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-⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥-
"I, uh... just got a subpar item roll.
Nothing to worry about."

You lie through your teeth.

"Rolling . . . "

[Image: 30_18_04_24_7_49_54.png]

4/6 -> 12/20
-1 = 11/20


"That, and everything here being decided by a literal roll of the dice is already screwing me over.
...I failed a composure check earlier, and I'm still coming down from the effects.
I'm mostly fine now, though."

"Mhm. You do seem pretty exhausted."
The snake pulls out a pocket watch, checking the time quickly before placing it back into their inventory. can you possibly tell that
my face is a screen.
...whats showing on my face right now?
god, I hate that I cant even Tell
its so different from moving actual facial muscles, none of it makes sense to me yet

You do your best to look normal.

You have no idea if it's working.

"Melocania can definitely be... rough! In that direction, yes.
I'm still fairly new here myself, but you're right. All the checks can be too much to handle.
They stack up quickly."

The snake leans against one of the tent poles making up part of a bedroom's 'wall.'
A claw goes to their snout in thought.

"...Still, I knew that'd be part of the package when I came here,
but I'd already decided I Wanted to be here, despite any of that."

" . . .
You came here On Purpose?
I... cannot possibly imagine doing that. Just being honest.
This place is Already terrible."

The serpent gives a little smile.

"It definitely isn't for everyone.
But, you can be who you like here. Find a role that suits you, and stick with it.
And there's always something to do. Things are always changing.

...I could go on,
but I'm not here to tell you that you're wrong.

I hope the experience is better from here on out, at least."

Be who you want to be.

The locket seems to shift, slightly, at that phrase-
Attention drawn to the conversation.

You find yourself smiling,
Albeit, with tired eyes upon your visor.

The stranger stands back up straight, gesturing to the tent.

"You'll have a nice place to stay while you're here, at least!

...Do you like it, by the way?
I tried to fix it up nice."
The snake glances over in your direction,
watching your expression.

"I can tell. Thank you.
It'll make resting up much more comfortable."

"Happy to know that I could help you feel more at home.
I'd like to work at it more along the way, too."

You can't stop yourself from wincing partially, once you have control of your body again.

if it doesnt stop using My Mouth to talk,
Im going to go after its eye with a hammer and chisel

When you focus again,
you notice them watching you quizzically.
"Anything wrong?"

I swear--
alright. how can I answer and Not Let On,

"I'm... just..."
Your head blanks.

The snake displays a knowing smile.

You nod.

"You're welcome to sleep if you need to.
...I'm waiting to meet the other two party members,
then I'll turn in myself."

They check their pocket watch once more.
"...They really should be here anytime, it's already late."

right. two more
I really should take the excuse they gave and run with it

River of Death
Akuma Kira

A voice crackles in your head.

Like the sound of a fireplace;
dim embers, ashes.

You should get it over with.

...but you could use that as an excuse to keep it short.
They'll probably be tired, too, so this'll be the quickest time for introductions.

And it'll let you rest on it.

Your muzzle opens, your eyes drifting from the snake,
focusing on nothing.


it spoke, right?
it felt different. the new person didnt notice

what. is--

The voice flares, again.

They can't hear me.

You're staring.


"-Two party members, you said?"
You try to look surprised.
Your voice comes out louder than you want it to.


Because I'm locked around your neck.

I could see your pippet rolls, and you're surprised by this?

I'm equipped, after all.
That allows... access, so I can fulfill my role.

But maybe you should worry more about your party member
who's talking to you, hm?

It clicks.



I N   M Y   B R A I N


" . . . Yes, two party members.
A resurrection and someone to help with balance, I was told."

I can't say I was..."
Your sentence trails off without finishing.


"...Sorry, a lot's... happened, today.
Having a tough time wrapping my head around everything,
or... getting my thoughts straight."

The locket continues for you.

"...glad they're trying to balance the party out, at least.
That's something.

...know anything else about... all this?
They didn't really tell me shit, after I woke up."

Calm down.
It's part of how I function. You'll get used to it.



The snake is still watching you.
"That's alright, I thought it might be something like that.
You do seem like you're having some trouble. No offense meant!

And, no, I don't.
You're the party leader, so you're the one who'll be deciding where we go.

You don't have to worry about any of that tonight, though.
Seems like there's a lot on your mind."


You don't even bother trying to reply yourself.

Got enough on my plate already, so maybe that's for the best.

...Been a terrible day, and it's nice to have a bit of help-
Uh, what's your name, pronouns, again?"

It's speaking as naturally as if it were You.

Assuming the role.

I'm stuck here, just like you, Midway.
I'd just as well like to get out of here, also, just like you.

Would having that, as a shared and stated goal, help?

No -how Exactly would that help me??
you can be Stuck Here and just be in my inventory
like a Normal accessory
or someone elses how about? why not your new friend here?
you could latch onto THEIR neck instead

I'm really sorry about that, I completely forgot to introduce myself."

They hold out a claw to shake.
He/him, non-binary.
Your pronouns?"

You quickly take his hand yourself, tired of not being at the helm.
"Midway - you knew that one.
She/her for pronouns."

He smiles.
"Happy to meet you."

You smile, too.


"Thanks for the catch-up, Eska."
The locket ignores your complaints.

You both shake, and he lets go of your hand.

"Of course! I wanted your welcome to be warm.
I'd be happy to s--"

An odd, dull chime sounds from the entrance flap.
Once, then again.

"Oh, I bet that's- Here, let me."
He hurries over.

You take the opportunity to argue with jewelry.
no more talking instead of me.
and ESPECIALLY no more reading my thoughts.
Are We Clear?

The locket clicks.


The voice sounds
Not at all reassuring.


The snake pulls the entrance flap open.
"Hello- oh--"
He scoots aside, pulling the flap with him.

Two glowing, pink-purple orbs float in, somehow carrying a similarly-colored stretcher between the both of them,
with someone lying on top of it.

You step out of the way as they float over by you,
lying the stretcher on the floor of the tent.

It disappears, leaving the figure laying there, unconscious.
The orbs disappear as well, moments later.

"...Hm. Haven't seen the process for that before.
He shuts the flap.

You look over your new party member.

They're a plant species, a fairly short one, at that.
You think you remember this species being called lukos?
Their morph looks like it's based on carnivorous snapping plants, by your best guess.
They're in very simple clothes;
their shirt sports a red circle, and they've got a silver bracelet with a red gem on their wrist.

The snake leans down to them,
grabbing onto their shoulders to lift them up-
only to falter, nearly dropping the unconscious plant onto their head.

"...HEAVIER, than they look!
Could, I get a hand, please? Grab their legs?"

You do so, helping Eska lift them up.

You have no idea what he's talking about, they don't weigh much at all.

The plant's long vine-arms droop down, hanging limply along with their tail.
"Where to?"
"In there." The snake motions with his head to the bedroom next to yours. "That room has the smallest bed.
I don't think they'll mind."

"...I'd guess they wouldn't, no."

Soon enough, you've both set them down safely on the bed,
taking care not to squish their tail under them.

The snake wipes a bead of sweat from his brow.
"Hopefully this is comfortable for them.
...I don't know very much about plant species."
"Neither do I."

The snake pulls out a notebook and pen from their inventory,
scribbles something down,
then tears off the paper and sets it next to the bed.

You lean over to read it.

You're safe.
You were resurrected, and are now with a new party.
This is your bedroom, you can rest as long as you need to.
I'll check in on you tomorrow if you aren't up by then.

- Eska

"...I'm sure being woken up from a resurrection is disorienting."
Good idea."

it is.
good god, it is.
...Im glad theyll have a better wake-up call than I did
wish Id had someone care to do something like this.

377 Second Meditation

The two of you exit the room, Eska closing the flap carefully behind him.
He takes a quick breath.

"One more to go." He looks over at you.
"Here's hoping."

he loves to stare too much.
...nice enough, though.

"...Would you like to sit on the couch and chat, until they show up?
Then we can both get some sleep.

Feel free to say no, of course."

...I shouldnt. I Really shouldnt

the locket has finally quieted down

and. I havent really spoken at length with anyone like this, in
I cant remember when

...Id forgotten what having company is like.

"...Maybe I can spare the time."
He gives that same little smile again.

It's nice to see it.
Comfortable, in a way you can't articulate.
You return it happily.

Eska takes a seat, and you plop down across from him.

"So, really... I'd love to pick your brain-"
theres far too much of that going around, but.

"-do you have any interests?
Hobbies, or the like?
Oh, and what about food? Any particular types you enjoy?
And, of course, if there's anything else you'd like to talk about,
I'm all ears."

The serpent's eyes shine with interest.
He looks
almost too eager.

coming on a little strong
at least hes friendly

And not a peep from the locket,
even as you take time to answer.

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Messages In This Thread
-⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by SHIVERS - 04-11-2024, 08:32 AM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by knux400 - 04-11-2024, 04:04 PM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by SHIVERS - 04-13-2024, 12:18 AM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by knux400 - 04-13-2024, 12:31 AM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by SHIVERS - 04-16-2024, 02:14 PM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by knux400 - 04-16-2024, 05:19 PM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by SHIVERS - 04-18-2024, 08:58 AM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by knux400 - 04-18-2024, 07:31 PM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by SHIVERS - 05-14-2024, 01:29 AM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by Guest - 05-14-2024, 01:47 AM
RE: -⩤ Melocania ✧LOCUS✧ ⩥- - by knux400 - 05-14-2024, 03:13 AM

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