Lilypad Type

“Lilypad types enjoy submerging every part of themselves aside from their lilypads on their heads, content to let themselves soak.”

ID: 0212
Type: Lilypad
Category: Nature
Height: 4 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

Lilypad types can sacrifice health in order to create and control lilypads.
Physical Appearance: Lilypad types have a stout build and a standard shape. They have two arms and two legs. They have a lilypad on their head, offset like a hat with a lotus flower on the other side. They have roots hanging down from the lilypad and lotus. They have curved eyespots and large, hanging, pointed earnubs.
Voice: Splashing and creaking.
Skin: Wet plant material.
Fluid: Pond water.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Lilypad types can adapt to many environments but have problems in cities due to a lack of space. They typically stick to rural areas with ponds and swamps nearby, but living in the suburbs with a natural pool of fishpond isn't unheard of. They enjoy swimming a lot and are really good at floating. Some get into foraging or searching in rivers for interesting trinkets. They are fairly social, but often don't actively search for friends, preferring to go with the flow and see who comes to them. They do love treating their friends, stressing the importance of self-care, and enjoy days together being pampered or relaxing. They like fish and foods you might find near a pond, like wild berries. A lily pad types can team up to carry larger cats across large areas of water, linking hands and using their heads as a makeshift boat.

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