Molded Chocolate Type

“Molded chocolate types often make their livings peddling their own food type products, which isn't an oddity by any means- but some seem to market off of holidays, especially.”

ID: 0843
Type: Molded Chocolate
Category: Food
Height: 2.25 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Molded chocolate types can break off chunks of their body and be consumed for a small amount of health, as well an energy boost.
Physical Appearance: Molded chocolate types have a heart-shaped body. They have two arms and two legs, one of which is missing a slice. They have dot eyespots and pointed, rounded earnubs.
Voice: Dripping and cracking.
Skin: Smooth chocolate.
Fluid: Hard, set chocolate.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Made as a tribute to the Skinstealers' grandmother.

Molded chocolate types greatly prefer indoor environments, and while their chocolate bodies are deceptively hard to melt, they vastly prefer colder environments to hot ones. There are trends among molded chocolate types to melt down chunks of their body and mold them into even smaller, shaped chocolates, creating highly desired delicacies. They are a fairly social TCP type, and especially enjoy the comfort of other sweets-related typings- easily finding common ground. They enjoy powdery or liquid food type products, as well as typically things you would find used to accentuate chocolate in some form, such as sugar, melted chocolate of different flavors, and even the occasional nuts. Adding these things to their own forms with a little bit of heat is a common way for molded chocolate types to accessorize, though these features never regenerate naturally.

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