Frog Type

Fan Type

“You'd be surprised at how fast a fan type's blades can spin- but it often wears them out.”

ID: 0207
Type: Fan
Category: Machine
Height: 5 inches
Max Health: GREAT (6)

Fan types can receive electrical energy and use it to generate a wind current from their fan blade. They have three settings of various speeds, which all take appropriate amounts of power, and some have the ability to heat or cool the current they produce.
Physical Appearance: Fan types have a standard shape and build. They have an irregular head, taking the form of a circular fan blade housing atop a swivel joint that can rotate laterally. They have dot eyespots on the center of their housing and two pointed earnubs on top of the housing. They have two arms and two legs. They have 3 buttons on their stomach.
Voice: Whirring and clicking.
Skin: Hard plastic.
Fluid: Electric motors.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Fan types often stick to warmer environments, with most enjoying places where plenty of people thrive. Some like to take light objects and balance them in the currents of their head or will throw paper through the blades and create confetti. Some become set workers in movies, with large crowds of fan types creating wind currents. These cats do tend to be social, with many having close friends who they hang out with on hot days. They tend to be picky with who is a close friend, not wanting to be used for their ability. There is no clear preference in foods, but some do express liking airy foods. Fan types avoid touch as much as possible, seeming to fear accidentally hurting someone with their blades. If a fan type is running, you should not try to touch them, as it can be dangerous or can stress them out.

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 Frog Type