Candy Heart Type

“Very few TCPs are able to communicate silently, and even fewer are food types on top of that. This makes candy heart types a popular pick for stealth-based teams, often acting as leaders and giving directions via the text on their chest.”

ID: 0662
Type: Candy Heart
Category: Food
Height: 3.75 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)
Ability: BE MINE

Candy heart types can break off parts of their body to feed to other TCPs, providing a healing and energizing effect. They can also change the text on their chest at will, although they are limited to three or four words at a time.
Physical Appearance: Candy heart types have a wide TCP shape with two arms and two legs. Each arm is missing a small, jagged portion. Their head is a somewhat flattened heart shape. They have two curved earnubs and two curved eyespots. They have a ring of hearts encircling their neck, and Morbitian text on their torso directly underneath it. They have scalloped markings at their extremities and a marking on the lower portion of their face, and a small oval under each eyespot resembling blush.
Voice: Crunching and clattering.
Skin: Chalky candy.
Fluid: Solid chalky candy.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: None.

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