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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
I never said you made us help, Scud. It's just a lot to come to terms with in around 5 minutes. I had thought that everything up until this point was of my own volition. That I had a choice to do this or a myriad of other things, like watching the sunset, or walking my dog. I was helping you because I wanted to. And while, sure, that still holds true, it's the only meaningful thing I can even do anymore. A choice between this or eternal slumber - whatever the heck happens to us - really isn't a choice at all.
I know you didn't mean for any of this, Scud. All I'm asking of you is a little patience and understanding.

As for your question: Ask Silversong the 9 stages of other Soul Arts, like her own, and see if you can draw any parallels. Maybe the first step would be telling apart our voices?
[Image: lil_lesbian.png]

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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by King-Clod - 04-25-2020, 02:35 PM

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