Only on weekends but yeah, had a little tent set up selling our wares. Place doubles as a drive in theater at night so sometimes we’d stick around late for a double feature. You ever been to one of those?
Dotty: Nope, neither.
Targe: Really?! Never gone to a swap meet?!
Dotty: Not once! Lex gushes about them sometimes though…
Targe: Well you’re about to find out then. It’s got bargains, scams, street food and mariachi. Once you’ve had a taste you’ll get it. We can’t hang out there for long but we got some stuff to pick up from there.
Dotty: What exactly do you need?
Targe: Few things. Got a couple of seasonings for our meats that are a little hard and expensive to find at stores but we can get cheap from this place. Got a guy who knows the spices. Lovely stuff.
Dotty: Okay for a moment I-
Targe: Thought I was talking about Spice?
Dotty: Yeah. Had to process that for a sec.
Targe: Trust me that happens a lot, nah. Besides that there's a few things I just gotta handle in general. Witch stuff.
Dotty: Witch stuff?
Targe: You know.
Dotty: No.
Targe: We got a holiday coming up, one that you gotta be wary of.
Dotty: First time I’ve heard of a witch holiday in spring.
Targe: Got two of them but this one’s the big one.
He gives you a bastard grin.
Dotty: I don’t like where this is going.
Targe: Oh no you’ll love it. You ever heard of the Scholar’s Lament?
Dotty: The what?
He snickers at you.
Targe: Don’t worry about it.
Dotty: Okay no, you can’t tease me like that and not say shit.
Targe: So every year on a Sunday in spring, the Scholar’s Lament casts judgment on the magical folks of this island.
Targe: Used to be a bit of a brilliant alchemist, wanted to figure out how to make the sea water into riches. Philosopher’s stone stuff if you will.
Dotty: Is that a real thing?
Targe: Hard to say, if it was nobody would share it.
Dotty: That’s a good point…
Targe: The moment you tell everyone how to make rubies and silver you end up losing your meal ticket. Riches are relative after all, and the dragons of this world only horde and value what they can keep out of the everyman’s reach.
Dotty: So this alchemist is real but the stone is fake?
Targe: The alchemist is very real, one who flew too close to the sun. Found out how to use bones and blood to see into other worlds, seek the secret of immortality. But…
Dotty: But?
Targe: But one day while gazing into the void, something waved back. A dangerous entity who offered a deal. The knowledge of many worlds in exchange for his peace of mind. Needless to say it went miserably.
Targe: THe curse of seeing so much left one of his eyes marked forever with a ghastly glowing color and restlessness he couldn’t cast away.
Targe: His body crumbled under the strain rapidly until it had enough. It tore its own consciousness out and buried all of its documentation of a world beyond ours.
Dotty: So what exactly is the part that makes this a holiday?
Targe: I’m getting to it. But it might be spooky.
Dotty: I’m already a little spooked but go on.
Targe: The remaining shell of a person still had residual cravings and ambitions. It went around looking for bones to conduct its experiments, perhaps a wish to salvage its original studies and undo the suffering it went through.
Targe: It goes around looking for candidates to dust, every part of that person accounted for and drip fed into its experimental concoctions. It continues to seek knowledge despite being what destroyed it in the first place. Every piece of iron in your blood, the bones in your body, and the fibers of muscle become twisted into homunculi that become the source of its power.
Targe: And this sunday is the day it’s said to happen…
Dotty: None of that’s real though right?
Targe: It particularly targets those who’ve dabbled in witchcraft in particular. Knowledge of its existence only makes it stronger when it manifests.
Dotty: Please tell me it’s fake.
Targe: I mean… I wouldn’t worry too much, they sell deterrents for it where we’re going.
Dotty: …That doesn’t make me feel better?!
Targe: Would be good to pick up some protection too I think.
Dotty: Targe! Oh my fucking god!
Targe: I'm kidding, mostly. Anyway we're about to enter the parking lot. You coming with me?
Dotty: You think I want to be alone in the car after that?! Take me with you.
Targe: Good answer. We'll try to keep things quick so we don't leave the others hanging too long. We're picking them up on the way back.
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05-23-2022, 08:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-23-2022, 08:35 PM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
Jam: Whatcha doing? Dotty: Hey Jam, just drawing. You’ve been quiet all day.
Jam: Yeah, kinda just lost in thought. Wanted to have a talk about some stuff with Spice and Targe but got kinda shy.
Dotty: What’s up?
Jam: Eh, just a lot on my plate I guess. No big deal though. Missed you..
Dotty: Missed you too.. You dyed your hair?
Jam: Been a bit since Lex and I done it so we poked around. Had a big debate between blonde or blue honestly.
Dotty: Haven’t seen you do blue in a minute.
Jam: That’s what I was saying! But she’s been feeling the warmer weather so you know.
Jam: Anyway…
Jam: Mind if I sit with you a bit? Watch you work on stuff?
Dotty: Go ahead.
Jam: Whatcha got on the tv?
Dotty: One of those cooking competition shows, sucker for them.
Jam: Mm.. so why are they deep frying a cake?
Dotty: One of the pre-requisites of the current challenge, gotta deep fry a pastry.
Jam: Seems like a mess. Praying nobody burns themselves.
Dotty: I dunno, some of these folks have it coming.
Jam: Yeah?
Dotty: Like.. hold on. See that guy right there?
Jam; Yeah I can tell he’s got trouble vibes instantly.
Dotty: That dude’s gonna have an “accident” one of these days.
Jam: Yeah I don’t trust him.
Dotty: Absolutely. Like the way he talks to other people too?
Jam: Yeah no, dude totally blacksmiths.
Dotty: Dang.
Jam: I’m just saying! You ever met a guy who’s hardcore into smithing? 50/50. Either big ego or just won’t talk to you.
Dotty: I’ve never heard of that before!
Jam: We used to know a lot of folks like that!
Dotty: Wasn’t Geezer’s cousin a smith or something?
Jam: Sorta? But he just kinda looked sad. Like happy to be visiting but sad to exist. That make sense?
Dotty: Oh my god!
Jam: Calling it as I see it!
Dotty: So mean!
Jam: Look!
Dotty: I mean you’re right but you shouldn’t say it!
Jam: Anyway he didn’t look like he wanted to talk to us so point proven.
Dotty: I guess! Jeez…
Jam: Hehe.
Dotty: Bastard!
Jam: Can’t be helped! Whatcha got going there also?
Dotty: Just some scribbles…
Jam: Going for something abstract?
Dotty: No just.. Got a bit of a block going on I guess?
Jam: Whatcha mean?
Dotty: Life’s been a lot but also kind of slow? Same with therapy too.
Dotty: Usually take a lot of inspiration from stuff around me but.. I dunno.
Dotty: Even after going out and seeing Spice and Targe today I’m kind of lost I guess.
Jam: No need to feel like you gotta make something happen every day you know?
Dotty: Guess not but.. I dunno.
Jam: It’ll come to you.
Dotty: Probably. Honestly it’s been a good while since we’ve gone out and done much.
Jam: Yeah..
Dotty: Lots of cozy nights together but I wanna go see something! A movie, or dinner, or just even going around in the city lights you know? Miss that.
Jam: I mean if you want that we’d be super down to.
Dotty: Really?
Jam: Yeah, like…
Jam: I dunno, we could use some of that too.
Jam: Especially since time’s up ahead are gonna be a bit hectic too.
Dotty: Yeah. Scared your parents are going to hate me.
Jam: Think you’ll be fine. They don’t like me much though…
Jam: Always been Lex’s more than mine really.
Dotty: Are you going to be okay for that?
Jam: Yeah. Spice and Targe offered to talk to me anytime they’re not busy with work to help me through.
Jam: Do want to confront them about me but… you know?
Dotty: Yeah. I mean if they got to know you they’d understand. You’ve been keeping Lex safe right?
Jam: Yeah… I jut hope they give me the chance. Mom might but my dad? Less likely.
Dotty: Mm… I mean good thing is we’ll have each other’s back right?
Jam: Yeah. That’s everything right now really.
Dotty: Mm.
Jam: Lex is here too by the way as a heads up. She’s just vibing.She’s listening in since you know.. Important talk.
Dotty: That’s fine!
Jam: Anyway, yeah.
Jam: You wanna stay up late tonight? Just watch stuff and cuddle and all?
Dotty: Mm!
Jam: Been a bit since we’ve done that. Nobody’s got work tomorrow.
Dotty: Date in it’s own right.
Jam: Yeah. And when our schedule a bit more open we can all go visit the mall or something.
Dotty: Would love that.
Dotty: Think I know what to draw now.
Jam: Yeah?
Dotty: Yeah…
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06-27-2022, 08:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2022, 08:57 PM by skinstealer.)
![[Image: unknown.png]]( Lex: Hey buddy…
A surprise encounter, your gaze is captured by an unusual little creature sitting in a box next to the counter of a local shop.
You can’t help but wave at it and watch it follow your hand as you do.
It’s very quiet, polite even.
You really want to reach out and pet it but you’re not sure if you should…
It could be someone’s therapy animal, or a stray that needs to see a vet but…
You can’t help but reach out a little.
It sniffs your hand.
Lex: So cute….
???: Isn’t he? Just a little dude.
You leap in surprise with a little with an audible squeak. You turn to see one of the shop’s staff standing behind you, a rusty construct with a tired smile.
???: Ah, sorry about that.
???: Didn’t think that’d spook you, you alright?
Lex: Yeah, didn’t realize you were there.
???: Sorry about that, can’t help but watch when people interact with our tiny friend.
Lex: I getcha. Is he yours?
???: For now, we’re looking for a new home for him. Stray, we found him diving through the trash.
Lex: This guy? He’s so small…
???: Mm. Really young. At his age it’s a miracle he’s managed this well without parents. Managed to make it this far though so he’s got guts.
Lex: No kidding, has that killer instinct in his eyes. Living on the cold streets.
???: Not as far as we’re concerned. We brought him in for now til someone shows interest in adopting. Unfortunately none of the staff can take him home. Don’t exactly have the money to get all the shots and essentials and all.
Lex: Feel that…
???: We’re all a bunch of loners living alone.
Lex: Shelter hasn’t been any good?
???: Figure a good effort is worth attempting before resorting to that.. Thing is cute enough that someone will want to take him, right?
???: Honestly if nobody does by the end of the month we’ll drop him off.
Lex: Anyone show interest?
???: Nothing serious, guess this isn’t the best place for finding potential pet owners though. He’s only been here for about a week so… still plenty of hope.
Lex: I’m surprised nobody snatched him up immediately, he’s adorable..
???: You thinking about it yourself?
Lex: I mean I’m tempted… Something about this guy just clicks with me.
???: Yeah, he’s got a good vibe. Patchimus are pretty sweet little things, they’re popular at retirement homes because they’re gentle with old folks. See them used in therapy a good amount.
Lex: Mm, my grandma used to have one. They’re soooo frickin’ cute.
Lex: Honestly? Kinda tempted.
???: Really?
Lex: It’s kind of a big commitment though.. I’d have to talk to my girlfriend about it first.
Lex: But we move in together to a bigger place and money’s been better…
Lex: No promises but you know…
???: I mean no hard feelings if it doesn’t work out.
Lex: Mm…
You give the animal a little pet, it doesn’t seem to care much.
Lex: Stoic. Does he have a name yet?
???: Not really, we kinda rotate daily. Manager got attached to calling him The Grimace.
Lex: Why the grimace?
???: He likes fries.
Lex: I don’t get it.
???: Me neither honestly, asked him and he said it’s a generational thing.
Lex: That’s scary.
Lex: Hope he’s doing okay.
???: Yeah…
Lex: Never got your name either.
???: Don’t really got one, but I’ve been working here a few months now so I need something more. Folks here just call me new guy.
Lex: No name? Really?
???: I’m a old unit from back in the day, memories gone bad. Got lost and then restored. It’s-
Lex: One of those government programs yeah?
???: How’d you know?
Lex: Partner’s a rancher, went through the same thing. Put her through all sorts of research and tests before letting her really go out on her own.
???: Ah… I mean yeah, same here.
???: Thankfully I’ve been hooked up with all sorts of perks to help me get back on my feet but you know..
???: Got a lot of adjusting to do.
Lex: Yeah… I get you.
Lex: Actually um…
???: Hmm?
Lex: Honestly really thinking about picking up this guy. Gonna talk to my partner and all after I’m done with stuff today. Thinking she can come see this guy later too? And might be good to meet her, think she’d be interested in talking about this?
???: Wouldn’t complain, trade notes and all.
Lex: Mm. How long are you open til? Might not pop by until like, evening or something.
???: You’re plenty fine. My shift wraps up around that time anyway.
Lex: Cool. Keep the little guy safe til then.
???: Hehe, alright. See you soon.
You give the two of them one last wave.
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THERAPY SESSION: PART 1 CW: Discussion of Medical Abuse and Ableism. ![[Image: unknown.png]]( Lupe: Good to see you made it early enough to fill in paperwork. It’s not something people really like but you’re still a new client so there’s a few things to go over.
Lupe: I’ll be reading quietly and prompt if needed.
Lupe: The bulk of it is handled thankfully but we’ll do a little overview. Do you remember our first session?
Lex: A lot of intro stuff, kind of talking about past history, medication, all that.
Lupe: Mmhmm. Did you work on what I asked you?
Lex: You wanted me to like, think about what sort of stuff I wanted to put focus into.
Lupe: Mmmm…
Lex: I mean I’ve got a few ideas but like…. I dunno. I guess There’s been a lot coming up lately.
Lex: Some of it involves parents and Jam and all..
Lupe: I have a session with Jam today after you, if they need to talk we’ll have plenty of time.
Lex: I’m kind of surprised you can do that?
Lex: Kind of a surprise in general really. Isn’t there like, all sorts of weird rules?
Lupe: A few. Two clients in the same household usually falls into conflict of interest but your case is one that’s unusual so..
Lex: Meant more like, how can you book a session for both of us? Never heard of that sort of thing before…
Lupe: It’s a practice that Mori put into place, she’s had a surprising amount of personal history with others in you two’s position so she insisted on pushing for it if we can. Admittedly it’s a bit controversial with some…
Lex: Yeah… I mean I got my own troubles with past doctors.
Lupe: Mm. Is it okay if I ask? I figure it’d be good for the sake of avoiding the same pitfalls.
Lex: Yeah.
Lex: In the past I guess like…
Lex: I felt like if I said anything that made me look too weird or crazy I’d get hurt for it.
Lex: They made me forget about Jam for so long, pushed me until I was convinced they never existed. That was hella scary.
Lex: It was kind of a big push from my parents. It was heck easy for kids to get ahold of weird witch books and you know…
Lex: I got lonely, I really just wanted friends.
Lupe: Mm… Jam’s talked about as much.
Lex: The fact that you’re like, okay with giving us both separate sessions means a lot. I’m a little nervous still but that’s enough that like…
Lex: That I’m okay with trying therapy again.
Lupe: I can’t blame you, a bad experience is going to create a natural trauma response to not want to ever touch therapy again.
Lupe: It’s an incredibly vulnerable and asymmetrical experience that requires putting a lot of trust into a stranger on the belief that they’re a professional. But a license doesn’t instantly make them compatible with you, nor does it make them instantly good for the position in practice.
Lupe: You need to prove you genuinely are trying to work WITH your client.
Lex: Yeah… like.
Lex: I know I’m not perfect, but I don’t like the idea that I have to be fixed. I want to work on and improve things but like…
Lex: I don’t want to be seen as broken?
Lex: Hate feeling like everything about me’s a mistake, and I hate feeling like if I’m really honest and talk about what’s hurting I’ll get punished for it.
Lex: I dunno…
Lex: Especially bad when it came to my parents. Love them but like…
Lex: It felt like they just wanted to fish out reasons to be mad at me a lot.
Lupe: I promise you none of that’s going to happen. Everything here will be kept confidential between you and me…
Lupe: And well…
Lupe: To give you a much less clinical response, I feel you there.
Lupe: I’d be lying if that wasn’t a big motivation to get into the field myself.
Lex: I was wondering… you’re a knight too aren’t you? Why the side gig doing this? Like, the whole therapy thing
Lupe: Being a knight is about taking care of and serving the people. If all you do is fight, you’re a mercenary.
Lupe: A good knight has to be willing to do a variety of jobs in a community. Building morale, taking care of the physical and emotional needs of other, establishing expansion of programs for those who lack opportunities and resources, and overall empowering the people around.
Lupe: A community that feels secure in that regard is more likely to handle a time of crisis better than one who solely depends on armed protection.
Lupe: That’s why typically, a guild system should be designed around a feedback loop between itself and the people they support. If your local guild isn’t benefiting those around them, they should be easy to disband by cutting off their benefits. The last thing you need is a self serving militia.
Lupe: But I digress. I want to help you as best I can.
Lupe: If I ever overstep my boundaries, I want you to say something.
Lupe: If you feel like I’m not treating you with the decency that you deserve, you are free to walk out and tell everyone. You are the one who is making the difficult choice to open up, to have to admit there are things about life and yourself you wish you could work on more. You deserve to not be ridiculed or mistreated for it.
Lupe: Sorry if I got a bit wordy there.
Lex: No! It’s okay like…
Lex: Honestly I kind of need that.
Lex: Like… I dunno. It might still take a bit of time to get comfortable but…
Lex: I’ve never had a therapist tell me anything like that.
Lex: I just want to try figure things out and not get hurt for it, I need to hear something like that….
Lex: There’s so much I’ve wanted to bring up for years but never got a good chance to. Outside of Dotty and Jam there’s nobody else who knows and like…
Lex: They don’t always have answers. Sometimes it can be hard on them. I love them but they got plenty they want to figure out too…
Lex: Jam’s got a lot of respect for you, and Dotty seems to be doing so good with her own stuff. See her drawing every night to sort of help get a lot of her feelings out, and she always seems so much better after talking to her doctor.
Lex: So I guess I wanted to try this again.
Lupe: Absolutely.
Lupe: I’m going to be upfront, I can’t promise you I’ll be the doctor that’s perfect for you…
Lupe: But I’ll do anything I can to make sure you at least have the best environment possible to give this a legitimate chance, to make sure you come out of this feeling like you’ve been treated with the respect you deserve.
Lex: Mm…
Lupe: I’m excited to work with you anyway, Jam’s been fantastic and they’ve told me so much about you. I can tell you’re both so close.
Lex: I mean… you know.
Lupe: More than just in the literal sense.
Lex: Mm…
Lex: Is it alright then that like… we kinda just go over what types of things I want to work on today? Maybe even a bit of some upcoming stuff..
Lupe: As much as we can.
Lex: Thank you…
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![[Image: unknown.png]]( Lex: So.. where to start.
Lupe: Anywhere is fine.
Lex: That’s the thing, haven’t done this in so long… I got so much to say and like… don’t feel I’ll ever have enough time to get through it.
Lex: It’s so much…
Lex: Even though I’m still pretty early in all this like…
Lex: I feel like I can’t even imagine the next few years. I dunno.
Lupe: Why not start with where you’re at right now.
Lex: Mm…
Lex: Okay uh…
You take a moment to put together your thoughts. You look over at your doctor.
Lupe: No need to rush, take your time.
Lex: Right.
Lex: I’m Lex León, 24 turning 25 soonish. I’m living with my girlfriend in a cozy little place we managed to get our hands on less than a year ago.
Lex: Share a body with my proxy and one of my best friends. We’ve both been making an effort to each have time out and I think it’s been going pretty good so far.
Lex: Honestly really proud of Jam, they get exhausted from having to take over but they’ve managed to get a lot done while I was gone.
Lex: I’m a bit competitive sometimes, love playing games and sports and been sparring as a hobby since I was a kid.
Lex: Honestly like… I dunno. Part of me wants to go pro with the dueling thing one day but… we’ll see.
Lex: I’ve got some kind of brain stuff going on. Really trippy schizoaffective things, sleep problems, depression but… I think I’ve been better lately. Not perfect but I dunno… I’m proud of myself for taking better care.
Lupe: You should be.
Lex: Like… I guess I owe a lot to Dotty and Jam for that. All my friends really.
Lex: Having folks help me keep on top of things is like… I dunno. I want to do good, you know? I wanna be my best self for them.
Lex: All those little late night outings and meeting people after I left my home town and all that… they were amazing.
Lupe: Are you far from your folks?
Lex: Little bit. Live on the other side of the region, little nothing town on the outskirts of the Capital. All you can see in the distance is the skyline, the old cemetery, and endless metal rigs.
Lex: Honestly got a bit of nostalgia but kinda hated it too.
Lex: Last thing I wanted to do is die in the middle of nowhere. Place looks like it’s always stuck 20 years behind.
Lex: There were plenty of cool things, spent a ton of time at the local gaming shop. Had a bit of everything, helped me sort of uh… What’s the phrase? Come out of my shell?
Lupe: Mm. Did you have a lot of friends?
Lex: Honestly? Not really. Everyone I did know kinda just moved after graduating so I did what I could too.
Lex: Like… I dunno. Nothing going through grade school really prepares you for what’s up next.
Lex: You become a adult, you get a bunch of responsibilities and you go to jail if you do something stupid as soon as you reach 18 but like…
Lex: Those first few years after are really where a lot of growing up starts to matter. You still got plenty left.
Lex: It never stops I don’t think… I’m okay with that though.
Lex: Went through a lot of hard stuff but… I’m really happy with what I’ve got now. Life means a lot to me these days.
Lex: Gone on all sorts of adventures, gotten in trouble, found a bunch of people who I want to be around.
Lex: Still got a lot of goals left and I’m gonna do everything I can to reach them but like…
Lex: I dunno, it’s corny when I saw it like that..
Lupe: I don’t think it is at all. You did what you needed for yourself, and the fact that you’re here proves you’re taking it seriously. Don’t ever downplay it.
Lex: I’ll try not to. I guess like… I dunno. With me, Jam, and Dotty all going out to see my family this month and all I’m a little nervous. I got all this catching up, so many stories to tell… same time I don’t want to end up being a disappointment either. Was never good at school, never ended up a doctor or a scientist or whatever… I dunno.
Lex: I’m in a spot where things are good for me, and I think they’re only going to get better.
Lex: But I’m afraid it’s not enough sometimes.
Lupe: Not like they can do anything about it. If they take issue, that’s on them.
Lupe: You live across the region in a place they have no say over. You are your own person, if they can’t accept that? That’s on them. They’re the ones who chose to miss out on having you in their lives.
Lex: I don’t think they’d want to cut me off like that but… I don’t want to be seen as a fuck up, you know? I dunno.
Lex: Maybe I shouldn’t put so much weight on what my parents think, maybe I’m catastrophizing or whatever but like..
Lex: It’d be really nice if they noticed how much happier I am.
Lupe: If they care they will.
Lupe: Don’t have much reference about you specifically but… Jam says enough.
Lex: Jam talks about me?
Lupe: Plenty. Can’t give too many details for obvious legal and confidentiality reasons but…
Lupe: You’re lucky to have someone like them in your life.
Lex: I really am..
You pause to linger on your thoughts for a bit, until the room is still.
Lupe: Is everything alright?
Lex: Just… good to get this out and all. I try to talk to other people about it as much as possible but like…
Lex: It’s nice. Like, I dunno.
Lex: I’m a little bad with words so I hope it makes sense.
Lupe: You’re fine.
Lupe: Can appreciate working with someone who already has an idea of what they want, and I’m looking forward to continuing to work with you in the future.
Lex: Feels like I dumped a lot for a first real session.
Lupe: I don’t think so, gave me a fantastic amount to gauge and makes it easier for us to work on anything you want to bring up in the future.
Lupe: I can tell you’re really serious about this, and I think it’s good that you’re already pretty in touch with your feelings like that.
Lex: Try to be. It took time to get there but… you know.
Lupe: It’s good. Hmm…
She pauses to take a look at the clock.
Lupe: Unfortunately your session is almost over for now though, Jam’s is right after.
Lex: Ah! Sorry…
Lupe: No worries, you’re fine.
Lupe: Is there anything else you want to talk about quick? You still got some time left.
Lex: Think I want to just let it sit a bit I think. Want to cool off a little, Jam will be here soon anyway.
Lupe: Mm, you do what you need to.
Lex: You sure? Like…
Lupe: I’m sure. Need to make sure to put together my notes anyway.
Lupe: Do want to have a brief talk with you after Jam’s session on a side note, is that alright? Just scheduling and figuring out a plan for down the line and all.
Lupe: I do want to hear more about your family life a bit next time, feels like something you’ve had on your mind a lot.
Lex: Yeaaaaah… Didn’t come the most prepared this time but I think I got a lot to say about my folks.
Lupe: Homework for next visit. That okay?
Lex: Yeah, sounds good.
Lex: Next time…
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08-24-2022, 06:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2022, 06:07 AM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
THERAPY SESSION: PART 2 CW: Discussion of Medical Abuse and Ableism. ![[Image: JAMSTEDDS.png]]( Jam: Yo, Morning.
Lupe: Good morning, see you two have been coordinating your styles a bit.
Jam: You know it, the good ol’ proxy magic goes a long way.
Lupe: I like it, when did you discover this?
Jam: Uh… recently actually. Nothing all that out there but I figure it makes it easier to tell us apart for folks.
Lupe: Mm, I mean you could always tell when it’s you. Voice and expressions are pretty distinct.
Jam: Think so? I mean the first one maybe.
Lupe: It all works pretty well.
Jam: So how’d things go?
Lupe: Good I think, we both said what we needed to for sure.
Jam: Nice, I try not to listen in ‘cause I know Lex is pretty shy about this and it’s hard for her to open up to therapists. Nothing against you at all, we got a complicated history.
Lupe: You mentioned that, I’m sorry it’s been so rough in the past with other doctors…
Jam: Is what it is. Was scared of working with you at first too honestly.
Lupe: Mm, but you came out of your shell overtime.
Jam: Yeah, cause you weren’t weird to me at all like the others. People poked at me like I was a zit, hated that.
Jam: Honestly want to talk about that some if that’s alright.
Lupe: It’s your time, and with what Lex has mentioned I think I have an idea.
Jam: Hmm?
Lupe: The visit with your parents? I know you had a complicated relationship with them.
Jam: Eh… I don’t even know if I consider them my folks. But it was really weird that me existing made them religious panic a bit and anytime I had to cover for Lex it was just… hell? Hell.
Jam: So much love for her but didn’t want to acknowledge me, thought of me as some creature who took their kid’s body. I don’t think they even want to acknowledge that I was a magic thing, acted like I was some imaginary friend.
Lupe: Unfortunately it’s kind of a common thing with this. I’ve known people in your situation who’ve had a similar experience.
Lupe: With the amount of people who casually participate in local practices of the occult variety, too many kids end up growing up under the same circumstances.
Lupe: Folks up to have made attempts to reach out but at the end of the day it’s hard. The climate of this region is one where those of supernatural entity are common but…
Jam: But there’s people who don’t want to touch it the moment it gets complicated.
Jam: It sucks too when you got the same memories. I remember being raised by these people, I lived with these people, and in the end I had to hide for years even from my best friends….
Jam: And I felt bad anytime I came out because it felt like I was stealing from someone else.
Jam: I couldn’t tell anyone who I was or even let the person I shared a body with know I’m real.
Lupe: She didn’t know?
Jam: Not for a bit. I mean I still snuck in but uh… kind of in an embarrassing way?
Lupe: Oh?
Jam: As her… secret admirer.
Jam: I’d leave all sorts of gifts and stuff. Started when one year she kinda just had a rough holiday in late winter.
Lupe: The Appreciation week?
Jam: Yeah. Went nearly the whole week during Freshman year just getting nothing. She didn’t have a lot of friends growing up and she had just moved too so… you know.
Lupe: Mm, that’s always hard.
Jam: I wanted her to have something and… I guess it was really cute seeing her find her locker stuffed with gifts so…
Lupe: Does she know now?
Jam: Yeah, but for awhile well… I felt bad there too. Really shouldn't have in hindsight, think I demonized myself a lot for nothing.
Lupe: It’s hard not to, you grew up with the idea internalized that you don’t really deserve to exist as your own person.
Jam: Yeah… amazing how these days I got so many folks around though. I love them all so much…
Jam: I guess I do want to talk about parental stuff more but…
Lupe: Mm… do you need a breather?
Jam: Yeah, just let me build myself up to it for a sec.
Lupe: No pressure, I know both you and Lex have a lot of thoughts on this all.
Jam: Yeah. Just a moment then.
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Jam: Alright, I’m ready.
Jam: I don’t want to make this too long cause I know I’ve brought this up plenty..
Lupe: It’s fine.
Jam: Still just..
Jam: I guess at the end of the day it sucks that I grew up with people being so weird about me.
Jam: Neither of us grew up exactly popular but even at home…
Jam: Would’ve meant a lot of after a rough day at school I could talk about things but… not even Lex really got to do much of that either.
Jam: Parents didn’t always understand, especially when it got rough. Hell, there’s been times where we didn’t even know exactly what’s up…
Jam: Those are always scary to think about in retrospect.
Jam: A lot of friends we met online mattered when it happened.
Jam: Meant the world even to just have someone.
Jam: But at the end of the day our parents were the ones who could’ve really made the most impact you know? They had more say and voice when troubles at school or with friends came up but…
Jam: I dunno.
Jam: I think there were times when I showed up that they got a bit weird about me. Even if they didn’t really have any way to confirm it wasn’t Lex, they’d hear me act a bit off and tell me I needed to sleep early, or ask me if I took my meds.
Lupe: Just out of curiosity, what were you taking at the time?
Jam: Adderall but that made us fighty. Whole bunch of stuff for anxiety and anti-psychotics. Mood stabilizers, we weren’t a fan of a lot of it.
Jam: These days we’ve figured out something that works but you know.
Lupe: I do..
Jam: With the whole going to meet up with our folks it’s just… is it too much to want them to just… you get what I mean?
Lupe: Pretty sure, you want them to acknowledge you and not make a fiasco.You want to be able to connect with them properly as you and be treated like part of the family.
Jam: Yeah. Don’t expect it to happen easy, as much as I’d want…
Lupe: I mean ideally it should be, but… it’s hard to say how it’ll go.
Jam: I’m happy right now, Lex is happy right now. We want them to see that. I know we were never great in school and we moved pretty far out but… I dunno.
Jam: Right now I just want them to see that I’m doing the best I’ve ever.
Jam: I want Dotty to get to know them, to visit them and all my family in the area during the holidays…
Lupe: It’s more than fair to want that.
Jam: Feels like it isn’t.
Lupe: I think it’ll take time before you can reach that point. You’ve spent so much time being treated like a stranger in your own home. If they can’t face up to it now that you’ve got the option to walk away, that’s something they’ll regret.
Jam: Don’t want it to resort to that..
Lupe: Doubt you will, but they know it can happen.
Lupe: People realize something a lot of the time when there’s been so much distance. You can lose the people in your life if you don’t work things out.
Jam: Yeah…
Jam: I got Lex, and Dotty, and a bunch of friends offering to keep their phones ready in case we gotta vent at night.
Jam: Got so many people who care about me…
Jam: Guess at this point Lex and I know that if things burn down over this, we got plenty of folks to bail us out of that fire.
Lupe: You do, me included.
Lupe: Didn’t know about the group but… you’re very welcome to add me anytime.
Jam: Really? I mean that’d be nice…
Jam: You sure about that though?
Lupe: Mmhmm. Easily. I may not always answer immediately but..
Jam: I mean I get it, you got plenty of work.
Lupe: I’ll still try to get back whenever I can. I’ve seen you come out of your shell so much since we first met, I know you’re going to make this work out. And I’m excited to work with Lex too, you two are lucky to have each other…
Jam: Really am. I know I can’t solve everything in one session and we both got plenty more to talk about but.
Jam: I think by the time the visit happens, we’ll be ready.
Lupe: You will.
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Jam: Hey so…
Lex: Mm?
Jam: Your session go okay?
Lex: Me? Yeah, still getting used to this but I like our doc so far. Get why you recommended her.
Jam: Lupe’s great, she just fucking gets it.
Lex: Yeah, having her be so direct and like…. I dunno. I think I need that.
Lex: I got a lot I wanna go over and I know it’s going to take some time but like..
Jam: I mean I get it, we both went through that shit together.
Lex: Yeah, no and like… 100% our old doc was probably telling our folks everything.
Lex: Like, therapy does jack when you gotta lie through your teeth the whole time. If my folks knew the shit that went on during high school they would’ve crucified me.
Jam: Yeah no kidding.
Lex: Like… we got away with a lot. Enough shit that I don’t think they’d believe me.
Jam: Barely walked away with my life. God know they’d get rid of me if they could.
Lex: Never, I’d bite them.
Jam: Give them a little rabies?
Lex: For you? I’d start a whole outbreak.
Jam: You goof…. Don’t do that.
Lex: No promise.
Jam: Bitch. I love you.
Lex: Me too, we should date or something.
Jam: Yeah….
Lex: Yeah…
Jam: That’d be gay though, not allowed.
Lex: Nope, think of the poor grandmas.
Jam: Two rabbits holding hands? Dangerous.
Lex: Don’t think anyone’s got a plan for that.
Jam: You know though, I do want that.
Lex: Me biting people?
Jam: No just…
Lex: Ah! Yeah… like, me too. Feels so weird that like… we’re always together but we can’t really cuddle or anything.
Jam: Want that so bad..
Lex: Yeah like… man, I dunno.
Lex: I’ve heard there’s ways but they feel like they’re a bit too expensive. And like…
Lex: I feel selfish but…
Jam: You can say it.
Lex: A lot of it always seems so… permanent. Like..
Lex: I know Dotty would love it too but….
Jam: No, I feel the same way!
Jam: I’d want to be able to be able to do both. I wanna be able to cuddle with both of you at the same time but I want to still be with you?
Jam: Can’t imagine being alone agan, can’t do that.
Lex: Mm.
Jam: Plus… I get overstimmed being out too long. Gotten better with time but…
Lex: Proud of you for that by the way, you’ve been nailing it.
Jam: I try… Guess I just want both. I figure there’s gotta be answers.
Lex: I mean yeah like, we’re constructs and there’s weird magic people all around. Don’t even have to have a normal structure to function. Spice literally doesn’t need a head to live.
Jam: Honestly that’s pretty cute…
Lex: Not with this body…
Jam: If only…
Lex: No! I mean it would be but I like having a head? So like…
Jam: Yeah, fair.
Lex: Maybe there’s a way to make that work though…
Jam: Seen it a few times! It’s really neat actually, it’s some consciousness travel fanciness. Fucking dope stuff. Getting derailed but um…
Jam: Maybe we could get modded for that? We’d still need to figure out how to get our hands on a second body and that’d be expensive but… something to save for?
Lex: I can talk with Dotty about it. If we plan things out like…
Lex: It’d be such a major thing, you know? Worth it to me and like..
Lex: I mean I’ll be blunt like, I just wanna make out in drive-in theater or something. I don’t give a fuck, I’ll do it.
Jam: Yeah? What kind of movie?
Lex: Arthouse film, the kind that goes on for like 3 hours. Snuggle, gay it up, get to brag about seeing the movie where a dude turns himself into a cell phone or something.
Jam: I’m down, let’s do it.
Lex: I want some depressing ass song from 4 decades ago to play while we spoon during the big murder finale.
Jam: You get it, you’re not a coward.
Lex: And snacks… I want a big bucket of popcorn..
Jam: Might be the most expensive part of the setup but we can look into a loan.
Lex: Walk up to the bank and go “Please let me be gay, please let me kiss this spider rabbit.”
Jam: You’d have to be a criminal not to go through with it.
Lex: Please sir, we just need to borrow 50 to make our dreams come true….
Jam: Make them cry.
Lex: God just… I’m glad I have you... Can’t ever imagine what life would be like without you….
Jam: Same… canonized that first kiss for you.
Lex: I was so mad that you sniped me….
Jam: You were dating Dotty for two years and you never went for it!
Lex: I wanted to but thought it’d be weird!
Dotty: She’s our girlfriend!
Lex: We were both shy! And you kinda helped us break out of that shell and like…
Lex: Getting to know you again like…
Lex: It made all three of us better. Can’t imagine what life would be like without that moment, you know?
Lex: Thank you.
Jam: Yeah well… I mean…
Jam: Yeah, same. You’re really the best.
Lex: This is the part where we’d kiss right?
Jam: Yeah… just save it for the pile of them when the chance shows up for real.
Lex: I’m keeping count.
Jam: You’re going to be there with me when we go visit family and all, yeah?
Lex: The whole way, both me and Dotty.
Jam: And you’ll protect me?
Lex: Bite everyone til things go full scorched earth.
Jam: Even me?
Lex: Especially you.
Jam: Hehe… fucker.
Lex: The biggest.
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09-22-2022, 07:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2022, 08:23 PM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
DOROTHY Perspective: Dotty CW: Mention of death.
![[Image: unknown.png]]( You are Dotty.
You scuttle off the bus and through the old brick plaza to the best of your ability.
Today you’re meeting a old friend to discuss a few threads you don’t know what to make of.
You were built, died, reborn, died, and yet again restored only to find yourself not remembering a lick of any of your past lives.
Despite this, you’ve managed to make a pretty good place for yourself in this world… at least, you wish it were that simple.
Over the past few months, you keep having dreams and feelings that you aren’t sure are entirely your own but…
After a bit of sleuthing there seems like they’re certainly a bit more.
Much to your surprise, a number of old colleagues from back in the day seem to be very much alive despite the odds.
And you’re about to catch up with one really fast.
Lighter: Dotty!
Dotty: Mornin!
Lighter: Morning? Just a okay one?
You roll your eyes at them,
Dotty: Good morning. Sorry for being late.
Lighter: No worry. Have to say, much softer look than I’ve ever seen you in. Really did become a different person over al these years…
Lighter: Admittedly, heard rumors about you plenty of times since you were restored but… many of us deemed it unfair to pop in when you were unlikely to remember much of your past life.
Dotty: Seems to be changing now so…
Lighter: Mm.. that’s why you’ve contacted me.
Dotty: Bits and pieces have been coming back up.
Lighter: Mm.. seen the sketchbook photos. Have to say I quite like your interpretation of me.
Dotty: Do my best… Have it on me if you’re interested.
Lightr: Absolutely. Know someone else who may be as well but… I’d been hesitant.
Dotty: You mean Anthon?
Lighter: Mmhmm. He’s mellowed out quite a bit these days but.. The two of you had quite a fierce rivalry back then, and I don’t know if you’d be okay for that.
Dotty: Don’t remember enough good or bad about him to make that call. Were we close?
Lighter: In an unusual way, yes. Friendly enough to eat at the same table for the holidays, dangerously competitive and prone to scrapping enough that I’m surprised either of you are allowed to ref for a duel frankly.
Dotty: Is he in the business too?
Lighter: Mm, at Capital. You’ve been there I’m sure..
Dotty: Few times, had a gig there with Lex.. you uh.. Remember Erica?
Lighter: Mm! Was she there?
Dotty: Grandson was… and well…
Dotty: That’s a bit of a story actually. Maybe I’ll tell you some other time.
Lighter: We have plenty of time today,
Dotty: Mm.
The witchy construct shuffles through the sketch book, stopping at a certain page.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Lighter: Ah…
Dotty: Yeah…
Lighter: You remember them?
Dotty: Bits and pieces… always makes me sad. Seemed like someone special…
Lighter: Certainly was. Had the privilege of getting to work with them during their time. Talented when it came to working with the supernatural, managed to catch the attention of Mori.
Lighter: You two always seemed so happy together… and yet somber. Your meeting wasn’t exactly during the happiest of times.
![[Image: unknown.png]](
Lighter: Incident when the egg was laid..
Dotty: I remember that much.
Lighter: Were hired by Mori to keep an eye on them, make sure they’re safe as they worked. They were vital toward the efforts to deal with the toxic levels of radiation the populace endured.
Lighter: Sadly didn’t get to see the results of all that struggle. Miss them, can’t imagine how much it hurts for you.
Dotty: It’s honestly why I came out all the way here to begin with.
Dotty: For the longest time, I didn’t want to remember any of it. Didn’t want to find out and become a different person but..
Dotty: Now it’s what I think about a ton and…
Dotty: Hurts more thinking I forgot someone so special to me…
Lighter: You’re willing to take the risks that come with it? Your worries might be correct.
Lighter: Hard to say which version of yourself will be the one you end up as in the end.
Dotty: Neither.
Dotty: The old me’s too fractured. And the new me’s already changed a ton over the past few years.
Dotty: People are contradictions. You can end up a completely different person over a decade, but at the same time you’re building off that old version and everyone and everything in your life since.
Dotty: Refurbished.
Lighter: Elegant way to put it.
Dotty: I think at the end, I’m just as much the people I have now.
Dotty: Met a lot of good folks since, you know?
Dotty: And it's been nice catching up with you and the others too..
Lighter: Honestly I was worried I’d be too old and crusty for you at this point.
Dotty: Not at all!
Lighter: Have to wonder myself though…
Lighter: New people?
Dotty: Mm…
Light: Someone special too..
Dotty: I mean I mentioned I’ve moved in with my uh… partners?
Lighter: The rabbit and the proxy, yes…
Lighter: There was something I recall from back then and…
Lighter: When you “smiled” back in those days, you always did a little thing with your eyes that I’m seeing right now.
Lighter: I wonder if a certain spell came true…
Dotty: What do you mean?
Lighter: I’ll elaborate soon enough, after some breakfast. Thinking pancakes myself, care to join?
Dotty: Never passing that shit up, I’m good for it.
Lighter: Know a great spot in the area…. Missed talking to you honestly..
Dotty: Weird to say but.. Me too…
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11-15-2022, 04:27 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2022, 04:28 AM by ThreadLurkingComorant.)
DOROTHY Part 2Perspective: Dotty CW: Discussion of Grief Lighter: Remember this spot?
Dotty: Yeah… same glow as always….
Lighter: Figure talking here could help jog something. You used to come here a lot with them… Diane.
Dotty: Mm..
Dotty: We used to sneak out and have little lunch dates since this place was empty when… well..
Dotty: You know.
Lighter: The big lockdown period during the angel incident.
Dotty: Stumbled across it while scouting with them, found out the place had no radiation leakage.
Dotty: Everything was clean as long as we got home before night.
Dotty: Had to carry them a few times though, they were always so tired…
Lighter: Didn’t know the truth til pretty late.
Dotty: I always suspected but.. I wanted to think they’d be fine.
Dotty: Whole angel thing though had a toll on their health..
Lighter: Lots of folks back then died from the conditions even if they were completely separated from the radiation.
Lighter: Had it happen to a few old friends.
Dotty: I’m sorry…
Lighter: Is what it is, nothing I can do now..,
Lighter: That said, want to hear more about your experiences with the rabbit. And… maybe about the new one in your life?
Dotty: Don’t say it like that….
Lighter: There’s a bit of overlap, even if you didn’t remember outright with your brain, your heart sure did.
Lighter: Could’ve convinced me they’re related. The same twinkle in your eye, same spark in your voice.
Lighter: I’m sure you love them for who they are but…
Lighter: Can’t help but make an observation.
Dotty: Lex is special too, in a lot of the same ways and a lot of different ways..
Dotty: At first I didn’t really… know but.
Dotty: Made me happy the first time I talked to them you know?
Dotty: And… when we went out I wanted to almost cry.
Dotty: Didn’t know why… just felt like I knew them my whole life, you know?
Dotty: Old face couldn’t really emote proper. Had one of those stock faceplates..
Lighter: I remember. You upgraded.
Dotty: Yeah.. I wanted to be able to smile proper for her, you know?
Lighter: Really fancy her that much?
Dotty: Mm… same with Jam too..
Lighter: The proxy? Didn’t know you liked a crowd.
Dotty: I mean…
Lighter: Used to be so shy, now you’re living the dream a bit.
Dotty: I am.
Lighter: Hehe…
Lighter: Actually knew a bit about this before. Mori has been keeping tabs.
Dotty: Have they?
Lighter: Mm… they tend to value vets of the entire thing a lot.
Lighter: And… Diane was a close friend of theirs.
Lighter: It meant a lot to see them so happy in their last of days you know?
Lighter: So… even if you’re not the Dorothy we knew back then..
Lighter: All of us want you to be able to move on and live your happiest.
Lighter: Live the peace you never got to before…
Dotty: Wow uh…
Dotty: Huh…
Lighter: Too much to take in?
Dotty: I’ll figure it out…
Dotty: Honestly though, with how my memories have crept back in more and more it’s just…
Lighter: Keep talking.
Dotty: I remembered Diane talking to me.
Dotty: Kept being scared that they were running low on time.
Dotty: Worried that they’d be leaving behind so many people you know?
Dotty: Didn’t want to make me sad when it happened..
Dotty: Told them they’d make it through, that I’d be there no matter what and we’ll get through it but…
Dotty: Never did.
Dotty: Diane said that if they ever found a way back, even in another life…
Dotty: They’d follow through…
Dotty: I can’t help but… wonder?
Lighter: Witch reincarnation.
Dotty: Mm…
Lighter: It’s a thing in a lot of cultural beliefs.
Lighter: I could believe it honestly, the two have a lot in common…
Lighter: But we can’t prove that.
Dotty: I know..
Dotty: It’d be nice to think…
Lighter: Would it really matter though? You love them no matter what, right?
Dotty: Of course! I guess just…
Dotty: I guess I wish Diane could’ve been happy too, you know?
Dotty: But at the end of the day… Dorothy didn’t make it either.
Dotty: So… I dunno.
Dotty: I feel a lot of the same but… she’s not really me.
Lighter: Maybe then you need to frame it all differently.
Lighter: Both Diane and Dorothy are long gone, that period a memory that lives on through you…
Lighter: You carry their most cherished moments in you.
Lighter: And now you’re making your own.
Dotty: Mm…
Dotty: Does it bother you at all?
Dotty: That I’m not your friend from back then?
Lighter: It’s hard to say how I feel but..
Lighter: More than happy to make a new one.
Lighter: Long as you’re okay with that.
Dotty: Yeah…
Dotty: I want to just sit here a bit.
Dotty: That okay?
Lighter: Oh?
Dotty: It’s a lot to process but…
Dotty: I think I needed it a lot and…
Dotty: I just… want this moment to last a bit more.
Lighter: Take your time…
Dotty: Thank you.
Dotty: …
Lighter: …
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DOROTHY Epilogue Part 1 Perspective: Dotty CW: None Dotty: Been a bit since we’ve had time to just sit like this, you know?
Lex: Yeah…
Dotty: How’d your session go? Has Lupe been good to you?
Lex: Mm, got a good feeling about this one honestly.
Lex: Got a bad history with psychs but…
Lex: Think she gets a lot of it.
Dotty: Mmhmm. Talked to her a few times, mostly when she was over to check up on Jam.
Dotty: The two of them clicked pretty well while you were gone.
Dotty: But….
Lex: Yeah, I know.
Lex: Wasn’t happy about just… losing half a year of my life like that.
Dotty: Mm..
Lex: Scary honestly..
Lex: All sorts of weird dreams and stuff..
Lex: We have a bit of… a headspace? Mind palace? Whatever people want to call it.
Dotty: You and Jam?
Lex: Mmhmm! But… it was a part of it I’d never been..
Lex: Could hear Jam but no way to call out to them.
Lex: Like… I was awake but I wasn’t.
Lex: When I’m in that place I’m usually what I look like on the outside. But..
Lex: I was a bat? It was really weird..
Lex: For some reason that felt right though.
Lex: Now whenever I’m in that place with Jam, feels weird being a rabbit.
Dotty: What’s Jam look like in there? Are they not a rabbit?
*Nope, a spider.*
Lex: They’re a spider.
Lex: They say hi by the way.
Dotty: Hey! Spiders are cute sometimes.. Depends though.
Dotty: Do they have the eight leg thing?
*No but I bite…*
Lex: Nope.
*Though when you bring it up…*
Lex: You gave them all sorts of ideas…
Dotty: Should I be worried?
Lex: Probably.
*I can shoot web.*
Lex: No….
Dotty: What happened?
Lex: They’re telling me lies.
*You’ve never seen my proxy powers in action.*
Lex: Hold on I think they’re like, going to do a thi-
Dotty: Dude what the fuck.
Dotty: Let me just uh…
Dotty: Okay yeah I got a tissue.
Lex: Sorry…
Dotty: You’re fine.. I think?
Dotty: Is that supposed to happen…?
Lex: Not usually…
Dotty: It’s like silly string..
Lex: Yeah…
Dotty: Better get it out of the way before the little patch tries to eat it off the floor.
Lex: We need to name him..
Dotty: Yeah.
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![[Image: image.png]]( Lex: You've been giving me a stare for a good bit by the way.
Dotty: Still not over it.
Lex: I mean..
Lex: I want them to know how serious we all are, you know?
Lex: Want them to see that we're in it for the long run so...
Lex: Yeah.
Dotty: I mean you knew I'd say yes...
Lex: Yeah.
Lex: Gonna be a long time til we get to the main event but.
Lex: You know, is what it is.
Dotty: I could cry honestly.
*I could cry too...*
Dotty: Guess I just... never pictured I'd be the type you know?
Lex: I gotta invite all sorts of people once the news is out.
Dotty: Same! Spice, Targe, Kurt, Budgie..
Lex: Budgie still seeing that witch?
*Oh god was it Manzana?*
Dotty: On and off, she travels a lot. Could invite her too..
Lex: Geezer, my cousins, my parents if they're chill...
*I'll beat their asses myself if they don't..*
Dotty: Lupe, Tackle, Erica.
Lex: Think if I invite some online folks they'd make it?
Dotty: Maybe, don't see why not.
Lex: I wanna invite everyone, have a good time and all you know?
Dotty: Yeah.
Lex: And I want everyone to know. I wanna be like, loud and annooying until everyone gets the point.
Dotty: You may as well right? Nothing to hide.
Lex: Not a thing.
Dotty: Should dress up the little dude.
Lex: The Patchimus? Honestly Little Dude might be a good name.
Dotty: Honestly? Gives that vibe.
Lex: Little Dude for now, working title.
Dotty: I'll get stuck on that.
Lex: Oh god there's some folks from high school.
Dotty: Yeah. And I got a lot of people from the old days.
Dotty: Including Mori...
Lex: No way?!
*Yeah what the fuck?*
Lex: Think she'd come?
Dotty: Yeah just... I should talk about that some. You up for that?
Lex: Yeah. Let me in on it.
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![[Image: image.png]]( Lex: So you actually knew her?
Dotty: Yeah. Back then.
Dotty: She’s the whole reason I got all rebooted to begin with you know?
Dotty: So I guess I owe her a lot..
Dotty: I remember them being kind of a sad person.
Dotty: But we met around the time things went to shit.
Lex: Angel’s egg?
Dotty: Yeah…
Dotty: Everything I remember about that feels rough and awful but..
Dotty: It was hella important. Formative.
Dotty: Think the version of me that exists today still feels a lot when I think about it.
Dotty: It makes me sad… but it also makes me happy that we’ve got what we do going on. Yu know?
Dotty: Wouldn’t give it up for anything.
Dotty: Making a lot more friends these days than I had back then.
Dotty: Hell, making friends in general on my own. Including you.
Lex: I mean that was pretty much a moment of fate right there.
Lex: Got in some beef, you had to check in as a duel official.
Dotty: You liked to punch too high back in the day.
Lex: Don’t let anyone disrespect, even if they’re stronger than you.
Lex: I’m not a coward.
Dotty: You’re a little too brave.. But that’s what I like about you, you know?
Dotty: I want to introduce you to my old friends from back then one day.
Dotty: I want them to know that I’m happy…
Dotty: You and Jam… I dunno.
Dotty: Didn’t think I could see myself with the perfect people like that but… here I am.
Lex: I’m really not perfect.
Dotty: You are to me…
Lex: Like..
Lex: I’m a clumsy fucker.
Lex: I get angsty all the time.
Dotty: You never back down.
Dotty: You make sure I live my life as best I can.
Lex: I stay up too late..
Dotty: We have the best late night adventures.
Lex: My teeth are bad.
Dotty: They’re cute.
Lex: Maybe. Like, in a puggy kind of way.
Dotty: You’re not puggy.
Lex: Same energy.
Dotty: Nah, you’re more like… uh…
Dotty: What do you call those dogs with the long faces.
Lex: Oh god the weird horse ones?
Dotty: Yeah.
Lex: I can’t see it.
Dotty: Either way, don’t want to hear you downplay yourself, you know?
Lex: I’m gonna get better about it.
Lex: You used to do it too though.
Lex: Going off about being rusty and gross.
Dotty: Yeaaah.
Dotty: You make me feel pretty though so..
Dotty: it’s been easier.
Lex: Hehe…
Dotty: I guess I just want you to know that you’re everything to me, you know? Both of you.
Lex: We know..
Lex: Think about you all the time, you know?
Dotty: Same here.
Lex: Gonna be a lot to plan stuff ahead.
Dotty: Yeah.
Lex: But like… we’ve got each other.. We know so many good people.
Lex: There’s some scary stuff ahead and like..
Dotty: No kidding.
Lex: But like, between the three of us? We’ll get through it just fine.
Lex: No matter what.
Dotty: No matter what.
Lex: Love you..
Dotty: Love you too…
Lex: Heh, look.
Lex: Our little patch buddy’s dozed off.
Dotty: That’s a good sign you know. New pets have trouble sleeping the first night at a new place.
Lex: Yeah. Good omen?
Dotty: Maybe.
Lex: We should get some rest too..
Dotty: Yeah.. feeling sleepy myself.
Lex: You ready? Gonna hit the lights.
Dotty: Mmhmm!
Dotty: See you in the morning…
Lex: You too…
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TCG Night Perspective: Lex CW: Accurate depictions of TCG Locals. Mickey: You managed to finally show up to locals, what took you?
Lex: Had a lot going on, plus I had to research…
Mickey: Fair, fair. What’d you bring today?
Lex: You wanna take a look?
Mickey: Yeah dude, let me see the sauce.
Lex: Alright..
Mickey: Rabbit control? Really though?
Lex: Yeah, I saw there was new support so…
Mickey: You’re asking to get mugged with this.
Mickey: Like, rabbit control’s not bad but it’s so honest you know?
Mickey: People cheese the hell out of it.
Mickey: See you’re running 4 copies of Old Yeller though. See that’s fine.
Lex: I teched it out a bit.
Mickey: I can tell.
Mickey: Only three copies of Chaos Bee?
Lex: Couldn’t get the fourth in time, like…
Mickey: Shit’s a common dude, let me look through my extras.
Mickey: Found it.
Lex: How much?
Mickey: Take it, already got two playsets.
Lex: You sure?
Mickey: You wanna win, right? Take that shit.
Lex: Alright, if you’re sure.
Lex: So how competitive is this place?
Mickey: Mixed bag, there’s some real sweats here.
Mickey: Me included.
Lex: Yeah? What’d you bring.
Mickey: You’re not ready.
Lex: Can’t be that bad.
Mickey: Check it.
Lex:... I don’t know what that is.
Mickey: Thought you did research? You didn’t look at the newest set?
Lex: I tried but then some of the stuff needed a degree in law to figure out so like…
Lex: I figured I’d wing it, you know?
Mickey: Dude. It’s fine though, you probably won’t see me in bracket anyway.
Lex: Cocky.
Mickey: You’re lowest seed since you’re new.
Lex: There’s seeding at this local?
Mickey: Yeah, I go to regionals regularly so… you’ll have to work pretty hard.
Lex: I’ll do my best. Anyone I should look out for?
Mickey: Yeah, there’s a dude in the corner over there. One with the sexy playmat.
Lex: That’s not specific, I see like three of them.
Mickey: The demonitizable one.
Lex: Yeah Like I said.
MIckey: Dude plays Bad Wax Turbo. He’s a fucking criminal.
Lex: That good?
Mickey: Nah he sucks ass, he’s just awful to play against.
Lex: It’s fine.
Mickey: Maybe.
Mickey: We got time til signups start though. You wanna play a quick set?
Lex: Yeah, I’m down.
Mickey: Nice.
Mickey: Good to see you finally showed up though, seriously.
Lex: Yeah well, I needed a break like this.
Mickey: Gonna roll dice. High or low?
Lex: Low.
Mickey: Got a 3.
Lex: 1.
Mickey: Fuck off. Fine.
Lex: I’m going first.
Mickey: Go for it.
Lex: Ah..
Mickey: You brick?
Lex: I drew jack shit.
Mickey: Game two?
Lex: We’ll play this out.
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Joined: May 2019
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MORI Prologue Part 1 Perspective: Dotty CW:None Dotty: Hey, can I talk to you?
Jam: Go ahead. What’s up?
Dotty: Just thinking about the past few years a lot.
Dotty: We’ve really seen a lot together, huh?
Jam: Yeah.
Dotty: We’re moved in, engaged, made a lot of friends along the way.
Dotty: Can you like, ground me for a bit?
Jam: What’s up?
Dotty: Just… sometimes when there’s too much of a good thing, you can’t help but worry, you know?
Dotty: Worried that's not gonna last?
Jam: I mean.. That’s a trauma response.
Jam: You've gone through a lot, even in just the past year.
Dotty: I know…
Dotty: I’m meeting with some old friends tomorrow and I’m nervous about that too but like…
Dotty: I dunno.
Jam: You want me to hold you a little?
Dotty: Yeah..
Jam: Come here.
Jam: God I forget how big you are.
Dotty: Built to last.
Jam: No kidding. I mean I like that.
Dotty: Both of you do. Makes me happy…
Jam: Good.
Jam: Lex is listening too by the way.
Dotty: Oh! Hi!
Jam: She says Hi back. So…
Dotty: So?
Jam: What’s got you nervous like this?
Dotty: It just happens I guess.
Dotty: Is it silly?
Jam: No?
Dotty: Like… nothing bad is likely gonna happen but-
Jam: It’s not.
Dotty: I guess just… you’ll be here tomorrow, right?
Jam: Right.
Dotty: And the next day.
Jam: And the day after.
Jam: I’m not gonna leave you out of nowhere.
Dotty: I know.
Jam: Let’s just talk for a bit, alright?Dotty: Okay… Yeah.
Jam: You're surrounded by people who love you.
Jam: You've got a Patchimus sleeping at the foot of the bed.
Dotty: Two rabbits.
Jam: That's more than a lot of people have.
Dotty: Hehe.
Dotty: Does help. Just...
Dotty: Thinking about what's good.
Dotty: When I finish up meeting folks, I want to talk about it with you after.
Jam: Yeah, go ahead. Call me if you need help at any point too.
Dotty: Mm... wanna just put on a movie and lay down together for awhile?
Jam: Yeah, Got anything in mind?
Dotty: Not really. Just need some backnoise before I dump some thoughts.
Jam: I'll browse around then, hold on.