Coral Tree Type

“Many have compared the coral tree type's leaves to a mane, getting them even more comparisons to species and fauna resembling “big cats”. Some appreciate this, while others find it insulting.”

ID: 0318
Type: Coral Tree
Category: Nature
Height: 7.75 inches
Max Health: FANTASTIC (7)

Coral tree types can create and control coral trees.
Physical Appearance: Coral tree types have a nonstandard shape with a large base consisting of many roots. They have two arms at their side. Coral tree types have branches extending from their head which take the place of their earnubs and eyespots on their front which curve inwards. They have fluffy leaves and flowers on their branches, hands, shoulders, and around their head.
Voice: Wood creaking and moaning.
Skin: Wood.
Fluid: Wood.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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