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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
[note: when scud says someting in <> they're speaking english and not the Kaz Common language.]
(03-29-2020, 12:36 PM)ಠ_ಠ Wrote: read him the letter you wrote, out loud

Oh I just had a great idea! I’ll read you the letter I was planning to send! I worked really hard on it.” I said, smiling.

“Go for it.” Status said, chuckling.

“Ahem. Dear Stratus, I write to you on this dower mourn to tell you tales fro-”

“Dower morn?” Stratus asked, holding back a fit of giggles.

“Hey! Don’t laugh! It’s raining over here. So: dower mourn.”

“Ok, ok, I’ll wait until you finish. Then I’ll laugh.”

“Don’t! I’ll tell dad you’re picking on me!”

“Sorry little bud, I promise not to laugh.”

I read the entirety of the letter. I heard Stratus snicker once and awhile, but I ignored it, voicing my letter elegantly. Once I had finished I took a bow before I realized that we were talking on the phone. Good thing Dad was in the other room.

“You’re worried about our money situation?” Status asked. “Little bud, It’ll be fine. You’re a kid, just worry about homework and having fun. You only really get to be a kid once.”

“But like, what if dad loses his job? Mom isn’t a good writer. Would we have to move?”

“Scud my little bud, I don’t know. Stuff like this is really complicated. But I will share a little secret with you: I’m up for promotion soon. I can take care of all of you until mom can find a job, and if dad gets laid off. So don’t worry.”

(03-29-2020, 06:46 AM)1011686 Wrote: Well, that explains why the switchboard operator was so tired.
Let's talk to him about school for half a minute until that gets boring, then talk to him about something that's actually interesting. like his job as a soul technician, or our most recent artistic creation.

“You ok little bud?”

Yeah. Now that you mention it, what is your job? I know you do something like reading souls with one of those Soul detectors but what does that mean?

“First of all, they aren’t ‘Soul Detectors’. It’s called a Sigma Radiation Information Manual Parser. The SRIMP. While computers have gotten good at parsing patterns in Sigma radiation, You still need someone who can regulate their own Sigma Radiation to operate one, or else there’s interference. A side effect of training to regulate a soul’s Sigma output is a sort of instinctive understanding of the patterns in data related to Sigma radiation. I currently work at a maternity clinic, reading the souls of newborns and passing that data to the government.”

“Huh? All I got from that was <Shrimp>, and now I’m hungry for seafood.”

“What does the SRIMP have to do with seafood? Never mind. To put it simply, I’ve trained to control my own soul’s energy, and to read other people’s. Not quite a medium, but there’s some overlap. I use that ability to match the soul patterns of babies against the reincarnation database.”

“Oh. Souls are what let us think right? Cliff told me that’s where dreams come from too.”

“No Scud, that’s not how it works. Our brains let us think. The soul… it’s more like our core. It’s everything we are physically, but invisible and untouchable. Hmm… It’s like… A save file. Everything is important, but you still need a game to use it. When we die, our soul gets transferred to a new copy of the ‘game’, a new system. As for dreams… there’s some evidence for the soul influencing them. Reincarnates who haven't awoken sometimes dream of their previous lives.”
(03-30-2020, 12:03 AM)King-Clod Wrote: Tell him we've been having weird dreams, which is why were up so early. Maybe ask him what it was like when he got his memories back?

Well, I’ve been having weird dreams. That’s why I’m up so early. I don’t know… how was it for you when you awoke?

“If you’re worried about secretly being reincarnated, don’t. Stuff like that doesn’t happen outside B-movie plots and romance novels. As for my Awakening… I guess I haven't told you huh? I’ll give you the full story when I’m home for your birthday, but...” Stratus paused for a second, I heard the sound of cars from outside his apartment. “It was like my whole life was a dream. I woke up one morning and everything was clear. I didn’t stop being who I was before I remembered, but I gained something. I felt whole, and that things were just starting. I remember looking at your big bright eyes and thinking: This is my family, just as much as my last one. I love you, despite your horrible letters.”

“Huh. Ok. I guess I’m not sure about whether or not I think I’m Reincarnated. The dreams feel so familiar and when I wake up, I feel like I’ve lost something, like there’s something I should remember.”

“That’s just how dreams are, Scud.” there was a ringing from Stratus’ end “Oh SH---oot. Shoot. I have to go. See you next week, bye!”


The line went dead with a click as soon as I finished my goodbye. I didn’t think I was reincarnated, that would be stupid. My brother does the tests that tell you if that’s what’s going on. But why did I think to ask him about his awakening? Was there anything to these dreams or was I just being stupid?

I sighed as I walked back into the Kitchen. Mom was there sipping a cup of Tea while jotting something down in a notepad. Dad finished rinsing off his dishes and went to give Mom a peck on the cheek. He waved goodbye as he opened an umbrella and walked out into the dark of a rainy morning. I waved back.

There was a knot in my stomach. Things didn’t feel right. I told my mom I was going for a walk and grabbed an umbrella from the closet along with my windbreaker. I stepped out into the streets of a sleepy village, listening to the steady pitter patter of rain on my umbrella and the occasional strikes of lightning in the distance as I wandered, not knowing where to go.

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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by Lilium Mortem - 04-01-2020, 05:08 AM

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