Feather Pen Type

“Feather pen types have no significant differences from pen types aside from the feather adorning them, with many similarities in their eyespot and earnub shapes…”

ID: 0402
Type: Feather Pen
Category: Weapon
Height: 6 inches
Max Health: POOR(3)

At the sacrifice of health, feather pen types can create feather pens either embedded within or independent from their body. At an additional sacrifice of health, they can also write with their fluid by using the feather pens which are embedded in their body.
Physical Appearance: Feather pen types are short, slim TCPs with slight features, two arms, and one leg. In place of their second leg are a feather pen's nib and shaft, protruding from a wound at the bottom of their hip. The feather portion of the pen protrudes from another wound in the back of feather pen types, wrapping around the neck and chest of the TCPs in a manner reminiscent of a feather boa. They have curved eyespots in a horseshoe shape, with small tears extending from the bottom of the eyespot. They have pointed earnubs which curve outwards.
Voice: Scratching and plopping.
Skin: Pliable plastic.
Fluid: Pen ink.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Feather pen type TCPs often prefer indoor environments, though many are drawn to gazing at the sky from a safe place. While writing is typically considered a valuable way of expression among feather pen types, this is a harmful activity and is typically only done in times of emergency or personal significance. They are a social typing, but generally do not extend past a small, close knit group of companions. Feather pen types lean towards a liquid food type diet, and particularly enjoy “fancier” beverages such as exotic teas and coffees. Their “handwriting” is similarly ornate, and one can liken the act of them writing to a dance.

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