hi, folks! my name’s rags, but you probably know me as [DIGITAL_HORROR] on the [FELID_FACTOR] forums. i’m a horror type TCP (typing of the genre variety, not the creature) and a sort-of-amateur-game-dev. i started this project, FriendZoo as an attempt to make a virtual pet game…though it didn’t quite work out as planned.
due to a bunch of circumstances outside my control, the game ended up haunted. the beings i had intended to be simple pets came to life…and now they’re even registered as an actual construct species! i’ve been allowed to distribute the “game” in which they live, with a couple caveats…
but! if you’re interested in becoming a caretaker for a raster, the construct species i’ve made, please read on!

rasters can be talked to and taught using the in-game chat system, and will learn from what you teach them. they can leave your game to wander around the digital plane, and return with all kinds of knowledge and experiences…but they can also head to other peoples’ games, and even leave if they feel mistreated! please be responsible with your rasters…they’re a real commitment to care for, being people and all.

with all that said…i think this program has a chance to let people find some real company in their lives, and i know that it’s already brought me, my online friends, and our beta testers a lot of joy. if you want to discuss the game, please check out the FriendZoo section of the [FELID_FACTOR] forums, a wonderful collaboration with the admins there! oh, and if you ever want to make a fansite, or modded content, or whatever…please let me know, and i’ll promote you here!
thanks a bunch!


This is a crossover, total conversion mod project between the Homebrew Deviants’ Morbit worldbuild and the 1999 game Petz 4, made by PF Magic (unaffiliated with us here at HD, Mortis just really loves Petz). Here you’ll find a collection of modded content for the game all themed around a fictional pet sim, with the hope that people will use it for roleplaying fun on our official forums! Both the Morbit and Petz communities already have a huge focus on creativity, so it seemed like a good match.
Before you go on- while all of the content on this site is available for all ages to download, the roleplay is 18+, to go with the age rating of our forums, wiki and Discord servers. While the RP itself is completely SFW (though it does involve horror themes and potentially heavy emotional topics), we make a decent amount of stuff that’s not for kids or teenagers, and we don’t want minors interacting with that. Please respect that boundary- it’s for everyone involved’s safety, including yours!

In this roleplay, you play as a tiny cat person, an open species made by the HD team, and post on the in-universe forum Felid Factor (hosted on an actual subforum!) about FriendZoo- or whatever else you can think of. Felid Factor has a lot more to it than just pet game shenanigans, so feel free to explore around and take part in any number of community events. You can also roleplay instant messages between characters, fictional in-person meetups, etc! If you’re coming from the Petz community, this shouldn’t be too foreign to you, considering how much interaction already happens on forums. You’ll probably be doing similar stuff- just from the perspective of a fictional character.
The majority of the mods here are made by Mortis Velasquez, Queenie@Phantasmagoria Petz, and Gyiyg@Polygondwanaland, with other artists, coders, etc credited on the pages with their respective mods. As of right now, we’re only accepting mods from within our own team and selected collaborators from the Petz community for official hosting, but if you want to make fan content for this project on top of roleplaying, such as a website or your own mods, please let us know on the Homebrew Deviant Forums/Morbit Discord and we’ll link to your stuff!
Check out the Guide section for information on the roleplay, installing Petz, and making your character(s). The Downloads section has all of the content you need to get started, and Adoptions is where you can see special, themed Friends up for in-character adoption- you can apply on the forums!

All downloads have individual credits where necessary, but there was still a lot of other work involved:
Website Layout- Vyn, with help from Queenie
Music for Music Players- Molasses
Text String Replacements- Mix of Queenie + Mortis
Head Shot Library- Queenie, Gyiyg, Mortis
Many Many Hexing Scripts Used In Development- Molasses
And a big thank you to our communities + beta testers!
Wow, uh! December was the month from hell! It's April now, but you can download all of the stuff intended for the advent update in their respective sections- 18 breedfiles, 2 toyz, 4 clothing packs and 3 texture packs! You can find everything bundled in the "other" download section as well.
The Advent Calendar is up for this year...find it here, and check back every day until New Year's Day for a daily download!
14 breeds, 2 toyz, and 3 clothing packs! come and get it!
9 breeds, 5 toyz, 5 clothing packs, and 3 texture packs! come and get it!