[image description: a cover for the third episode of universal constants: Foxtrot Horrorshow. a horror glares down maes in a horror-proof radiation suit, the visor covered in a horror radiation warning sign. the visuals of the cover are distorted and discordant.]

[image description: maes, charon, and ruby racing down a hall, maes' visor covered with a horror radiation hazard sign as she touches the wall and grips a half-collapsed cane. charon follows behind, and ruby takes the lead.]

Charon starts sliding his cloak off his shoulders, offering out toward Maes to help her muffle out the overstimulation of the sirens screaming.

CHARON: A horror?

Maes starts collapsing her cane without much acknowledgement for the dog- or dignity for that matter. The noise is clearly taking its toll quickly, the karacel’s face scrunched up and grimacing as she settles for halfway closed with a huff. Charon tosses his cape back on as the two of them prep to get moving- there’s no denying the urgency. Ruby seemed to be on the same train of thought; a large firearm in one hand and keycards in the other, quickly stuffed into their coat pockets as they leave their office. With Ruby giving a gesture, the three get moving together.

RUBY: JB was by one of the surveillance stations, w-we'll be able to locate the breach from there.
RUBY: Chances are he's already initiating lockdown of this sector- I'm not going to be able to come with you when you go handle it, I have too much to take care of here!
CHARON: I need its location as soon as possible, would like to handle it without anyone else being at risk of engagement.
CHARON: Crew and wait back on standby to seal the breach up after.
MAES: You're not handling this alone.

Maes manages to snarl her words out over the din of the sirens, her voice slightly distorted through the mask's filter.

MAES: I've taken these down with JB's help before you got here.
CHARON: You hired me for this purpose, if you're coming with me I want you to promise me you're not going to get yourself hurt.
MAES: I can handle myself!

A massive metal door slams behind them as they run, just narrowly missing them. Ruby tries not to wheeze as they talk, having more than a bit of trouble with their cough.

RUBY: That's JB with the lockdown…we're almost there!

Charon does his best to maintain a sprint, struggling with the stiffness of his heavy braces more than he’d like. Maes keeps to his side, keeping a hold on his arm and not straying too far from him.

Ruby skids to a stop, opening up the door to a room at the end of the hall and scaring the large construct inside shitless.

JB: For the- thank god you're safe, is that Dr. Artag and Judgment?
RUBY: They're here to help, I have to get back and make sure no one got caught outside the rehab sector.

Maes steps forward, her expression visibly strained even through the now-fogged up mask’s glow.

MAES: Do you have a location on the breach?
JB: Yes, and it's close, too close for comfort.
JB: If we don't move soon, we risk it approaching any minute now.
JB: From the reference I was able to get on the surveillance footage, it's not too big that we can't take it out, but it's not a solo job.
JB: Usually Dr. Artag and I handle these ourselves, but providing our newest recruit doesn't mind getting his hands dirty on his first day, I can operate locking down areas from here to keep it from escaping while you corner it and knock it back into the pit.
CHARON: Just toss me straight at it, I can handle it nice and clean.
JB: …what, you just want to kill it?
CHARON: Not necessarily, though if that’s your preference for the job I can handle that.
JB: It's a horror and it's going to mutate the residents if we don't do anything, I don't care what you do with it as long as you don't get yourself killed on the first day.

Ruby starts to duck out as JB talks, not bothering to say goodbye in the chaos.

JB: I'll get a crew ready to seal the breach as soon as you've disposed of it one way or another.
CHARON: That's fine, just point me where to go from here.
JB: Down the hall to your right, two lefts from there. Dr. Artag, you have your sword, correct-
MAES: It's fine. I just want to handle this thing and go home.

She practically growls the words out, getting an affirmative nod from the construct.

JB: Good luck. I'll turn off the sirens to make it easier on your ears.

With that, the two are sent down the hall, the alarm bells finally silenced and replaced with a sinking dread.

Charon fiddles with his gauntlets in anticipation for what's to come.

CHARON: Did you come prepared with everything you need?

Maes unsheathes the sword on her back and expands her cane, holding each in a hand.

MAES: I’ll be collapsing my cane when we get close, and I’m plenty capable with a blade.
MAES: I’d generally prefer to use my claws and teeth in combat, but with a horror, that’s not really an option.
CHARON: If you're certain.
MAES: I am.
MAES: Don’t doubt me.

She starts walking, gesturing for the knight to lead her.

MAES: …I will need you to function as a guide, however.
MAES: JB and I had a system- I would call out when I needed to get my bearings, and he would respond with key signal words.
MAES:  Left, right, above, charging, typically relating to the horror- but whether you’re attacking it is important too.
MAES: One word signals. No sentences. The only time I want to hear more than one word is if you need to clarify whether it’s you attacking or the horror- necessary information.
MAES: You keep up with me and do not hesitate when I call on you- and if I am going to miss something, act before I call.
MAES: Do you understand?
CHARON: I can operate under these conditions.
MAES: I am putting a significant amount of trust on your shoulders.
MAES: This goes beyond proving yourself to me, this is both of our lives at stake, and the lives of the people here.
MAES: Do not fuck this up.

The rest of their walk is silent.