Wrench Type

“Wrench types are in a tough place in this world, with very few nuts and bolts actually fitting their wrench sizes…though I suppose there must be some supplier out there ready to meet the demand.”

ID: 0290
Type: Wrench
Category: Weapon
Height: 4.5 inches
Max Health: GOOD (5)

At the cost of health, wrench types generate wrenches either on their body or independent of it.
Physical Appearance: Wrench types have a stout, bulky build with a geometric shape. They have one arm and two legs. Where they would have a second arm, is instead a large wrench emerging from a wound at the upper arm. Wrench types have geometric markings around their arm, earnubs, legs, chest, and a mask-like marking on their face. They have geometric, wrench-like earnubs and hexagonal eyespots that appear closed.
Voice: Clanking and metal creaking.
Skin: Standard skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid with small wrenches interspersed throughout.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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