Basking Shark Type

“Basking shark types are much larger and rounder than shark types, and have an actual mouth rather than just a marking of one.”

ID: 0317
Type: Basking Shark
Category: Creature
Height: 10 inches
Max Health: PERFECT (8)

Shark types emit a passive aura that encourages others to hide under the shark type's fins.
Physical Appearance: Basking shark types have two fins on their back, and a large tail ending in a notched tailfin. They have a large pointed snout and a mouth with ridges inside. they have tiny dot eyespots and no visible earnubs.
Voice: Low growling and bubbling noises.
Skin: Tough, leathery skin.
Fluid: Standard fluid.
Special Attributes: None.
Other Notes: Subtype of Shark Type.

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