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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
How does education work on Kaz'Rao, with how people gain memories of past incarnations? It seems like there wouldn't be much point in teaching people stuff they've learned in past lives, unless there'd been significant progress in the field since the last time a particular cat person (do Kaz'raons have a specific name other than cat people btw) went to school, so what kind of things do you learn? I imagine history would be quite an interesting class as well.
Also, we could try to work out what the first stage of your soul art is, if you want. Silversong did say you should work on that. I honestly have no good ideas for what it could be other than just, you being able to summon us by considering some sort of question or problem or choice. However, something that might be a part of your soul art, maybe a stage different from the first, is that when we perceive your surroundings or your thoughts or people's speech, certain things kind of, stand out more than usual. Usually these things were related to soul arts, either yours or Silversong's so far, like the word "forum", or your past life.
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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by 1011686 - 06-18-2020, 08:40 AM

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