Traffic Cone Type

“Data pending.”

ID: 0871
Type: Traffic Cone
Category: Form
Height: 4.75
Max Health: FANTASTIC (7)
Ability: Data pending.
Physical Appearance: Traffic cone types have a conical shape, with a flat rectangular base. Their limbs and features are all conical. They have two arms and two legs which are underneath their base. They have dot eyespots and pointy, conical earnubs. Every part of their body has one to two bands of color bisecting their center.
Voice: Hollow plastic clacking sounds.
Skin: Hard, smooth, plastic.
Fluid: None.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Traffic cone types enjoy outdoor city environments and spend much of their time exploring their environment. They love to socialize with other people and especially gravitate towards other traffic cone types. They are often seen trying meals prepared by businesses in their local and love a diversity of prepared foods. Despite what many think, traffic cone types are often afraid of traffic - they refuse to sit too close to the road and instead prefer using their ability to provide real cones.

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