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{2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure
I live in a small fishing village on the northern tip of Blue Rose Island called Blackwater crossing. It used to be the last port before a ship would head north to Black Rose Island, but shipping routes changed and that left the village pretty empty until the copper mine was discovered. The town was booming for decades, my dad tells me, but now the vein is running low, and it’s hard to find work in town.

A couple of years ago a monsoon blew out our windows and we couldn’t get them replaced. I tried to drop out of school to help Dad with work, but even if that wasn’t illegal, there’s no extra work in the mine, it’s already struggling. It was then when my older brother left for Red Rose, hoping to get a better job. He’s a third life, and when he got his memories back decided to stick around in a quiet fishing village. Things got too bad for him to stay. He sends money home, we replaced the windows.

For the longest time as a kid I’d stay away from other people, making mud and stone structures in our backyard. Pyramids, a ‘clock tower’, an arch over the creek, all kinds of stuff. Eventually I upgraded to using other materials, and once we got an art teacher at school I really got into sculptures. Currently I’m fascinated with working with Sea glass.

But then there’s Wuther. He’s a [Siamese] that saw me sitting by myself one day and said he’d be my friend. At first I didn’t want to bother, but something changed my mind. He showed me his pet bird, Dusty, and we played fetch all the time. It never got old seeing that bird catch a frisbee mid flight. He even gave me his old handheld game console for a birthday present once.
-{ {} }-

There was a crack of thunder and I woke up. I had that dream again. Things were starting to come back to me, but it still felt like it didn’t make sense. I always forgot what happened at the beginning of the dream. I made my way into the bathroom, bladder screaming at me. Once I relieved myself I washed my paws and took a look into the mirror.

“Ugh, still feels weird. Summer break is ending in three days and my birthday is in seven. I’m almost thirteen.” I said to the mirror, the same way I would talk in that dream. “My Name is-”

[Select our Protagonist’s name, pronouns, and breed of cat. In this world people revere the natural world, and so too name people after nature. Few names of the old world remain these days, so most names are in the common tongue. The Kaz are a race of anthropomorphic house-cats. Most earth cat breeds exist, save for crossbreeds.]

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RE: {2/9} - Two of Nine: A Nine Lives Forum adventure - by Lilium Mortem - 02-29-2020, 06:06 AM

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