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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
{-Intermission 1-}


Dr. Ethmoid Ko-Benthos Looked up from her papers to see a student standing in the doorway to her office. She held up her hand, giving the common gesture for ‘just a moment’. She finished scoring the test and then looked up to the student.

“It’s Doctor, actually.” She corrected, almost automatically.

“Right, but you’re a Professor” The student said.

“I Have seventeen [PhD]s, My job is not my title. Please respect the work I put in and address me accordingly.”

“S-seventeen?! Oh, wow, ok. Doctor, Can I ask for an extension on my paper? A family emergency came up.”

Dr Benthos closed her eyes and reviewed the information she had about the student. She looked back through the index of her memory and picked out all the times he had acted up in class, all the times he made excuses, and every time he was tardy.

“Jet Em-Rockwalker, You have been late for class twenty-one times, absent seven. You have had five extensions from me personally this semester, and forty-seven for all your classes this semester. You were arrested during the able hall party for controlled substance abuse and vandalism, and have seventeen recorded arrests in your current life. You have ninety-seven counts of breaking university rules, twenty of which are from this semester alone, and you have talked during class fifty-eight separate times.”

Dr Benthos allowed herself a small moment of satisfaction as the student’s draw dropped. It was always like this when someone found out about her Soul Art. She waited for the student to collect himself.

“I can explain!” he said defensively “I Have a learning disability, and anger management issues, I’m getting therapy for it but it-”

“I’ll stop you right there,” Dr Benthos said, standing up. “If you were telling the truth it would be a different story, but You have no record of a disability, or any atypical mental disorders. You do have a record of anger issues, but have refused five separate offers for free therapy, the least of which was last week.

“You are a slacker, Mr. Rockwalker. A man who gets by on talent and money, I cannot fathom how you got into my class with such an attitude, but you are genuinely brilliant when you actually buckle down and do the work. It’s a shame you wait until the last possible moment to do so, if at all. I will give you no more extensions, accommodations, or any other leeway from here on out.”

Dr Benthos sighed as the man stammered, trying to find some way to protest. She told him to get out of her office, he dragged his feet, but did so. Dr Benthos rubbed her temples. It was times like this when she considered quitting.

Just then a bespectacled [Tuxedo cat] entered her office and closed the door behind her. She smoothed out her green dress self consciously before looking up.

“Benny found one, The Rose Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense added a transcribed phone call to their online database. A knight, Ser Artra Ka-Silversong, Reported an EC and took jurisdiction over them. One Scud HarvestFell, In a town called Blackwater Crossing, Bluerose Island.”

Dr Benthos perked up. They hadn’t found one in a while, and every EC was an invaluable asset to the organization. She took the printed out transcription and pulled on every memory she had of importance, compiling the information before making a decision.

“Ok Aloe, You’re on the case. The window of opportunity is rather wide, and you need the experience. Talk to Lorien, ze will help you with gear and put together a false identity. Make contact, Orange protocol.”

“Yes Doctor,” Aloe said, straightening up. “I’ll make sure to bring the EC back.”

Director Southwind looked over his assets. That damnable Knight took jurisdiction over the HarvestFell EC case, there wasn’t much he could do except wait for her. That didn’t sit well with Southwind. So he was looking over his department’s assets, seeing if there was anything he could spare.

There were a few agents whose mission was over in Central Red Rose, but the HarvestFell case was taking place in northern Bluerose. Not enough time. Then he remembered something. He flipped through the case file again.

The brother of the suspected EC worked in Castle Garden. Southwind smiled, before starting the paperwork on a new assignment for his agents in the area.

“And so, with the room locked and windowless, the only way the murderer could enter would be through the air ducts! Remember assistant, I told you of the old pipes in this place, not enough wiggle room for a full grown Kaz, but what if you had just awakened?”

“Gosh inspector, you don’t think it coulda been da kid?”

“I do indeed, now all we need to do is lay a trap, and I have the per-”

Artra Silversong Sighed and turned off the radio. Normally she liked listening to radio dramas, they were a good source of entertainment last life after she lost her vision on assignment, and just kind of stuck with her.

But the episode she was listening to reminded her too much of Scud’s awakening. They were a Defiant, and worse yet, probably an EC. Her duty was clear, but she still felt guilty. She never told Scud she suspected anything, beyond them being Defiant. She wanted Scud to get the chance, that one week, before she had to take action, before their life as they knew it would fall apart.

The best she could do was give Scud the time they wanted. Just one week. She could protect them until then. No doubt moves were already being made in the shadows. But this was Silversong’s town. Let them try.

“Just until your birthday then, Scud.” She said, watching the sun rise over the town. “I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you’re ready for what’s to come.”

[Suggestions still closed, next post will be normal. Do not mention any of the intermission to Scud, The Forum did not witness it, this was strictly for the audience.]

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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by Lilium Mortem - 07-04-2020, 02:03 AM

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